Kari Lake Confirms She Recorded AZGOP Audio, Reveals Daughter’s Concern Helped Motivate Release

Kari Lake

Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake confirmed on Thursday that she recorded the audio of former Arizona Republican Party (AZGOP) Chair Jeff DeWit relaying an offer for Lake to receive a well-paying private sector job in exchange for staying out of politics. She also said listening to the audio with her daughter was a key motivation to release the recording.

Lake, during an appearance on “Louder with Crowder” on Thursday, confirmed she recorded the audio of DeWit, who resigned from his position leading the AZGOP after the audio surfaced and gave conservative commentator and comedian Steven Crowder new details about its release.

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Two North Carolina Counties Withdraw from ‘Zuckerbucks’ Alliance as 2024 Election Cycle Begins

Two North Carolina counties left a Zuckerbucks nonprofit — where private money is injected into public election administration — as the 2024 election cycle began, citing time commitment as the reason for leaving.

Brunswick and Forsyth counties in North Carolina have left the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, a project of the Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), after joining it last year.

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Commentary: Trump Makes History by Winning Both Iowa and New Hampshire Primaries

Trump NH

Former President Donald Trump easily won the New Hampshire primary against rival former South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley with a record number of votes for the contest, 166,000 and counting with 92 percent of precincts reporting, and the third highest percentage total, 54.6 percent, for a Republican in a competitive primary after Richard Nixon’s 78 percent in 1968 and Dwight Eisenhower’s 56 percent in 1952.

The margin, Trump’s 54.6 percent to Haley’s 43.3 percent, was an 11-point rout leaving little doubt about Trump’s dominant position in the race, continuing to display all the elements of the incumbency advantage even though he is not in the White House.

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Kari Lake Holds Press Conference Discussing Newly Resigned AZGOP Chair’s Financial Offer to Get Her Out of Politics

Kari Lake held a press conference on Rumble Wednesday evening to discuss revelations from a newly released recording of a conversation last March between herself and former Arizona Republican Party Chair Jeff DeWit, who was forced to resign after it came out. In the recording, DeWit is heard attempting to convince Lake to drop out of politics for a couple of years in exchange for a well-paying job, prompting an outcry that forced his resignation on Tuesday. Lake fielded questions from both reporters and other viewers during her talk, which lasted around half an hour.

One of the questions asked of Lake was whether she knew who DeWit was referring to when he told her “very powerful people” “Back East” were behind the offer. Lake said she didn’t know, but said D.C. was so corrupt it would be possible to come up with a list of 400 to 500 people or groups that could be behind it.

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Audio Recording: AZGOP Chair Jeff DeWit Allegedly Attempted to Offer Money to Kari Lake to Stay Out of Politics

Dewit Lake

The Daily Mail released an audio recording of Arizona Republican Party Chair Jeff DeWit allegedly trying to convince Kari Lake to stay out of politics for two years by suggesting he could find her a well-paying nonpolitical job in the private sector. He said during the call, which was reportedly recorded at the beginning of March last year, “So the ask I got today from back East was, ‘Is there any companies out there or something that could just put her on the payroll to keep her out?’”

Lake responded and declined, ”’This is about defeating Trump and I think that’s a bad, bad thing for our country.” Later, he brought it up again, “Just say, is there a number at which….” he began. Lake cut in, “I can be bought? That’s what it’s about.” DeWit responded, “You can take a pause for a couple of years. You can go right back to what you’re doing.” She continued to object, “This is not about money, it’s about our country,” and said she wouldn’t even take a billion dollars. She said she would not be “bought,” calling it “immoral.” 

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Republicans Now Have Most Registered Voters in Arizona as Democrats Lose Nearly 60,000

A plurality of Arizona voters are now registered Republican, becoming the dominant political structure in the state and reversing a previous trend that saw the majority of Arizona voters registered independent.

Data published by the Arizona Secretary of State for January shows 34.58 percent of the state’s voters are now registered Republican, followed by 34.38 percent who are registered “Other” or independent, and 29.55 percent who are registered Democrats.

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Concerns Arise over Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer Using Taxpayer Funds to Feature Himself in Election Year Ad Campaign

Stephen Richer

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer launched a taxpayer-funded ad campaign about voting featuring himself earlier this month.

