Conservatives Urged to Replace Williamson County School Board Members After ‘White Privilege’ Training


The Williamson County School System has allegedly taken a left turn politically, and that has prompted one county resident to appeal to conservatives to seek office to try to replace members of the school board.

County resident Edina Nelson told The Tennessee Star this week that local conservatives can run in 2020.

As reported, former superintendent Mike Looney oversaw an In-service teacher training curriculum last spring that preached, among other things, “white privilege” leftist social justice causes and America’s supposed dysfunctional history.

“The school board members coming up for re-election did nothing to help conservative parents. In fact, they took the side of the school administration by endorsing the curriculum (and) blocking and refusing to answer questions from conservative parents and taxpayers. They didn’t even denounce the white privilege training,” Nelson said in an emailed statement.

“Dr. Looney is gone, but the problems are far from over.  The school administration is like a runaway train on a leftist, social justice driven course and will not change direction unless reined in. The school board is the elected body that calls the shots within the school district. It has the legal, moral and logistical authority to stop any type of political indoctrination. But for that, we need school board members who are committed to this fight.”

None of the 12 county school board members returned The Star’s requests for comment before Friday’s stated deadline.

“They have been actively blocking conservative parents from reviewing the curriculum by limiting access to the materials,” Nelson said of school district officials.

“The few times that parents were able to review the materials, they have uncovered blatantly leftist items.”

Nelson said school district officials teach from left-leaning news sources, such as The New York Times and CNN.

As reported in March, school board members did not answer questions about whether they approved the “white privilege” training and, if so, when?

“The events uncovered in recent months have shown us that educators and staff members at WCSD cannot be trusted to stay politically neutral,” Nelson said.

Nelson said anyone interested in running should contact her at [email protected]

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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2 Thoughts to “Conservatives Urged to Replace Williamson County School Board Members After ‘White Privilege’ Training”

  1. Dixie Lee

    If the citizens ofWilliamson County fail to replace every currently seated school board member, they will have lost the right to complain. They are then as toothless and as craven as is the the sitting board.

  2. […] Conservatives Urged to Replace Williamson County School Board Members After ‘White Privilege&#… […]
