After Some Antioch High School Students Dishonor ‘National Walkout Day,’ Others Step Up to Make Amends

Some students at Antioch High School took the opportunity to sow chaos and destruction Wednesday during the so-called “National Walkout Day” organized by the far-Left group, Women’s March only one month after the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida.

NewsChannel5 reports that the Metro Nashville Police are looking into incidents of a few students taking down a flag and jumping on a police car, but that no arrests or citations have been issued.

Fellow protesters posted some of the incidents on social media.


Wednesday afternoon, Metro Nashville Public Schools’ Public Information Officer Michelle Michaud released the following statement:

At MNPS, we respect the right of our students to advocate for causes that are important to them. Unfortunately, some students on our Antioch campus today chose to protest in ways that significantly disrupted school operations and threatened the safety and order for other students and staff within our school. Swift action was taken by school security and MNPD to address the situation. No students or staff members were injured during the walkout.

The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Inappropriate behaviors that threaten school safety will be handled immediately and firmly in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and MNPD.

We understand that our students may be feeling lots of emotions, including anxiety, fear and even anger about today’s events. We encourage parents to talk to your child(ren) about how they may be feeling, and the importance of expressing themselves in appropriate ways while at school. MNPS also has counselors available and ready to talk to students at any time. We look forward to welcoming students back tomorrow for a great day of teaching and learning.

After news of the students’ outrageous behavior spread overnight, Metro Nashville Schools, along with Antioch High School administrators, teachers, and students all worked together to make a showing of amends for the dishonor the violent behavior caused on what was to be a somber remembrance of the 17 people who lost their lives.

Thursday afternoon, MNPS release an additional statement, along with a video showing students raising the flag and the school band playing “The Star Spangled Banner:”

Yesterday students across the country utilized their collective voice to elevate their concerns as they relate to gun violence in our communities and schools. We are so proud of the way that our students and staff members showed their support for the National Walkout against gun violence. Antioch High School also participated in the day’s observance. Unfortunately, a few students behaved in ways that were not reflective of Antioch’s student body, their community or Metro Nashville Public Schools. The school administration is investigating the inappropriate actions of these students and they will face disciplinary consequences for their behavior. But that is not the full story. This morning Antioch students came together to raise the flag while the national anthem was being played by the band. This act is so symbolic of our students’ character and sends the message that the inappropriate actions of a few do not represent the thoughts and beliefs of the other 2,100 students attending Antioch High School.

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2 Thoughts to “After Some Antioch High School Students Dishonor ‘National Walkout Day,’ Others Step Up to Make Amends”

  1. Not My DNC

    I’m sure the evil Dems will have students walk out in protest of Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs next

  2. 83ragtop50

    Too little too late. The school administrators that permitted the students to walk out of class should be reprimanded. The function of school is to educate students in academic matters. The students who walked out should have been disciplined with suspension for the disruption of the educational process. the school board that approved and the school administrators that accommodated the walkout should be reprimanded and docked their pay for the educational time lost.
