Couple Accused of Using Their Adopted African-American Children as Slaves

Donald Lantz and Jeanne Whitefeather (composite image)

In Kanawha County, West Virginia, Donald Ray Lantz, 63, and Jeanne Kay Whitefeather, 62, face serious charges after being charged with forcing their adopted African-American children to work in inhumane conditions and keeping them locked up in A barn.

Lantz and Whitefeather pleaded not guilty in Kanawha County court on Tuesday  . The charges include trafficking of minors, use of minors in forced labor and child neglect with significant risk of causing serious injury or death.

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Ecuador will Ask Chinese Citizens for Visas Due to an Increase in Illegal Migration

The government of Ecuador will begin requiring visas from Chinese citizens as of July 1, 2024, in response to the significant increase in irregular migration flows of citizens of this country.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility declared that large groups of Chinese citizens have been detected who have not left the country within the 90 days of entry allowed or who use Ecuador as a starting point to reach other destinations in the hemisphere, especially To united states.

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Cotija Mayor Assassinated on Election Night the Latest Casualty amid Growing Cartel Dominance in Mexico

Cotija Mayor Yolanda Sánchez

Monday night, Cotija Mayor Yolanda Sánchez left a gym on a public street, and walked alongside her bodyguard when men armed with assault rifles suddenly shot at them from a moving car.

The pair were seriously injured and transported to a nearby hospital where doctors learned the local town leader had been shot 19 times. She was pronounced dead by 9:30 p.m. local time, according to the EFE Spanish news agency.

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Biden Signs Order to Limit Asylum Requests at the U.S. Border

Asylum seekers

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, signingAn executive order this Tuesday  that will allow him to drastically limit asylum requests on the border with Mexico if the number of migrant arrests exceeds a specific threshold, the EFE news agency reported .

This order will allow US authorities to deport those who do not meet strict asylum standards when the number of 2,500 people detained at the border for an average of seven days is exceeded, senior US officials told the press.

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Migrants Insist on Crossing the Rio Grande into the United States Despite Increasing Deportations

Illegal migrants crossing Rio Grande

Despite the increasing deportations and operations of the United States and Mexico , migrants on the border of the Mexican Ciudad Juárez with the American El Paso insist on crossing the Rio Grande (Grande) border irregularly. This was confirmed by a report from the Spanish news agency EFE this day.

The situation escalated because last week the US authorities expelled 200 migrants who crossed through gate 40 of the wall and handed them over to the Mexican National Migration Institute (INM) in Ciudad Juárez, where it was announced that they would return them to Chiapas , the state of the southern border of Mexico , the outlet said.

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Anti-Narcotics NGO Warns of Fentanyl Addiction Among Migrants Reaching Mexico-U.S. Border

US Border Crossing

An organization that helps those with drug addiction on the Mexico-U.S. border warned that fentanyl consumption has reached migrants arriving in Ciudad Juárez, where some already arrive with drug problems from their countries, according to Mexican government statistics and a report published by the EFE Spanish news agency.

Julián Rojas Padilla, coordinator of Harm Reduction in the Compañeros Program (HRCP), a civil association that supports consumers who want to quit substances, told Spanish language media outlets that fentanyl mixed with other drugs in Juárez has become a popular new and dangerous choice of narcotics reaching the migrant population.

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The Castro Family’s International Businesses Expand Throughout the World

Rogelio Singh Luque

An investigation published by Yucabyte and the investigative journalism outlet revealed on Friday  a network of companies ranging from Mexico to Cuba, passing through Miami, with close ties to descendants of the Castro family, including Héctor Santana Castro, Sandro Castro and his cousin, the model Antonio “Tony” Castro.

According to the investigation, Hector Santana Castro,  great-nephew of Raúl and Fidel Castro,  would manage the family business in Europe through his law firm.

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Experts Warn of Iran’s Expansion in Latin America

Iranian Flag

Iran’s strategic expansion in Latin America, by aligning itself with regimes that could represent a threat to democracy and regional stability, has become a concern for the region, according to a Tuesday report published by the Southern Command’s Diálogo Americas magazine. .

