Brother of Henderson, Tennessee Man Killed by FBI Provides More Details About Raid

The brother of Theodore Deschler, a Henderson, Tennessee, man who was shot and killed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on August 16 at a home that he shared with his mother, provided further details on the incident in an interview with DailyMail. 

“We believe they broke the windows of the garage so they could shoot,” Russell Deschler told the news outlet.

Russell told DailyMail on Thursday that he believes his brother was unarmed. He also said that at least one FBI agent could be seen shooting inside the home through a garage window, noting that from the agent’s vantage point, he would not have been able to see Deschler, who was standing in the kitchen.

“He didn’t have a weapon on him,’ Russell said. He was just trying to get out of the house because it was filled with tear gas.”

“The height of the door and where Teddy was standing when they shot him and killed him, you couldn’t see if he was armed or not,” he continued. “And you know he wasn’t, because if you look at the door you could see where his hands were full of blood and went down the door.”

Details about the fatal raid are scarce.

The FBI released a canned statement shortly after the August 16 incident but has not commented since, despite multiple requests from The Tennessee Star and others.

“The FBI is reviewing an agent-involved shooting which occurred today at approximately 6:40 am while FBI SWAT was conducting an arrest operation in Henderson, TN,” said a statement from the federal law enforcement agency. “The subject is deceased. The FBI takes all shooting incidents involving our agents or task force members seriously. In accordance with FBI policy, the shooting incident is under review by the FBI’s Inspection Division. As this is an ongoing matter, we have no further details to provide.”

Earlier this week, State Senator Page Walley (R-Savannah) told The Star that local law enforcement was not made aware of the raid until after it was conducted, and only then was the Henderson Police Department called in to provide security at the scene.

“I’ve been making some inquiries since I learned of it,” Walley said Tuesday. “I’ve been on the phone with the Chester County Sheriff’s Department, and the Henderson police. “Neither the sheriff’s department or the Henderson Police Department were informed by the FBI until after the event.”

“It’s a concern, and I’m doing what I can to glean information,” he said. “I’m going to keep making calls.”

Deschler did have a long criminal history, including charges for violent crimes including Aggravated Assault and Assault With A Deadly Weapon Without Intent To Kill.

He was arrested in a May stabbing at a gas station in Selmer and booked into the McNairy County Jail.

It remains unclear how Deschler got out of jail after the alleged stabbing, though it is possible that the charges against him were dropped or that he was released on bail.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Deschler Home” by Russell Deschler.



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10 Thoughts to “Brother of Henderson, Tennessee Man Killed by FBI Provides More Details About Raid”

  1. Danny

    I never thought I would see our great Nation be taken over by the liberal nazi group that we are letting take over because we are so used to our luxurys we have got addicted to.Until we unite as one and stand up to these goons they gonna pick us off one at a time until all submit just like the German people did many year ago

  2. FJB

    State Senator Page Walley needs to introduce legislation to ban State cooperation with the FBI until it’s ALL of the senior staff are removed, and preferably sent to prison.

  3. It’s a shame and disgrace that the Henderson Police Department isn’t investing this home invasion and murder.

  4. Dwayne Oxford

    Lucifer’s dimmercrap jackboot goon squad with apparently zero elected oversight, operatiing with impunity, killing at will.

  5. Justin

    Call Marsha Blackburn’s office. Demand an independent investigation.

  6. Don Johnson

    Right now They are NOT investigating what, or how this all happened. They know exactly what and How it happened already. They are trying to let things settle down. Ever since it happened they have been trying to figure out a way to justify what they have done. O one more question! How come Henderson city police force and the Sheriffs dept in chester are NOT doing the Investigating? If the FBI wants to investigate it, FINE, but this is in Henderson and Chester county’s jurisdiction, The FBI should be following their lead, not taking over the entire Investigation. They have NO credibility as it is, They can not investigate themselves and expect anyone to agree with their final conclusion. You Never allow the Fox to guard the henhouse.

  7. Elizabeth Coker

    There’s only one question to ask here :
    Why was the FBI called into this case ?

  8. WelcomebacktonineteenthirtysGermany

    The federal gov. and gestapo execute unarmed citizens in their homes in front of moms.

    The hard truth and lesson to be learned here is…If you are ever visited by goons and you’ve done absolutely nothing wrong make sure to eliminate as many as possible before they get you because they will murder you even if you don’t resist. Make the demons think twice and don’t let them return to their families for their actions.

  9. ricky keane

    lets see ……. this is the second unarmed us military veteran shot and killed by Biden’s stooge FBI that I can recall since 2020. US Air Force veteran Ashley Bobbitt shot and killed on Jan.6 , 2020 by a Capital Police Lieutenant and now US Army veteran Ted Deschler . The FBI is a national disgrace and should be defunded and disbanded. Not to worry the incident is being investigated by the FBI’s Inspection Division. Yes the same inspection division that ok’d the Russia Russia collusion allegations which led to articles of Impeachment of Pres. Trump . What do you think their findings will be against the bureau ? Move along , nothing to see here. Lets go have a ice cream cone with the Big Man at Rehoboth Beach .

  10. levelheadedconservative

    One would think the FBI could include in their issued statement a line that that said something to the effect of, “we were issuing a warrant for the arrest of Deschler for the charges of xyz.”
    It may not give a whole lot more info on the events, but may increase – ever so slightly- the trust level in the institution that has lost almost all public trust.
    It is a fine line between supporting the police and supporting the Police State. Every opportunity to share more information that is squandered just makes it more difficult to gain support for the police.
