Congressman John Rose Calls on DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Resign or Be Impeached over Reports of Illegal Immigrants being Transported to Tennessee

Tennessee Congressman John Rose (R-TN-06) called for U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to be removed from office via resignation or impeachment on Tuesday.

Congressman Rose’s demand follows reports that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are planning to bus illegal immigrants to Tennessee this week.

“Secretary Mayorkas should do the honorable thing and resign. If he does not, then he must be impeached by the U.S. House of Representatives,” Rose said. “Countless times, Secretary Mayorkas has failed to uphold his oath of office to support and defend the U.S. Constitution.”

Rose added, “Approximately 175 Americans die every day from Fentanyl coming across our southern border, and he—along with the Biden Administration’s so-called “Border Czar” Vice-President Harris—have done nothing but hold the door open as illegal immigrants flood our border and overwhelm our legal immigration process.”

Rose has previously called for the resignation of Mayorkas, citing his “failures to lead the department and gross negligence when enforcing federal immigration laws.”

On Tuesday, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced in a press release that his office was notified Monday evening that “ICE facilities in New Orleans are scheduled to begin transporting an unknown number of single adult detainees to Tennessee this week to await court proceedings.”

In response, Lee demanded that the Biden administration “reverse their plan for detainee relocation” and added that the state is “discussing options” with Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti and Tennessee Senators Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty on how to administer the incoming detainees.

Skrmetti released a statement Tuesday afternoon, saying in part, “Tennesseans should not be forced to bear the burden of the federal government’s ongoing failure to secure the border […] The lack of appropriate notice and the lack of transparency by both the federal government and its local partners means we must work quickly, but we are committed to ensuring the safety of Tennessee’s citizens.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.
Photo “John Rose” by United States Congress. Photo “Alejandro Mayorkas” by U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Photo “United States Capitol Building” by Noclip.





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8 Thoughts to “Congressman John Rose Calls on DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Resign or Be Impeached over Reports of Illegal Immigrants being Transported to Tennessee”

  1. Karen

    I hope that Governor Lee will send the national guard to Texas to keep the illegals out of Tennessee! Texas needs help!

  2. Trevor

    The Tennessee legislature needs to pass a law where local property taxpayer do not pay to educate, house or provide free healthcare to the illegals! Wake up general assembly!

  3. LM

    Hahahaha – where have y’all been for the last 20 years while they’ve been pouring in to Davidson county?

  4. lb

    It is past time for TN to END the outsourcing of “refugees” and “migrants”(aka ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS) to these “charities” (Catholic Charities) who rake in BILLIONS of taxpayer $$ a year. Time to take back control and severely Crack down on the industries (construction, landscaping, etc) HARD who hire Illegals. Yank the “welcome mat” UP and clamp down on the “welcoming cities” (Nashville and Memphis primarily).
    Pass a Law that Police,Sheriff, etc must report Immigration Status for EVERY arrest they make and are required to cooperate with ICE, etc

  5. Joe Blow

    The buses, planes or whatever transporting the illegals to Tennessee should be met at the state line or airport by armed state troopers and national guardsmen who have orders to stop them from setting foot in Tennessee. But it will not happen because Little Billy Lee does not have the guts to take serious action. HIs whining will not get anything done.

    1. Nancy

      I agree! Billy Lee is soft on crime also! Thank god the legislature has and will override his liberal tendencies!!

      1. Joe Blow

        Nancy – I wish only that the legislature had the guts to do that but they really just line up behind their leadership who are controlled by Lee. Sad but true. One only has to look back a couple of years to see how they did not say a peep while Lee was ruling as a dictator when COVID was the theme of the month. No special session for citizen relief from tyrannical mandates but they jumped through hoops to call a special session when Lee wanted to give Ford a BILLION dollars.

  6. Bob T

    Tennessee must ship every one of these illegal aliens to a “sanctuary” city or state. Nothing less is acceptable. We should not shoulder the burden this lawless Biden administration is forcing upon us.
