Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game


Alecia Kitts drove an hour and a half from Marietta to Logan, Ohio to watch her son’s football game.

In the first quarter she was approached by an officer from the Logan Police Department because she was not wearing a mask.

The video below shows the three-minute encounter between Kitts and the officer.

According to Tiffany Kennedy, the woman who shot the above video, Kitts had not been warned for not wearing a mask prior to the officer approaching her.  Kennedy also said that Kitts has asthma and that’s why she was not wearing a mask.

“There is no reason to tase someone and arrest them for not wearing a mask,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy also pointed out the female officer who is shown running toward the Logan officer and Kitts at the end of the video was not wearing a mask – pulling one out of her pocket as she was in pursuit.

“Alecia’s mom said that when the officer tased her, the current went through the bleachers and zapped the kid sitting there too.”

Kitts appears to be socially distanced from others in the crowd and sitting with her family. “There were only 25 or 30 fans from our town on our side,” said Kennedy.

The Logan Police Department declined comment and sent an inquiry to Captain Ryan Gabriel. The Ohio Star left a message with Captain Gabriel and will report back after making contact.

Alecia Kitts was contacted but had not returned comment before press time.

Sources indicate that Kitts was charged with criminal trespass and released on her own recognizance.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor and an Investigative Reporter at The Ohio Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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277 Thoughts to “Ohio Football Mom Tased and Arrested for Not Wearing Mask at a Game”

  1. David LaNave

    But you can walk into a restaurant with mask on in ny state and sit down and take it off while watress has to keep hers on.

  2. Wanda Kjar

    Wow! At my Grandson’s football games we all are supposed to wear masks. A young Hispanic Mom & her young kids were not wearing masks. The Activities Director came into the stands & gave them all masks & kindly asked them to put them on which they did,

    The above story got totally out of hand. She was sitting with family & certainly not close to anyone. However, the entire event never had to happen. The Mask Police is ridiculous!

  3. Tom Wise

    I’m guessing the mask rules were posted

    Even her mom couldn’t save her. She’s probably bern getti g her way her whole life thanks to mom.

    Just wear the mask. And have some respect for your neighbors

    The end.

    She’s lucky she didn’t get her neck kneeled on for 8 minutes.

  4. k.sommer

    The problem with this picture is NOBODY should be wearing a mask! Folks need to educate themselves and learn that this mask mandate has NOTHING to do with our safety or health. It is a method by which the deep state can predict their chance of success to usurp and steal power. It tells them exactly how many folks are ignorant and willing to surrender their rights. It informs them to push forward with their corrupt plan for a one world order run by the bankers and the 1% wealthy elites, that already control every media outlet and democrat governor, as well as CDC, WHO, MD medicine and vaccine industry. If nobody wore their mask they would question whether they should pull out and wait. Remember….THEY ARE FEW AND WE ARE MANY. Evil will prevail if good folks follow along and do not resist. WAKE UP FOLKS!!!

    1. Raysea

      Agree they got the people under their thumb.. bunch of bull as far as I’m concerned.. my opinion..

    2. N8

      Spot on!
      Me seriously thinks the fluoride in the drinking water is working.

  5. Bee Smartt

    She should have just complied with the law and listened to law enforcement.

    1. N8

      Hey stupid…it’s not a law.

  6. Charles

    Nobody gives a fuck. She shld have complied just like how white folks tell blks that die at the hands of cops to do. “Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun” all y’all dumb ass racists are doing is excusing her behavior and then telling her to sue when she don’t get her way. Fucking hypocrites. You just don’t like that a black cop arrested her ass. At least she didn’t fucking die like blk ppl do. Privileged ass pussies.

  7. Believe in the mask

    The law on the Ohio State website says:
    Most every person in Ohio will be required to wear a mask in public spaces, including the insides of stores, workplaces and in outdoor settings where social distancing is not possible.

    People are exempt if they are under the age of 10, have disabilities that prevent them from putting on or taking off a mask on their own, or if they are communicating with a person who has disabilities that might prevent them from understanding through a mask.

    1. Ron Welch

      “…and in outdoor settings where social distancing is not possible.”

      It appeared that the woman was in compliance just being with her kids well past 6 feet from anyone else.

  8. Rhonda Ashley

    Fauci did not keep his mask on at ballgame

  9. Cookie

    Oh well… Don’t resist!! Back the blue!! All she had to do was put on the masks.

  10. Nicole

    I’ve watch the 2 videos. In her back pocket she had a mask hanging out. I know with our football you have to have one on before entering the game when buying or handing your ticket to come in. So who was doing that job? Who was taking tickets at the gate and not catch her having one on? Again I see what looks like a mask in her back right pocket.

  11. Sean Williams

    I Love It! Go Robo Cop! ❤✊🏿

  12. TheCat

    The entitled Trumpette idiot insisted she didn’t have to wear a mask because “asthma”. That is no excuse for not wearing a mask. If the patient is in status asthmaticus they are getting treatment in the ambulance, urgent care, or ER, or are at home doing a nebulizer treatment. Masks do not affect O2 or CO2 levels -in fact you could wear 6 masks and not have O2 or CO2 levels affected.

    Meanwhile the idiot making commentary believes it’s ok for the idiot to expose people in her area to a dangerous disease, while breaking the mask law. Yes, people can, and should be arrested for breaking public safety law, just like that maskhole would be arrested for driving without lights at night into oncoming traffic.

    1. ksommer

      You are among the ignorant who get their news from tv. Sthu and turn off your tv. Mass fraud has been exposed for this ruse pandemic. Had it been REAL, there would be no need for fraudulent tests, cases and death numbers. You are an idiot and will be responsible if and when, the world we had is lost. YOU need to do your homework as do many others. Obviously you are involving politics. That is your first error. This has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with the United States and it’s citizens falling under socialist oligarchs. Wake the fuck up!

      1. John Johnson

        The rule said where a mask to enter. She should respect the cops. At least they didn’t kneel on her neck.

      2. Phil

        Tell it to the virus. Heck you can even swear at it. Let us know how you get on.

    2. Actually OSHA has weighed in on this very subject and advise against mask use unless its use outweighs the danger due to a “oxygen depleted environment”.
      I have asthma and yes a mask makes breathing difficult for me. And I had been in pretty good shape before acquiring an autoimmune disorder brought on from an orthopedic injury. Asthma was the cherry on top with all of this and seriously if anyone really thinks a law mandating wearing a mask will do anything positive is lacking some common sense.
      As Mask wearing has done little to nothing in this sham of a crisis.

  13. Jojo

    Hey she has asthma you stupid f***. And she was social distancing.. Oh my bad were you talking about the rent a cop taxing innocent children and some delayed officer chick running as putting on a mask to abuse her “authority”. Lady charged with criminal trespassing?? Where in the actual hell is this lady trespassing?? We’re the other 20-30 folks charged as well for criminal trespassing?? Don’t be a dick dude. Look at the reality and facts of the matter first.

  14. Scheryl Adams

    I thought America was the land of the free? Logan, Ohio gestapo tazing someone for not wearing a mask. Absolutely ridiculous! Hope her lawsuit bankrupts the city!