The ads discuss the county’s voter dashboard, beballotready.vote, and assert that his office will clean up voter rolls. The ads were placed on broadcast TV, radio, and YouTube — including during conservative podcasts — Facebook, X, Instagram, and Reddit.

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Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes Frustrated Biden Justice Department Won’t Prosecute ‘Threats Against Election Administrators’

Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes (D) expressed “frustration” with the Biden administration during a Monday interview with Rolling Stone in which he claimed Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice should be targeting those who make “threats” to election workers and administrators.

Fontes called Garland a “cautious” person and asserted “he is being far too cautious here, when it comes to these investigations and prosecutions of threats against election administrators and election workers.”

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Virginia U.S. Rep. Bob Good Formally Endorses Donald Trump for President

Representative Bob Good (R-VA-05) formally endorsed former President Donald Trump in his third bid for the White House in his Monday appearance on The John Fredericks Show after previously endorsing Governor Ron DeSantis last May.

Good told host John Fredericks, the publisher of The Virginia Star, that “it’s time for the entire Republican party to unite” behind former President Donald Trump, who he added is “obviously our imminent nominee.”

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Analysis: Trump Widens Lead in New Hampshire Primary Polls After DeSantis Withdraws from GOP Presidential Race

Trump AF1

As Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis withdrew from the presidential race on Jan. 21, leaving a two-way race between former President Donald Trump and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for the Republican nomination, new polling out shows a significant jump in favor of Trump in the New Hampshire primary scheduled for Jan. 23.

In the latest Boston Globe-Suffolk poll taken Jan. 20 and Jan. 21, Trump’s support in New Hampshire rose to 57 percent and Haley at 38 percent. And an Insider Advantage poll taken Jan. 21 showed Trump up to 62 percent to Haley’s 35 percent.

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Georgia Elections Chief Wants Money for Audit Technology, Cost Unclear

Georgia’s top election official wants more tax dollars to fund technology that could “audit the ballot text of every race” without using QR codes.

“Voters deserve comprehensive audits of all races and the reassurance that the ballots are being counted correctly,” Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a statement after he presented his proposed budget to the joint Appropriations Committee.

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Nikki Haley Scolds Crowd for Booing Climate Protesters Disrupting Campaign Event

A group of climate protesters interrupted a Nikki Haley campaign event in New Hampshire on Saturday night, prompting the former South Carolina governor to scold attendees for booing the activists, Politico reported.

Multiple young protesters disrupted a Haley campaign event in Nashua, New Hampshire, holding up signs that read “Haley: Climate Criminal” and chanting “climate criminal,” according to a video of the incident. Haley told her supporters not to boo the protesters, who were escorted out, Politico reported.

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Divide Among Elites and Rest of Country Widening Ahead of 2024 Election: Rasmussen

The divide between the country’s “elite” and the rest of America is growing and it will have a substantial impact on the 2024 elections, according to a survey conducted by Scott Rasmussen and RMG Research, Inc. 

The survey also found the most highly educated voters with advanced degrees are liberal-leaning and their policy positions are at odds with the rest of the electorate, which Rasmussen and conservative economist Steve Moore said during a briefing about the results on Friday.

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Almost 40 Percent of New Hampshire Voters are Unaffiliated, Can Vote in GOP Primary and Possibly Skew Results

With efforts to close New Hampshire’s presidential primary likely failing, the state’s primary could be determined by the state’s independent voters, who make up nearly 40 percent of the state’s electorate.

Republicans make up significantly fewer voters, 29.82 percent, and Democrats slightly more, at 30.28 percent. Since President Joe Biden has no significant challengers in the state’s Democratic primary, many Democrats were expected to register as independents — known as undeclared voters in the state — to sway the Republican primary.

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Network of Left-Wing Donors Funding Shadow Campaign to Block Second Trump Administration

Donald Trump

A coalition of far-left groups and donors are already putting plans in place to actively block a second Trump Administration’s agenda in the event that former President Donald Trump wins again in November of 2024.