While Iran’s influence already extends to Brazil, where on November 8, 2023, Brazilian authorities thwarted a Hezbollah terrorist plot against Jewish targets, the seriousness of Iran’s presence in the region became apparent again on April 14. , when, after an Iranian attack on Israel with more than 300 drones and missiles, the Argentine government raised its terrorist alert level to “high.” As a consequence, Argentina intensified its security measures, especially around Jewish institutions, airports and border areas.

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The Number of Cubans Recruited to Fight for Russia in Ukraine is Approaching 5,000, More than the Media Reports

Russian military

Several media outlets have finally begun to acknowledge what ADN reported last year about young Cubans being recruited and lured to work in Russia, but then forced to risk their lives on the battlefields in Ukraine. Sources from the Cuban community tell ADN that the number of Cubans recruited to fight for Moscow is close to 5,000, not 400, as reported by the international press.

The bait-and-switch scheme was first revealed by ADN on September 6, 2023 as a result of dogged investigation by the Assembly of the Cuban Resistance, an international human rights organization dedicated to combating totalitarianism in Cuba and in the Western Hemisphere.

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Anti-Israel Activists Behind Columbia University Protests Trained in Cuba for Years

Cuba-trained activists at Columbia #ShutItDown4Palestine

Some of the anti-Israel protests taking place at U.S. college campuses, including the recent demonstrations at Columbia University, have been supported by organizations that traveled to communist Cuba to receive resistance training, an ADN investigation has uncovered.

ADN’s investigation coincides with a recent Sunday report published by the New York Post that revealed a radical NYC based organization known as The People’s Forum familiarized anti-Israel activists with Black Lives Matter protest techniques just hours before they stormed Hamilton Hall at Columbia University, and that the group was incited by Manolo De Los Santos – a radical activist organizer with deep ties to communist Cuba.

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DeSantis Sends Coast Guard, Police to Guard Southern Waters Against Haitian Emigration to Florida

Haitians on Boat

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is mobilizing an air-and-sea fleet along with a company of 250 law enforcement officials to safeguard southern waters against a potential mass Haitian emigration to Florida.

The governor’s decision comes amid a wave of crime and chaos that has swept across the Caribbean country just days after President Ariel Henry relinquished power from Puerto Rico.

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Biden Studies Reducing Asylum Applications by Executive Order to Stop the Migratory Flow

Illegal Immigrants

The Biden Administration is studying the possibility of invoking broad presidential authority to make it more difficult for migrants to pass the initial asylum test at the southern US border, three officials with knowledge of the matter told NBC News.

The actions, which are still weeks away from completion, would be an effort to reduce the number of migrants illegally crossing the border, in what has become an issue of utmost importance in the country ahead of the 2024 presidential elections.

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DOJ Supreme Court Filing Reveals Details Inconsistent with DHS Narrative Blaming Texas for Migrant Drownings

CBP Help

A new Supreme Court filing by the Department of Justice (DOJ) raises new questions that could help exonerate the Texas Military Department after the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) English) accuse the state agency of allowing the deaths of three migrants who drowned in Shelby Park last week.

Both the White House and Biden’s Department of Homeland Security blamed state officials after three migrants, including two children, drowned in the Shelby Park area.

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Argentina Makes History, Voters Deliver Clear Mandate with Election of Free Market Libertarian Javier Milei by Double-Digits

Libertarian candidate Javier Milei of the “La Libertad Avanza” (Liberty Moves Forward) party, will become the president of Argentina on December 10. The free market capitalist obtained 55.86 percent of the votes, with 91.81 percent of the polling stations counted, a stunning victory for the right that resulted in the defeat of ruling party candidate Sergio Massa, who only garnered 44.13 percent of the votes.

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Biden to Allow Nearly 500,000 Venezuelans to Work and Reside Legally in America

Joe Biden’s administration announced this Wednesday the renewal and expansion of an immigration permit called Temporary Protected Status (TPS), which would allow some 472,000 Venezuelans to work and reside legally in the United States.

Officials explained that TPS will now be extended to all Venezuelans who have lived continuously in the United States since July 31, 2023. This significantly increases the number of beneficiaries, since previously it only applied to those who were in the country since March 2021.

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Report: Young Cubans Are Being Lured to Russia for Work and Forced to Fight in Ukraine Instead

An anonymous Russian army officer has reported the presence of entire battalions comprising mainly Cubans and Serbians fighting alongside Russia in Ukraine. This revelation comes in the wake of recent news regarding young Cubans in the island who were misled into believing they were signing up for construction work, only to find themselves sent to fight for Russia.

