Metro Nashville Public Schools Offers No Details on Student, Parent Involvement in Capitol Riot

Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) did not return a Friday comment request from The Tennessee Star seeking further clarifications about students and parents who were reportedly involved in Thursday’s protest-turned-riot at the Tennessee Capitol building.

WTVF reported Thursday that thousands of parents and students gathered at the Capitol to protest in favor of gun control.

The students and parents attended the protest after the deadly shooting at The Covenant Presbyterian School carried out Monday by Audrey Elizabeth Hale, born female, who identified as transgender.

The Star asked the school district whether it coordinated or supported the riots in any official capacity, whether students were excused from school or whether they were truant during the protest-turned-riot, and whether students received any class or extracurricular credit for attending.

At press time, the school district had not returned a comment request.

During the riot, Tennessee State Troopers prevented rioters who had stormed the gallery from forcefully entering the Tennessee House chamber, where lawmakers have offices.

The crowd chanted “Enough is Enough,” along with other slogans, and demanded that police return a rioter to the gallery after he forced his way through the police line into the chamber hallway.

State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and two other far-left Tennessee lawmakers also helped lead the riot.

State troopers eventually cleared the gallery of rioters while lawmakers suspended the day’s session. The session was resumed later in the day.

Director of MNPS Dr. Adrienne Battle made a public statement in the wake of the mass shooting.

“At Metro Schools, we have invested considerable resources to strengthen security at our facilities in response to the far too many, far too often instances of school shootings across the nation over the years,” she said. “We will continue to reinforce our safety protocols and monitor and follow best practices on keeping students safe from harm.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Michael Patrick Leahy contributed to this report.
Photo “Tennessee Capitol Protesters” by Moms Demand Action – TN.


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3 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Public Schools Offers No Details on Student, Parent Involvement in Capitol Riot”

  1. Joe Blow

    I figure that all of the student insurrectionists will receive an “A” grade for participating in a local government activities. A great lesson in the civics course of the 2020’s.

  2. Randy

    Public Education and the loonies that run it are half of this nations problem.

  3. John Bumpus

    “State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and two other far-left Tennessee lawmakers also helped lead the riot.”

    Given his personal history, how many ‘strikes’ does Rep. Justin Jones get before he is OUT!?

    Were they in the legislative majority, these same aforesaid radical leftist Democrat legislators (i.e., Marxists) who would imprison YOU or ME ‘in a New York minute’ if any of us so much as dared to do WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DID in the Tennessee General Assembly earlier this week, will now try to ‘talk their ears off’ to dissuade Republican legislative leaders from acting to discipline them, and any others (i.e., Metro Nashville school authorities, Mayor Cooper, lawyers, media people, etc.), who conspired and were involved in the shameful takeover of our State Legislature, however brief.

    The people of the State of Tennessee are watching! The present Republican Tennessee General Assembly MUST BE IMMEDIATELY SEEN TO TAKE ACTION by the people, or they may not be returned to office by the voters! Legislative majorities can be lost!

    THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER! If the present Tennessee Republican leadership will not ACT to deal with this INSURRECTION, then each one of them should immediately resign so that others who will act can take their place!

    Investigations should begin immediately! Anyone in any way involved in the conspiracy and insurrection that occurred in our General Assembly earlier this week should be immediately held to account!

    We are talking about the most basic of constitutional rights of the people of Tennessee!

    Enough is enough!
