Author of The Book ‘Gosnell’ Pens New Play ‘$18 Billion Prize’ Exposing the Climate Change Fraud

by CHQ Staff


Regular CHQ readers will recognize the name Phelim McAleer from the Gosnell book and movie about now-imprisoned abortionist and murderer Dr. Kermit Gosnell or the Ferguson Play.

Mr. McAleer tells stories that the establishment and the mainstream media want to ignore, so we thought we’d tell CHQ readers about his latest play and how you can help get it on the stage.

McAleer’s new play exposes how environmentalists carried out the world’s biggest fraud, how the media and Hollywood helped promote the fraud, and how they almost got away with it.

The play, The $18-Billion Prize, will open at the Phoenix Theater in San Francisco on May 19th and run until June 3rd.

McAleer co-wrote the play with Jonathan Leaf and it tells the story of a lawsuit, led by New York lawyer Steven Donziger, against the Chevron oil company.

The lawsuit alleged Chevron destroyed the rainforest in Ecuador and poisoned the natives. It was successful, and an Ecuadorian court awarded the plaintiffs a staggering $18 billion. Yes, BILLION. This was the biggest ever award in a civil court, but it was ALSO the biggest fraud in history.

Haven’t heard about it?

Funny, but not surprising, says McAleer, because at the time the same media that reported endlessly on the so-called “pollution” went pretty quiet when the case turned out to be a fraud. And a load of Hollywood celebrities who helped promote the fraud have also gone very quiet recently.

“Yes, I’m talking about you Sting, Mia Farrow and Danny Glover,” said McAleer.

The play shows how the plaintiffs, led by Donziger, bribed the judge and ghost wrote the judgment that awarded them this massive amount. And they were helped in perpetrating this fraud by a cheerleading media that reported the allegations as fact but have been silent as the truth was revealed.

The scope of the fraud was enormous and at times farcical.

Along with bribing judges, they used ludicrous code words to describe the top-secret payments. It was all revealed when a New York court, realizing that something was amiss, ordered Donziger to hand over his files. In those files and diaries, Donziger admitted illegal bribes to judges and court officials as he wondered if he had “done a deal with the devil.”

The play reveals all the incredible details, and McAleer and Leaf have assembled an amazing cast with Richard Kuhlman directing.

“He loves the play,” says Mr. McAleer. “It is hilarious in places, revealing the madness and hypocrisy of the celebrities who went to Ecuador to ‘support the natives.’ It turns out some of them were secretly paid an absolute fortune, and you will laugh and cry when you see how they behaved when they thought the cameras were switched off. They also didn’t know it was all recorded in his files by Steven Donziger.”

The $18-Billion Prize reveals the dark side of the environmental movement, where campaigners such as Donziger go to remote locations and use locals as props in their ideological war against American corporations.

In one of the most outrageous examples, Donziger secretly fought and stopped the Ecuadorian government from cleaning up their pollution because it wouldn’t look good for his case. Donziger was also going to become very rich in the process. He stood to pocket $1.2 billion before the fraud was uncovered.

You can buy a ticket through Indiegogo by going to

You can also contribute to the play’s production costs to ensure this play gets on stage and the truth gets out there. The theater establishment and the mainstream media don’t want this play to succeed. They want to cover up the story, and they certainly won’t fund it or support it. That’s why McAleer and Leaf are crowdfunding the play.

Phelim McAleer broke world records with the Gosnell movie, and the Ferguson Play made it on stage despite the best attempts of those who wanted it to disappear. The liberal cultural establishment does not want the truth out, that’s why crowdfunding conservative truth-telling in the culture is so important.

McAleer estimates at least $75,000 is needed to ensure the play gets on stage and continues its run. Once the play is up and running, the mainstream media will be forced to review it, and the truth about this massive fraud will be revealed.

We urge CHQ friends to go to and to contribute to make sure the $18-Billion Prize goes on stage and the truth is revealed.

By the way, one of the more interesting “perks” offered for contributing is the Donziger Diary seized by the courts, which reveals the mechanics of the massive bribery scheme and just how celebs behave when they are let loose in the jungle. Mr. McAleer says, “Let’s just say Sting and his wife Trudie Styler won’t be too happy when it is published… or when the play goes on stage.”







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