The soldier told The Moscow Times that it was surprising to find “only Cubans and Serbians” who speak little or no Russian in these units deployed by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

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Illegal Immigrant Crossings on the Arizona Border Increase

The number of apprehensions of undocumented immigrants by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents at the US-Mexico border increased between June and July, according to new data released by the agency on Friday.

The number of migrant encounters along the southern border in July increased to 132,652 from 99,545 crossings in June. According to officials, the month-over-month increase was due to the large number of families crossing the border, which nearly doubled between the two months and led to 60,161 arrests. Almost 40% of migrant families came from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

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U.S. Legislators Ask to Examine the Coexistence of the Mexican Government with Drug Cartels

A new cross-border conservative coalition is calling on Washington lawmakers to change their policy toward Mexico and scrutinize the neighboring country for its alleged collusion with drug cartels.

The US-Mexico Conservative Policy Coalition states: “The Mexican government and Mexican criminal cartels exist in conscious and voluntary symbiosis, at multiple levels, up to and including the Mexican presidency…the current president of Mexico has expressed openness to a pact with the cartels and has spoken of his willingness to defend them from US action.

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DEI Disaster: Wells Fargo Employees Say Bank Targeted Hispanics with Predatory Lending Practices

Wells Fargo, one of the largest banks in the United States is facing a lawsuit from its Hispanic employees that accuses the centuries old bank of engaging in predatory lending practices against customers of the same ethnic origin.

The lawsuit, filed June 30 in a Texas federal court, accuses Wells Fargo of pressuring Hispanic employees in San Antonio to redirect Latino customers away from home equity lines of credit to more expensive but profitable refinancing options without furnishing the usual disclosures, according to a complaint filed in court.

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Court Strikes Down Florida Law Barring Non-Citizens from Collecting Voter Registration Forms

A U.S. District court judge has blocked a Florida election law that criminalized noncitizens from collecting voter registration forms, a statute some say was aimed at Hispanic migrants and asylum seekers.

The law, which was overruled last week would have gone into effect this month, resulting in fines for as much as $50,000 against non-citizens “collecting or handling” voter registration forms.

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U.S. Citizenship Test May Soon Require Migrants to Speak English

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is considering significant changes to the citizenship test, possibly adding an English-speaking section and multiple-choice civics questions, making it harder for would-be Americans.

Currently, the citizenship test does not evaluate the applicant’s English skills. The only time the applicant’s English skills are put to the test is during the eligibility interview the candidate has with an immigration officer. An officer would show photos of ordinary scenarios to the test takers, which they would have to describe orally.

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U.S. Treasury Dept. Announces Sanctions on Mexican Migrant-Trafficking Gang

The U.S. Treasury Department on Friday announced sanctions against a migrant-trafficking gang based in Mexico that has operated since at least 2018. 

The Hernandez Salas organization, based in the border city of Mexicali, Mexico, across the border from Calexico, California, has organized travel for countless migrants seeking to cross into the United States, the Treasury Dept. said in a statement. 

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Ruthless Repression: Nicaraguan President Imprisons More than 1,800 People for Political Reasons in the Last Five Years

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)  published new figures on the repression in Nicaragua, five years after the massive protests that came close to removing the dictator Daniel Ortega from power.

According to the IACHR , in this period the Nicaraguan tyrant has ordered the imprisonment of 1,841 opponents. To date, 47 people remain in detention, while 222 have been deported.

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Biden Administration Rules Out Removing the Cuban Regime from the List of ‘Sponsors of Terrorism’

Miguel Diaz-Canel

The Joe Biden administration has no plans to remove the Cuban regime from the list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism,” the head of US diplomacy, Antony Blinken, said Thursday during a hearing before the Foreign Affairs Committee—House of Representatives (HFAC).

“We do not plan to remove them from the list,” said the Secretary of State in response to a direct question about it made by Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar.

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Smugglers Are Using Drones to Spy on Agents, Border Patrol Says

The U.S. Border Patrol said that smugglers are using drones to spy on its agents along the U.S.-Mexico Border between San Diego and Tijuana.

