Conservative Pundit Warns Republicans: ‘Drain the Swamp’ Is Not Just a Slogan, It’s a Mandate

Drain the Swamp, Donald Trump

Conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star contributor Steve Gill said on The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville Friday that every politician currently serving in office is being evaluated by voters right now as to how effectively they have lived up to concerns about the overreach and bloat at all levels of government. The remedy for this is commonly referred to ‘Draining the Swamp.’

Gill began by citing a new poll, conducted by McLaughlin and Associates, who sought to learn who voters blame when they start thinking about the so-called “D. C. Swamp.”

“Is it the Democrats? Or is it the Republicans?” Gill asked rhetorically.

He continued:

Well, it might not surprise you that nearly half of Americans believe that the Republicans leadership are the ones responsible for the swamp-like culture in Washington, D.C.

Now, actually, they blame both parties – but Republican leadership is getting the same amount of blame as the Democrats, according to a new poll by McLaughlin and Associates.

A poll of a thousand likely voters, trying to understand how concerned American voters are about the D.C. swamp and who they attribute it to, show why it remains undrained.

Now, they went in to find out who blames who. Well 55 percent of voters – and 60 percent of Republicans – are concerned about the Swamp, and nearly half of Americans think the GOP leadership is supporting it.

Forty-one percent of conservatives, 44 percent of moderates, 50 percent of independents believe the GOP leadership supports the Swamp.

Republicans are going to have problems in primaries because the American poeple are figuring out thiat while President Trump may be wanting to ‘Drain the Swamp,’ the Republican Party is not helping him to do it.

And the American People are sick and tired of it.

Now they’re blaming the Media, they’re blaming the Lobbyists, they’re blaming the Democratic Party leadership, and they’re blaming the Republican Party leadership – because they’re all responsible.

They’re all scratching each other’s back, they’re all looking out for each other and nobody is looking out for the American people.

That’s one of the reasons that pollsters can’t understand why Trump remains popular.

It’s because the American people get that he is not a part of the Swamp, that he wants to drain the swamp; but that he’s getting no help – certainly from the Democrats, and very little (if any) help from the Republicans.

And Republicans continuing to ignore the views of the American People when it comes to draining the swamp will make them pay at the ballot box – both in primaries and in general elections.

That’s why you’re starting to see even Democrats campaigning around the country against Republicans as the ‘change agents.’

Because those who are in charge of the House and the Senate – the Republican Party – have not made the changes that American people have expected.

‘Drain the Swamp’ is more than just a phrase. It may be a call to action that Republican might not like, come November.

Listen to the segment here:









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