All Star Panelist Roger Simon Weighs in on Merrick Garland’s Dishonest and Scary Testimony to Congress


Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist and The Epoch Times Senior Editor-at-Large Roger Simon in-studio to discuss Attorney General Merrick Garland’s dangerous testimony in Wednesday’s congressional hearing.

Leahy: In studio all-star panelist Roger Simon, senior editor at large with The Epoch Times. Roger, the big news yesterday was this debacle of a performance by perhaps the worst attorney general in modern American history, Merrick Garland. Did you see this?

Simon: In modern American history? Yeah, I’m scared. I don’t usually say that. I mean, I’m not a scared type really? A little bit, maybe. But the idea that someone so dishonest and lying could be the head of the Department of Justice is really spooky in this country that does not add up to anything very good. It adds up to bad stuff like Nazi Germany.

Leahy: You notice, is a, he’s not that bright. B, he’s very dishonest. And the big issue is that it’s so politicized. This phony idea that parents are domestic terrorists just because they exercise their First Amendment rights at school board meetings. It was all just created out of thin air.

Simon: No, it’s pure propaganda.

Leahy: Pure propaganda.

Simon: And it’s kind of scary that they would even try that. There are probably people out there who believe it. That’s what happens with propaganda.

Leahy: And it is such a blatant propaganda effort. And just to trace it back. On September 29th, two political hacks who are the staffers at the National School Board Association without consulting the member state organizations sent a letter to the attorney general, citing as an example this father from Loudon County, Virginia, who had been arrested because he showed up to complain that his daughter had been raped and there was a cover-up. They cited him as a domestic terrorist.

Simon: Right. There’s a sickness in this. We’re on the level of psychosis. What’s interesting is I bet if we were to track down that letter, someone inspired that letter, and it’s not those two guys by themselves.

Leahy: They were consulting with the White House.

Simon: Yes. Who in the White House did it and why? What we’re dealing with here is a very dangerous situation in our country. And people better pay attention or we won’t have a country left.

Leahy: You remember when we had the Williamson County School Board meeting where parents came up and disagreed vigorously with the mask mandate. Then a couple of knuckleheads went out into the parking lot.

There was a filmed confrontation with somebody who was for the mandate. That was used as an excuse. The very next day, President Biden came out and condemned Williamson County parents. This is no accident.

Simon: No.

Leahy: This is orchestrated by the White House.

Simon: Totally planned. This is out of the totalitarian playbook. This is not the usual party politics that we’re used to. This is something really dangerous.

Leahy: It’s really very dangerous. The woman who was the President of the National School Board Association, she’s from a school board in Texas, guess what? She writes the letter.

Then last week, the board members from around the country disavowed the letter. Did you see what happened with her? She got a job with the Department of Education two days ago.

Simon: Of course, that’s the system. And she was angling for that job essentially.

Leahy: She was trying out with this letter.

Simon: And she got the approval stamp. And up she went.

Leahy: But we look at Merrick Garland and the dishonesty of his testimony yesterday before Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz said, where’s the evidence of domestic threats here? And he said, hubba, hubba, hubba. I don’t have any evidence.

Simon: The fact that he can even say that in public is amazing. And the fact that he’s still in office is amazing. You know it’s really important for all the listeners out there to talk about this with your friends.

Make sure everybody knows what’s happening, especially your liberal friends. The word liberal has been besmirched beyond recognition.

Leahy: The other thing that happened, Roger is Ted Cruz just decimated him in his questioning. He had no answers. And then they say, are you still telling the FBI to investigate parents for domestic terrorists? And Garland says, yes.

Simon: Of course.

Leahy: He says, yes! Unbelievable.

Simon: Maybe Gerbils is actually inhabiting this mind’s mind or something. This is a joke. This is getting scary.

Leahy: There is an expectation in America. There’s dialogue back and forth with members of the national federal government. They actually might actually listen. This is not happening.

Simon: No. The problem with all these congressional investigations that we see is they have no teeth in them. They’re just clown shows.

Good for Cruz and asking these guys questions but this has been going on forever. They ask the questions, they come up with these insane answers, and then nothing happens. They are lies.

Leahy: I don’t know if you saw Dan Bongino the other night on Fox News. He was talking about this very issue last night, and he said, look, there are 13,000 investigators in the FBI and Merrick Garland has just told them the FBI to go after parents in America.

Don’t look at Chinese spies. That’s not a priority. Don’t look at Afghan folks coming in here who haven’t been fully vetted. Don’t look at cartels. No! Go after the parents who are exercising free speech.

Simon: Yep. What kind of a country are we in here?

Leahy: The question then is the question then that you have to look at that is what’s the pushback going to be? To me, I think we have an electoral event coming up in Virginia on Tuesday. And the take is all the polls are showing that race.

It’s a gubernatorial race between I love CRT Terry McAuliffe and there are no problems with the K twelve public education. That’s what he’s saying. He’s on team Merrick Garland. He’s on team Joe Biden.

Simon: He’s on team money. He’s about a corrupticrat that exists in the country. He’s such a dishonest man that it’s the humiliation of the Democratic Party that can run people.

Leahy: I think you get to the issue of honesty. Do we have anybody in the Biden maladministration or Democrat who is an honest person?

Simon: No. They wouldn’t be put in there. They can’t be. They are vetted out.

Leahy: Well, there’s one person who identifies as a Democrat who I think is an honest person. I don’t agree with this person. And there’s no home for her in the Democratic Party. We’re talking about Tulsi Gabbard.

Simon: Oh, yes. Well, there is no home for her.

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Merrick Garland” by Senate Democrats. CC BY 2.0.














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