Covenant Killer Audrey Hale’s Suicide Note Was Discovered by an FBI Agent During Legal Search of Her Residence

An FBI agent is identified as the officer who found Covenant Killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale’s suicide note on the afternoon of March 27, 2023 at the residence of the house in Nashville where she resided with her parents, according to an inventory list of items seized from the house that day compiled by the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) and legally obtained from a source familiar with the investigation by The Tennessee Star in June 2024.

The Star reported on the contents of that note in this article published on June 10, 2024:

“If I don’t survive my massacre, I want my room to be left exactly as it is left,” Hale began her note. She instructed her mother and father, “I don’t want any of my possessions down in that dingy basement.”

In all capital letters, Hale continued, “Please read my will,” where she explained her parents would find instructions “about what to do [with] my stuffed animals [and] possessions.”

While Hale did not offer details about her planned attack in the suicide note, she signified concern about repercussions for her surviving family members.

“I’m worried what you [and] Scott will have to go through,” wrote Hale.

She concluded the note, “I’m sorry, but it is my time to go… I love you, Aiden.”

“Aiden” was the male name Audrey Elizabeth Hale often used to refer to herself.

The crime scene photo of that note (Crime Scene Photo 379 in the MNPD numbering system) can be seen here:

Hale Will/Suicide note

The Star legally obtained this crime scene photo from a source familiar with the MNPD investigation in June 2024. A Tennessee Star watermark has been added to this crime scene photo and all other crime scene photos included in this story to ensure their trustworthy authenticity.

The Star also legally obtained four crime scene photographs of the 47 item inventory list of items seized during the legally authorized search of the Hale residence on the afternoon of March 27, 2023, just hours after 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale, a biological woman who identified as a transgender man, murdered three 9-year-old students and three staff members at the Covenant School in Nashville.

A PDF of that 47 item inventory list can be seen here, with the names of the officers who seized the items redacted.

Item 9 on that list is described as a “suicide note,” discovered at location “B2 on desk under laptops.”

Location B2 appears to be the MNPD term in this inventory list for Audrey Elizabeth Hale’s bedroom within the Hale residence.

Items 7 through 10 were all seized by the same FBI agent. Though his name is redacted, the agent’s designation as “FBI” is clearly visible at the end of the description of Item 7.

The suicide note may have been contained in a Bank of America envelope, the front side of which can be seen here in this crime scene photo (Crime Scene Photo 377).

The “PLEASE READ” writing at the top of this envelope appears to be similar to the “PLEASE READ” writing in Hale’s suicide note.

Another crime scene photo (Crime Scene Photo 378) shows the back side of the Bank of America envelope.

Note that the top flap of the envelope is folded over and sealed with scotch tape, partially concealing writing which is different than Audrey Elizabeth Hale’s, possibly that of her mother. Audrey Elizabeth Hale’s birthday had been just a few days earlier. The bottom of the envelope is also sealed with scotch tape.

Two things are notable about this series of crime scene photos.

First, Crime Scene Photo 379, which shows the folded then unfolded suicide note also contains an image of the back of the Bank of America envelope which shows that the bottom flap is now open and not sealed by scotch tape.

Second, the 47 item inventory list does not include an item list for “Bank of America envelope containing suicide note.”

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Michael Patrick Leahy is the founder and CEO of the Star News Network, which includes The Tennessee Star. Follow Leahy on X at @michaelpleahy.



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2 Thoughts to “Covenant Killer Audrey Hale’s Suicide Note Was Discovered by an FBI Agent During Legal Search of Her Residence”

  1. Gary Indiana

    I don’t think this is real.

    The FBI will mix lies with enough truth to confuse the hell out of you.

  2. Why Is the FBI in Charge

    Question is where are the Vanderbilt therapists’ notes & list of meds, treatment procedures & prognostics.

    Where did she buy the guns? She is clearly mentally ill& suicidal, why was she not in a hospital?
    So many questions left unanswered.

    No one trusts the FBI.