“They’re gathering intelligence, they’re doing counter-surveillance on our agents, they’re trying to see our work patterns, how many agents and what they’re doing,” said Border Patrol Agent Diana Ibarra in a recent bulletin published by the federal agency. “They’re working to try and find any possible vulnerability and exploit those.”

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U.S. Congress Asks Biden to Declassify Reports on COVID-19’s Orgin

by John Palomino   The United States Congress approved this Friday a bill that calls for the declassification of information from the country’s intelligence services on the origins of Covid-19. The bipartisan initiative goes to the table of President Joe Biden. After its authorization in the Senate on March 1, the House of Representatives gave its unanimous approval with 419 votes in favor and none against, so it was sent to the White House to become law. The text points to the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, after the Department of Energy, first, and the FBI, later, pointed out the possibility that the largest pandemic in recent history could have originated in a Wuhan laboratory ( China). The goal, according to the bill, is for the United States and other countries to identify the source “as soon as possible” and use that information to take action to prevent similar pandemics. The declassification is intended to take place no later than 90 days after enactment, which now only awaits President Biden’s signature. Among the requested data is information about the coronavirus research carried out by the Wuhan laboratory before the appearance of Covid-19, and about the researchers who fell ill in the fall of 2019,…

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Regimes in Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua Among the Most Undemocratic in the World, According to The Economist

Cuban Flag on Pole

The British magazine The Economist released the  2022 Democracy Index on Thursday, in which Cuba appears in 139th place, among 165 independent states. Once again the government of the country was described as an “authoritarian regime” and in this edition it scored zero in the indicator of electoral processes and pluralism.

The Havana regime also appears among the worst in the categories civil liberties (2.94 out of 10), political participation (3.33), government functioning (3.21) and political culture (3.75).

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Sex, Alcohol and Drugs: Migrants ‘Destroy’ New York Hotels

A New York luxury hotel is being “vandalized” by immigrants, who have been accused of drinking all day, smoking marijuana, having sex on the stairs and starting fights, an employee told Fox News on Thursday.

“The chaos we see on The Row today is [caused] by immigrants who are drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana [and] doing drugs, ” Row NYC employee Felipe Rodriguez said of what he called “shameful.”

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El Paso Opens Tent-Like Intake Center to House 1,000 Immigrants

Border surge

The United States Border Patrol inaugurated this Wednesday in El Paso, Texas, a huge tent in the desert with capacity for 1,000 migrants, in order to help process the record number of people who cross the border between the United States and Mexico .

Located on the outskirts of the city, the temporary facility is the size of 23 football fields or 153,000 square feet and can hold 1,000 people. The facilities are weather resistant, air-conditioned and have spacious areas for eating, sleeping and washing.

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Disney Issues Warning to Park-Goers after Fights Increase Among Guests

Disney reminded its guests to be on their best behavior and show “common courtesy” to other guests in the parks after there has been an increase in fights among visitors.

Disneyland and Walt Disney World added courtesy sections to the “Know Before You Go” section on their website, reminding guests that any unruly behavior could get them kicked out of the park.

“We ask all who come to this happy place to treat others with respect, kindness, and compassion. To help guests have a safe and enjoyable experience, we regularly update our Disneyland resort rules,” reads the Disneyland website.

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Venezuela, Cuba, and Argentina Have the Highest Inflation in Latin America

Venezuela, Cuba and Argentina registered the highest inflation in 2022 compared to other Latin American countries, according to figures from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and BCC reports .

The report covers the period between October 2021 and October 2022, where the highest growth of the index is led by the Caribbean country, which accumulates an increase in inflation of 146%, exceeding that of Argentina by more than 50 percentage points (87 8%), the second on the list, and Cuba, which ranked third with 34.2%.

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Cuba Announces That It Will Receive Deported Cubans and Blames the ‘Blockade’ for the Mass Exodus

Johana Tablada, deputy director general for the United States of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said in an interview for OnCuba that the United States will begin the deportation of the Cubans it has detained and who have not passed the credible fear interview, whom she calls “inadmissible.”

These deportations come after an unprecedented wave of Cuban immigrants in history, in which hundreds of thousands of Cubans have left the island and made long and dangerous journeys from South and Central America to reach the United States through the border with Mexico.

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U.S. House Passes Bill Calling for Referendum on Puerto Rico’s Political Status

The U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday passed a bill allowing a referendum in Puerto Rico to decide the future of the territory. 

