Commentary: No City is Prepared for Sanctuary Status

by Rep. Scott DesJarlais


As our southern border crisis rages on promulgated by a non-response to the issue by the White House and progressive policies encouraging illegal migrants to travel in caravans, our American cities are being left to deal with the aftermath.

Leftist leaders across the country decry that this humanitarian crisis is a result of Republican policies, but when push comes to shove, Democrat mayors are completely disinterested in their city funding resources for border crossers. Just this week D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has asked for the National Guard to be activated and has made claims that these migrants are being “tricked” into coming to her city. This is the same mayor who tweeted in 2017 that “DC is a sanctuary city!” and has poured $2.4 million of her city’s budget into a program aimed at protecting immigrant rights for those who are not yet citizens.

Now, the ever-so-welcoming D.C. leader who at one time said “we know that our neighborhoods are safer and stronger when no one is afraid to call on our government for help,” in response to her support for sanctuary cities, is ready to turn her back on those she encouraged to cross the border.

Another prime example of this Leftist hypocrisy is New York Mayor Eric Adams. Who said just this month that “New York City is committed to meeting our legal and moral obligation to provide shelter to all who need it. Regardless of background and immigration status,” now is demanding federal aid to combat the crisis and provide resources.

The truth is, no city is prepared to deal with a massive influx of people who have no income, housing, food, health care and who do not speak English. In times of natural disaster in our country our state governments and local leaders call on the federal government to help our own United States citizens, because that is what is necessary to deal with crises of this nature.

These blue state governors and mayors alike do not want the responsibility of paying for the public charge these migrants cost their respective cities and states. I myself have questioned leaders at the U.S. Department of Agriculture several times over the last year how many foreign citizens are currently enrolled in the SNAP welfare program designed to alleviate food insecurity concerns of struggling Americans has been left unanswered.

The simple solution to combat this crisis at our southern border is to stop handing out our resources to those who will not contribute to our economy and who will be a burden on the U.S. taxpayer. Just today it was announced we hit our second month of a negative GDP growth, indicating we have entered a recession. I myself introduced H.R.6153, the Common Sense Standards for Visa Applicants Act. The bill brings back a Trump-era policy, which Biden removed by executive order on day one in office, that does not allow those attempting to enter our country a visa if they will be a drain on the American taxpayer.

No city is prepared for sanctuary status. We must refocus on protecting and ensuring we help our own citizens first.

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Rep. Scott DesJarlais serves as the U.S. representative for Tennessee’s 4th congressional district.
Photo “Rep Scott DesJarlais” by Rep. Scott DesJarlais and “Illegal Border Crosser Detained” is by Rep Tony Gonsales.



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