According to the Daily Caller, some of the organizations involved include Protect Democracy, Georgetown University’s Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP), and Democracy Forward. These are among the many other groups that are financially backed by the far-left billionaire George Soros and his international network, as well as other left-wing mega-donors such as eBay founder Pierre Omidyar.

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Tennessee Democrat to Reportedly Face Primary Challenge over Refusal to Back Tennessee Three

Johnny Shaw

A member of the Tennessee Three indicated on Friday that he may back a primary challenger against State Representative Johnny Shaw (D-Bolivar) for a seat in the Tennessee General Assembly that Democrats have held for nearly 25 years. The remarks came after Shaw refused to join other Democrats in an ineffectual vote against rules in the Tennessee House designed to prevent chaotic speeches and insults.

Representative Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), one of the three members of the Tennessee House who faced expulsion last year, told The Tennessee Lookout on Friday that, while he respects Shaw as a “black American in this country” born in an “era in American history of legalized subjugation of black people,” he will nonetheless seek to find and support Democratic candidates who “align with the vision of a more just Tennessee” in 2024.

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Connecticut’s Democrat AG Shuns Ranked Choice Voting

William Tong

The election process known as ranked choice voting isn’t compatible with one of the oldest state constitutions in America, Connecticut Attorney General William Tong, a Democrat, says. 

Tong released an 11-page legal opinion Tuesday stating that the system of voting, which allows voters to rank their choices of candidates, violates at least two standing provisions of the Connecticut Constitution. The state’s attorney general said it was a “close call,” however.

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Dem Presidential Candidate Dean Phillips Gets Attacked by Own Party for Removing ‘Diversity’ from Campaign Website

Dean Phillips

Democratic members of Congress criticized presidential candidate Dean Phillips after he removed the word “diversity” from his campaign website.

Phillips’ website renamed a section titled “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” to “Equity & Restorative Justice” on Tuesday, according to Politico. The move drew criticism from fellow Democrats, with one arguing he had been influenced by a $1 million donation from billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman.

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New Hampshire Republican Officials Suffer Setback in Effort to Close State’s GOP Presidential Primary, Assert That Previous Open Primaries Violated the Law

People Voting

An attempt to close the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary election to allow only Republican voters has failed so far, even though opening it to all voters may have violated the law. Karen Testerman, who serves as chair of the Merrimack County Republican Committee, unsuccessfully ran for governor, and whose husband is New Hampshire State Representative David Testerman (R-Franklin), drafted a resolution that was adopted by the New Hampshire Republican Party a year ago demanding that New Hampshire Secretary of State David Scanlan close the primaries. She also sued him last fall, but the lawsuit was dismissed on January 9, with the judge stating Testerman and the other plaintiffs did not have standing.

According to The New Hampshire Center for Public Interest Journalism (NHCPIJ), Scanlan said he couldn’t close the primary until he received a letter from the New Hampshire Republican Party (NHGOP) chair instructing him to do so, citing RSA 659:14-2 in Special Provisions for State and Presidential Primary Elections. 

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Poll: Only 22 Percent of Likely Voters Confident Biden Is Innocent of Corruption Allegations

Joe Biden

One-third of Americans say that President Joe Biden is guilty of corruption and should be impeached, including some Democrats, according to a new poll.

The Center Square Voter’s Voice Poll found that 34% of likely voters say “Joe Biden is guilty of corruption and should be impeached.” An additional 35% said it’s not clear if the president did anything wrong but that a Republican-led House investigation into the president should continue.

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Ranked Choice Voting Disenfranchises Minorities, Though Favored by Left, Study Finds

Voting Booths

Ranked choice voting, in which voters rank candidates on a ballot rather than choose one, may harm black and Native American voters disproportionately, according to a new study by a Princeton University professor. 

Minority candidates also may be undercut by ranked choice voting, said Nolan McCarty, a professor of politics and public affairs at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs and vice dean for academic assessment.

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Republicans at Annual Maricopa GOP Meeting Pass Resolution Asking Arizona Legislature to Conduct 2024 Election by Hand Count

Maricopa County Republicans voted to pass a resolution last Saturday at the annual mandatory meeting for precinct commiteemen demanding that the Arizona Legislature conduct the presidential election in November using election integrity measures such as voting in-person only with only limited exceptions. The resolution states that the legislature has the authority to implement this under the U.S. Constitution. By doing so, they could get around Democratic Governor Katie Hobbs vetoing bills to accomplish these measures. Legislative District (LD) 3 Republicans passed the resolution unanimously on November 30 last year.

