MNPD Chief John Drake Vows to Investigate Person Who Leaked ‘Three Pages of Writings from the Covenant Shooter’

Chief John Drake of the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) released a statement on Monday that confirmed “three pages of writings from the Covenant shooter,” Audrey Elizabeth Hale, were leaked to the public, and pledged to “identify the person responsible.”

In a statement posted to the Nashville government website, Drake said he was disturbed by the “unauthorized release” of pages written by Hale, and said his department is “extremely serious about the investigation” to determine the culprit. Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell ordered an investigation into the release of the pages on Monday afternoon.

It remains unclear how the photographs sent to Crowder were taken, but Drake stated the “court system” temporarily has “control of the shooter’s journals” due to ongoing litigation.

The Tennessee Star, through its parent company, launched two lawsuits seeking to compel the release of the full manifesto by both the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the MNPD. The lawsuits remain active.

Drake’s admission came after MNPD spokesmen repeatedly refused to clearly state whether the writings published by conservative comedian and pundit Steven Crowder, which then spread rapidly online, are authentic.

Initially, an MNPD spokesman told The Star the department had “no idea” what Crowder had. The same person later told The Star that the department had opened an investigation into the potential leak, and stressed the photos did not come from within MNPD, but did not confirm their authenticity.

Eventually, MNPD released a statement that acknowledged the investigation into the release of the “photographs of writings,” and revealed the images are not crime scene photos taken by MNPD officers. Still, the department did not state whether the images are authentic writings from Hale.

The Star was among the first outlets to independently verify the three pages to be part of Hale’s writings after multiple members of the Tennessee General Assembly, who were previously allowed to review the manifesto, confirmed its authenticity.

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Georgia Star News and the Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Image “MNPD Chief John Drake” by MNPD.



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11 Thoughts to “MNPD Chief John Drake Vows to Investigate Person Who Leaked ‘Three Pages of Writings from the Covenant Shooter’”

  1. Stu

    You know they are desperate when they go after Crowder for spilling the beans than the did the shooter or what was in the shooter manifesto. And where did the shooter learn this hatred of whites? Funny how the parents of this murderer are coming out and doing these media bits claiming it was actually our son(aka trans daughter) that is the victim. And “ohh they are so hurt ” by the release of the manifesto. BULL@#$%! They can go to hell. I bet they are the ones that helped instill this hatred of whites in their daughter. I bet they were contacted by the FBI or CIA and told just go along with us and we will cover for you. Seems shady as hell. And the police department that wants to investigate how documents leaked that the public should have the absolute right to know, is sick!

  2. Randall Davidson

    So now we get a scary picture and a vow to investigate? What a joke. Release the rest of her writings.

  3. David Harrell

    Doesn’t Tennessee have open records and open meetings laws? Where are the sharp eyed legal eagles (whether B.A.R. members or not) who can institute proceedings against the corrupt officials who hide the public’s information?

  4. Mad Celt

    Add it once but couldn’t keep it under tight wraps. That tells me he and his department are total incompetents.

  5. WhiskeyOneBravo

    There is no reason in the world to keep the killer’s documents a secret anymore and withholding its from the American’s people. Who have a right to know everything about any psychopath killer who committed a serious sick crime against children and adults.
    Look like Chief John Drake of the Metro Nashville Police and the Nashville Mayor Freddie O’Connell. Are both just sell out puppets of the deep state who yanks their chain telling them what to say and do. If anyone need Investigate for wrong doing, its these two and not the person who expose the truth about this killer. I would start with both of their bank accounts and go from there.

  6. Nashville Deplorable

    These j**k a**es are more outraged over the leaker than the killer.

  7. Papa Maximus

    There is no ongoing investigation. Get him under oath in front of the state house. Who is being investigated? Liar.

    By their fruit you shall know them. Father of the Year right there folks.

  8. Masked for My Protection against Unlawful Goveernment

    Perhaps we should demand and require an investigation into who and why the docs have not been officially released? Why is law enforcement, the Mayor, and the media enabling people to obscure various factors of the event? News articles such as “How to Handle Trauma caused by the Release” are akin to the federal government hiding things “becaue the people can’t handle it.” As I seeit, hiding the manifeto is aiding and abetting, because until the full truth of the matter is know, it cannot be dealt with. Wjho in governmentis goning to require compliance withpublic records law and arrest thos – even police and governors – who refuse to comply?

  9. Ron W

    MNPD and the Nashville Mayor are violating the Tennessee Open Records Law and seek to investigate, prosecute and criminalize whoever violated their secrecy.

    “The very word ‘secrecy’ is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to SECRET PROCEEDINGS.” —John F Kennedy

  10. Ron W

    Agree with Truthy,. MNPD and the Mayor are UNLAWFULLY withholding the documents written by the criminal perp about her/his murders.

  11. Truthy McTruthFace

    why dont you investigate why the mayor’s office and metro gov are stonewalling the legal release of the documents as they are supposed to do?
