Biden Announces COVID Vaccine Rollout for Children as Young as Five

by Debra Heine


Joe Biden delivered a short speech from the administration’s fake White House set, Thursday, urging all Americans, including children as young as five, to get vaccinated. Biden claimed that the administration’s draconian vaccine mandates are working, and boasted that the seasonal decline in COVID cases is due to his policies.

Biden stressed that there is still more work to do to get the remaining 66 million American holdouts injected with the experimental jabs.

“First, we have to do more to vaccinate the 66 million unvaccinated people in America,” he said. “It’s essential.”

“The vaccine requirements that we started rolling out in the summer are working,” he said, meaning millions of Americans have gotten fired, or are leaving their jobs, resulting in a higher percentage of vaccinated Americans in the workforce, and empty shelves in grocery stores.

Biden announced that the Labor Department will soon be rolling out its vaccine mandate for private businesses with 100 or more employees.

“Every day we see more businesses implementing vaccination requirements, and the mounting data shows that they work,” he claimed.

Biden boasted that businesses that have forced employees to take the experimental, potentially dangerous vaccines against their will, or lose their jobs, have seen their company’s vaccine rates rise from 20 percent to 80 percent.

He went on to say that the head of the Southwest Airlines pilots union “dismissed critics who said vaccination mandates contributed to flight disruptions.”

[According to multiple Southwest Airlines sources, the vaccine mandate had a direct effect on the flight disruptions.]

He went on to say that school board leaders, religious leaders, and doctors across the nation are working to dispel what he called “misinformation,” and “educating people about the importance of vaccines.”

Biden also touted the work his administration is doing to “protect the vaccinated” with free booster shots for when their Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson or Moderna vaccines wear off.

Biden went on to claim—without evidence—that parents are anxious for the experimental COVID shots to be approved for children ages 5 to 11.

“The good news is FDA and CDC are set to make their determination as to whether the vaccine will be authorized for that age range in the next few weeks,” he said. “If authorized, we are ready. We have purchased enough vaccines for all children between the ages of 5 and 11 in the United States.”

Biden said the administration was making it “convenient” for parents to get their children vaccinated “at trusted locations,” and that “families will be able to sleep easier at night knowing their kids are protected.”

He called on parents to get their children vaccinated as soon as they are eligible.

“Everyone who’s not vaccinated, please get vaccinated,” Biden pleaded. “That’s how we put this pandemic behind us, and accelerate our economic recovery.”

As usual, he walked off the set without taking any questions from the press after delivering his short speech.

Health officials in Australia, meanwhile, are considering mandating vaccines for their kids, but are waiting until they see safety data on the millions of American kids who have been vaccinated with the experimental injections before they decide.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.

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3 Thoughts to “Biden Announces COVID Vaccine Rollout for Children as Young as Five”

  1. North

    Not only NO, but “HELL NO”.

  2. Steve Allen

    The jab is nothing more that the vehicle currently being used to inject an identification marker of some kind into each person on earth. I used to scoff at that but over the last week have come to realize that can be the only sane reason for national and global governments to keep trying to force every person on earth to get the jab. It’s one of the major hurdles in the implementation of the Great Reset.

  3. 83ragtop50

    This walking shell of a man needs to stop forcing vaccines on those not wanting it. Children are no more likely to have serious effects from COVID than with a bad cold. The guy is a loser.