The resolution, authored by grassroots activist Josh Barnett, who is running for state senate in LD 2, strongly urges the legislature to use the authority provided in the U.S. Constitution’s Article 1, Section 4, Clause 1, and Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 to select the time, place and manner of federal elections — specifically the presidential election. It asks the legislature to conduct the November 5, 2024 election for president with “voting in-person on Election Day only, requiring proof of U.S. citizenship, Voter ID, precinct-based voting and hand counting, no mail-ins, no machines, allowing absentee ballots only under appropriate mitigating circumstances.”

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Trump Holds Double Digit Lead in New Hampshire Days Ahead of Primary: Poll

NH GOP Candidates

Former President Donald Trump has a 16-point lead on the remaining Republican contenders in New Hampshire just days ahead of the first-in-the-nation primary on Jan. 23, according to a Wednesday poll.

Trump is ahead of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley 50% to 34% among likely voters in the Granite State, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis received only 5% support and 6% of respondents remain undecided, according to a Suffolk University/Boston Globe/NBC-10 survey. The poll is the first survey that did not include conservative businessman Vivek Ramaswamy or former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, as they both have since dropped out of the race.

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Georgia Lt. Gov. Burt Jones Announces Bill Banning Ranked Choice Voting

Jones Robertson

Georgia Lieutenant Gov. Burt Jones (R) and State Senator Randy Robertson (R-Cataula) introduced SB 355 on Tuesday to ban ranked choice voting in the state.

Jones said in a statement that ranked choice voting “is designed to cause confusion and fatigue among voters.” Allegedly “pushed by dark money groups,” Jones added it “could cause a drastic increase in the number of ballots being thrown out, disenfranchising Georgia voters.”

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Trump Campaign Warns Rep. Bob Good ‘Won’t Be Electable’ After DeSantis Endorsement

Bob Good

A campaign manager for former President Donald Trump warned Representative Bob Good (VA-05) “won’t be electable” after the Virginia Republican broke with Trump and endorsed Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the 2024 GOP presidential primary.

Chris LaCivita, who advised the former president’s campaign before his recent promotion to co-campaign manager, told Cardinal News on Wednesday, “Bob Good won’t be electable when we get done with him.”

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Grassroots Conservative Group EZAZ Plans Eight-Stop Tour to Register Arizona Voters Featuring Activist Scott Presler

Scott Presler

Conservative grassroots organization EZAZ’s Merissa Hamilton announced on Tuesday an eight-stop tour to register Arizonans for the 2024 election featuring voter registration activist Scott Presler from January 23 through January 25. Presler told The Arizona Sun Times he is “excited” to return to Arizona, which he called a “must-win” for Republicans in November.

Hamilton shared news about the event to X, formerly Twitter, and included details about events in Phoenix, Sun City, Tempe, Maricopa, Tucson, Payson, Prescott Value, and Lake Havasu City.

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Outcomes of the 92 Election Cases from the 2020 Election Reveal Widely Divergent Decisions by Judges: Part 1

The Arizona Sun Times examined the outcomes of the 92 cases challenging problems with the 2020 election and discovered many of the rulings were opposed to each other despite the facts and laws being very similar.

The analysis was based on a comprehensive report compiled by physicist John Droz and a team of statistical PhDs, which refuted the mainstream media’s claim that were 60 lawsuits thrown out on the merits. The report found that only 30 of those cases were decided on merit, and of those 30, Trump and/or the Republican plaintiff prevailed in 22. This analysis, Part One, examines some of the divergent opinions on standing, fraud, and injury.

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Trump Leads Biden by 8 Points in First Georgia Poll Released Since Fani Willis Allegations

Trump Biden

Former President Donald Trump has a commanding lead over President Joe Biden in Georgia, according to the results of the first poll of Peach State voters since it was alleged that Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is romantically entangled with Nathan Wade, who she appointed to prosecute her case against Trump.