The referendum would allow Puerto Rican voters to choose between three options: becoming an independent nation, becoming a state, or becoming a sovereignty with a formal U.S. association. The options do not include Puerto Rico’s current status as a territory. 

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Democratic Memo: Party Recaptured Some Latinos Who Left During Trump Era, but Critics Say More Needed to Win 2024

A strategic memo created by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) that examines the party’s success in the 2022 midterm elections says the party recaptured some Hispanic Americans who left the party and turned Republican during the Trump years, according to reports.

The DCCC spent $18 million on digital and TV ads along with other forms of communication to target Hispanic Americans in races across the country, which was double the money spent on Latinos in 2020, according to the memo.

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Shock: Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Leaving Democratic Party, Could Impact Senate Control

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema has announced that she will leave the Democratic Party and officially register as an independent and in an Op-Ed in the Arizona Republic.

“I’ve registered as an Arizona independent. I know some people might be a little bit surprised by this, but actually, I think it makes a lot of sense,” Sinema told CNN’s Jake Tapper during an interview Thursday with in her Senate office.

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Biden Administration Extends Temporary Protected Status for Haiti

The Biden Administration announced on Monday that it would be extending special protections granted to Haitians, allowing them to live and work in the United States. 

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said in a statement that Haitians who currently have Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and whose status was close to expiring will have an additional 18 months to live and work in the country. 

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Senators Draft Bipartisan Framework to Legalize DACA Recipients and Extend Title 42

Republican Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina and Democratic Senator Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have drafted a framework that seeks to grant DACA recipients citizenship and bolster security at the U.S.-Mexico border. 

The two senators are seeking to take advantage of the lame-duck session—the period between the midterm elections and the new Congress—to pass legislation, including several immigration reforms. 

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Hispanic American Voters Could Decide Georgia Senate Runoff Election, Dems and GOP Mobilize Latino Target Groups

Democrats and Republicans targeting their campaign efforts to win the Georgia Senate race between Sen. Raphael Warnock and GOP challenger Herschel Walker have turned their attention to Hispanic American voters who could be a deciding factor.

Neither candidate reached the state required 50% threshold to emerge victorious on Nov. 8 due to the 2% garnered by Libertarian Party Senate candidate Chase Oliver.

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Special Report: Latino Youth Vote Comes into Focus after Democrats Sweep Gen Z

by Gelet Martínez Fragela   As Republicans continue to grapple with a devastating loss among young adults from the 2022 midterm elections, some statistics suggest the GOP has an opportunity to pick up some traction with the Latino youth vote as their concerns could grow with age about crime, inflation and civil liberties. One million young Hispanic Americans are expected to turn 18 every year for the next 15 years, according to the Pew Research Center, making Hispanic American youth a key target demographic for both parties as a million new eligible voters will be borne from the group each year for the next decade and a half. Numbers don’t lie: Democrats conquered the youth vote in 2022 Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life, one of the most dogged trackers of young voters, reported last month that 27% of 18-to-29 voters cast ballots in midterm elections, and that 63% of them voted Democratic in House elections. “Democrats would have gotten crushed without young voter support,” reported CNN’s Harry Enten in a Nov. 12 analysis. “Democratic House candidates won voters under the age of 45 by 13 points, while losing voters ages 45 and older by 10 points. Breaking it down further, House Democratic candidates…

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Job Creators Network Partners with Newt Gingrich for ‘American Small Business Prosperity Plan’

A small business advocacy group has partnered with former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich to announce a plan on Wednesday to boost small businesses, fix the economy and provide opportunities for all Americans. The group announced the plan at Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill Club with a variety of speakers, including Gingrich who appeared live from a virtual location.

The Job Creators Network says the purpose of their American Small Business Prosperity Plan is to give members of Congress and their midterm challengers specific policies that would move America toward a positive, pro-growth economic agenda.

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Hispanic Americans Point to Crime, Immigration and the Economy as Key Concerns

Recent reports indicate a dramatic political shift for Hispanic Americans, citing a defection from the left toward the right. While some mainstream media accounts dispute the shift, other national surveys are missing the on-the-ground factors that illustrate why a sizeable portion of Latinos are moving right politically, and the fact that many polls suggest Hispanics are drifting from the Democratic party over economic issues.

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