Judson Phillips Commentary: Bill Hagerty for Tennessee

by Judson Phillips


2020 is bringing great opportunity for the nation and for Tennessee. We have the chance to reelect President Trump. We have the chance to keep the Senate in Republican hands and to take back control of the House of Representatives.

In Tennessee, incumbent Senator Lamar Alexander is retiring. For many of us in the conservative movement, that retirement cannot come soon enough. Senator Alexander is not supportive of President Trump. He has fought the President on many issues and is even a question mark in the impeachment trial.

The President is overwhelmingly supported by Tennesseans and Tennesseans want a Senator who will support the President and his strategy to Keep America Great.

That is why I am supporting Bill Hagerty for the United States Senate.

Bill Hagerty has been endorsed by President Trump. That is a huge statement right there. In 2016, he was the Tennessee state chair for President Trump. President Trump was so certain of his loyalty and character that the President appointed him U.S. Ambassador to Japan.

Ambassador Hagerty states his priorities clearly on his website. Support President Trump. Build the Wall. Fight illegal immigration. Confirm constitutionalist judges. He says plainly that he wants to stand up for President Trump’s America First agenda.

When you have a candidate who enthusiastically embraces President Trump’s agenda, has worked to make Donald Trump’s presidency possible and then been whole heartedly endorsed by the President, how can you go wrong?

Ambassador Hagerty’s main opponent in the primary is Dr. Manny Sethi. He is an orthopedic trauma surgeon from Vanderbilt, and this is his first run for office.

One of the big problems in politics, when you have a candidate running for major office without a track record, you really don’t know where they are going to go when they end up in office. Tennessee Governor Bill Lee is a classic example of this. Everyone assumed he was a conservative, yet now that he is in office, he supported refugee resettlement, wants to give government workers benefits almost unheard of in the private sector, and he wants to empty the jails. Had he said he would do these things while campaigning, conservatives would not have supported him.

I am not going to disparage Dr. Sethi. He seems like a nice guy, but the problem is, we have no track record to judge him on. We have been burned too many times with candidates who have no track record, who tell us one thing, yet when they get into office, they do just the opposite.

Bill Hagerty has a track record. He helped elect President Trump. He has supported the President’s Make America Great agenda. And now President Trump wants him as an ally in the United States Senate.

I am supporting Bill Hagerty to be the next United States Senator from Tennessee and I encourage everyone else to support him and let’s Keep America Great!

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Judson Phillips is a long time conservative pundit and founder of Tea Party Nation.






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2 Thoughts to “Judson Phillips Commentary: Bill Hagerty for Tennessee”

  1. Dorothy

    I read that during the 2016 election Hagerty was a delegate for Jeb Bush and when he dropped out he moved to Marco Rubio. The common red flag in those two choices is they both supported Amnesty. I can not trust a political player who looked at the 2016 candidates and made such a poor choice. Amnesty will kill the USA and create a one party communist state under Demoncrats rule. Not recognizing that truth is dangerous.

  2. Silence Dogood

    I am supporting Ambassador Hagerty for the Senate, too. All the reasons you mention are important and true. I would add one. Ambassador Hagerty has experience working with the upper levels of this countries political system. The learning curve is brutal. Dr. Sethi does not truly know what he is getting into and Ambassador Hagerty does. This state and this country cannot afford to send an amateur to Washington, DC. as a Senator. Perhaps Dr. Sethi could pick a more appropriate office to run for based on his experience. Congressman, perhaps? Or Sate Representative. He can talk with Congressman Burchett for advice in the area.