The Tuesday Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll was conducted between January 3 and January 11, while the legal filing containing allegations Trump and Wade are in a romantic relationship became public on January 8. Pollsters contacted 1,007 registered voters in Georgia to gather their data, which they reported had a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percent.

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Forward Party in Pennsylvania Targets More Local Victories

Andrew Yang

A growing dissatisfaction with America’s two-party system might make voters more open to supporting an alternative candidate this year – something the Forward Party is banking on. 

Forward’s current goals are to get candidates on the ballot in swing states like Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, and achieve official party status – both statewide and nationally.

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Anti-Sinema PAC Releases Ad Bashing Senator One Day After Kari Lake Ad Calls Gallego, Sinema Biden’s ‘Enablers’

Replace Sinema PAC

A political action committee that endorses Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) released a new advertisement targeting Senator Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) on Tuesday, with its release timed one day after Republican Senate candidate Kari Lake released her own commercial labeling Gallego and Sinema as “enablers” of President Joe Biden.

“When Republicans take back the U.S. Senate, we will fix the problems caused by [Biden] and his enablers [Sinema] and [Gallego],” wrote Lake in a Monday post to X, formerly Twitter, containing her campaign’s new ad.

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Commentary: A Pointless Republican Primary

Trump AF1

President Trump will almost certainly be the Republican nominee. He is far ahead in every primary poll. His supporters originally worried that he would be too polarizing and would go down in flames in the general election, but it appears he will also win the general election against incompetent, unpopular, and increasingly demented Joe Biden.

Indictments, lawfare, media propaganda, and phalanx-style opposition from the organs of conservatism have all been arrayed against Trump. He has also earned the contempt of the managerial class’s elite: the judges, the academics, and the think tankers, as well as the GS and SES class around Washington, D.C.

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Billionaire Bill Ackman Boosts Democrat Dean Phillips’ Presidential Campaign with $1 Million

Dean Phillips

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is giving Rep. Dean Phillips a $1 million donation to boost the Minnesota Democratic congressman’s 2024 presidential primary bid against President Joe Biden. 

Ackman, who has already made the maximum individual campaign donation of $3,300 to Phillips, said he plans on donating $1 million to We Deserve Better, a political action committee supporting Phillips, on Tuesday, according to a post the financier made over the weekend on X, formerly Twitter.

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Professor Who Belittled Christopher Rufo’s Harvard Degree ‘Apologizes’

The Harvard professor who made fun of conservative journalist Christopher Rufo’s Harvard Extension School degree as “not the same” as those earned by “normal” Harvard students has offered an apology of sorts.

Jennifer Hochschild (pictured above), a professor of government and African/African American Studies whose work was plagiarized by former Harvard President Claudine Gay, had accused Rufo of “try[ing] to attach himself to Ivy status and prestige” by noting he has a master’s degree from Harvard.

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Nearly Half of Iowa Trump Supporters Are ‘Extremely’ Enthusiastic – Plurality of DeSantis and Haley Backers Only ‘Mildly’ So

Former President Donald Trump still maintains a strong lead in Iowa ahead of the GOP presidential caucus on Monday with strong enthusiasm from supporters, unlike former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, whose backers lack the same enthusiasm, according to a new poll released by The Des Moines Register/NBC News/MediaCom.

Out of all voters who expect to caucus for Trump, around 42 percent said that they were “extremely enthusiastic,” while 39 percent said that they were “very enthusiastic,” compared to Haley, who came in at 9 percent and 30 percent in those same metrics, respectively, according to a poll conducted by Selzer & Co. Overall, those surveyed heavily favored the former president, with 48 percent of voters saying they would support Trump, followed by Haley at 20 percent and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at 16 percent.

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Iowa’s Republican Caucusgoers Set to Make Their Pick for 2024 Presidential Nominee

The Hawkeye state has held a caucus every four years since the 1970s and is one of only nine states that still implement the practice, according to WQUAD8, a local ACB News affiliate. Eligible voters who are registered with the party and over the age of 18 will meet at 7 p.m. Central Time on Jan. 15 in schools, churches and event centers across the state after weeks of aggressive campaigning by Republican candidates.

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