Appointment of Pfizer VP as New School Board Member in Williamson County Sparks Backlash


The Williamson County Commission voted to appoint Josh Brown this week to fill a vacancy on the Williamson County School Board. Brown is a national vice president for the pharmaceutical company Pfizer – sparking major backlash from parents in Williamson County.

Brown is a graduate of Williamson County Schools and has three children who attend school in the district. However, Brown’s profession is the issue that has several parents unhappy about his appointment.

During the county commission meeting that the board appointed Brown, Williamson County parent Jeff Price reacted to the county commission’s selection of Josh Brown to fill a vacancy on the school board, saying “There’s too much stink going on here. A representative for Pfizer. Really? It stinks. It stinks. It stinks.”

Brown is also facing criticism from some parents for having multiple friends on the commission who voted for him over two other candidates. At the same county commission meeting, Brown responded to those allegations, saying, “I’m not going to apologize for who I work for.”

Brown will serve the rest of the term representing District 4 on the school board after Brad Fiscus, the husband of Tennessee’s former vaccine director, resigned last month. The next election for the seat will be in August of 2022.

Brown was one of five candidates seeking to replace Fiscus who did not return The Star’s requests for comment last week to share their views on COVID-19 mask mandates in schools. Brown also declined to say whether K-12 public schools should teach Critical Race Theory.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Josh Brown” by California Life Sciences. Photo






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9 Thoughts to “Appointment of Pfizer VP as New School Board Member in Williamson County Sparks Backlash”

  1. Chuck

    It just keeps getting better & better. (sarcasm) Williamson County is fast approaching Davidson county status. UGH!

  2. Cannoneer2

    There weren’t any insurance salesmen or washed up athletes available??

  3. 83ragtop50

    Way to go Williamson County big government cronies. Keep at it and you will finally poke the working class into action. Your blatant disregard for any sense of integrity is a screaming right light to us.

  4. Tim Price

    The school board created a hell storm by their actions in selecting a person with a conflict of interest.

  5. Kevin

    Brown shouldn’t apologize for who he works for, he should apologize for what the company does!

    But this confirms the old saying, “all politics is local”! Now is the time to get regular citizens to run for County Commissions, School Boards and County Mayors!

    It’s time for We the People to take back control of our government!

  6. Ron W

    They already have legal immunity and mandates for their product. What else does he want?? Maybe total medical fascism where Pfizer mRNA gene therapy is forced on everyone!!

  7. Aries

    Brown’s wife (Mary Kate) is the sister in law of David French who is a virulent anti-Trumper. She was a huge Romney supporter and has a history in Williamson County GOP politics all along the RINO variety. Just some additional background information on Brown.

  8. rick

    Looks like the students will now have to wear mask k-12 in Williamson Co schools forever. Democrats are packing the school board with an excellent unbiased choice.They may pass a law in Williamson County that wherever your child goes past the 12th grade, college, trade school or work, they still have to wear mask. Williamson’s unspoken code is worship the Benjamin’s and follow the science of the mask. Remember the DOJ and the FBI are watching careful what you say! “Let’s go Brandon”

  9. Truthy McTruthFace

    WilCo has been officially taken over by Californians and other liberals

