Crom Carmichael on the Gaslighting of the Consumer Class, Pfizer, and COVID Special Session


Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed the original all-star panelist Crom Carmichael to the studio to discuss the ongoing supply chain problems America is experiencing currently, President Joe Biden’s plan to vaccinate children, and the special session in Tennesse.

(Senator Tom Cotton clip plays)

Leahy: And that Crom is Senator Tom Cotton from Arkansas, who a couple of months ago was sitting in the very seat where you are right now crime and making a cogent argument that the Biden maladministration is ruining our border, ruining our sovereignty intentionally.

But wait, it’s not just that. It’s also our expectations that they want us to change. You were pointing out to me during the break, a fascinating commentary in The Washington Post, where the Democrat line on this now is coming out.

Carmichael: This is also an article in The Atlantic magazine. But let me just read what this lady Amanda Maul wrote in The Atlantic, but that’s being echoed in The Washington Post. American consumers, their expectations, pampered and catered to for decades, are not accustomed to inconvenience.

For generations, American shoppers have been trained to be nightmares, Amanda Maul wrote in August in Atlanta before the supply chain problems turned truly ugly. The pandemic has shown just how desperately the consumer class clings to the feelings of being served.

Leahy: What a condescending moron.

Carmichael: But this is how Washington thinks.

Leahy: Oh, my goodness.

Carmichael: We are actually the ones who are here. We exist to serve Washington.

Leahy: Oh, that’s how it’s supposed to be.

Carmichael: That’s how it’s supposed to be. So customers persistently whine. Why didn’t they just hire more people? Sounds feeble in an era of great resignation, especially in industries such as food service, with reputations for being tough places to work.

Rather than living constantly on the verge of throwing a fit, the risk is taking out the overwhelmed servers and struggling shop owners of late-arriving delivery people.

We do ourselves a favor to consciously lower our expectations. Now, this is now the new media spin on the disastrous Biden administration because everything is going the wrong way. Crime is going through the roof.

What’s the Democrat’s response? Well, you should expect crime to go through the roof. Inflation is high. Goods are in short supply. Well, you should expect that. And if you don’t accept that, then you’re a bad person.

And it’s really going to be interesting to see if in the elections they’re able to actually persuade people that the rich and famous who live in California, New York, and Washington, can have everything that they want.

Which is literally a 10th of one percent of the population. But that everybody else should expect to live on crumbs.

Leahy: This is such an attitudinal differentiation between the Washington elite connected with the Democratic Party and the rest of the country.

Carmichael: Let me give you an example of how Washington thinks. Buried in the $3.5 trillion Biden’s Build Back Better bill is a piece of legislation or statute that gives the IRS the right to look at the bank account information of any American who has $600 deposited in that account at any time.

Leahy: I got a little twist for you on that.

Carmichael: Okay.

Leahy: I’ve got a little twist and the story. We have this at The Tennessee Star at That $600 number Crom it looks like was a trial balloon because they knew there would be a reaction to it because if it’s $600, that means everybody in America.

Carmichael: Well, then pick a number. Pick a number that you think the Democrats actually think they’re justified in using? Just pick a number.

Leahy: I don’t have to pick that number.

Carmichael: Okay.

Leahy: They’ve already picked it out.

Carmichael: What is it?

Leahy: A $10,000 transaction now has to be reported.

Carmichael: So now you’re saying anyone with a $10,000 balance at any time, their entire bank account can be examined. And let me say this.

Leahy: They came out with that yesterday.

Carmichael: If that law passes, then making the assumption that a Republican President is elected in 2024. I’m just going to make that assumption for this argument, should say that all of the staff members, every member of Congress, every lobbyist, every registered lobbyist, and then go on to say anybody who has $10,000 in their account and that has given more than $1,000 to the Democrat Party should not only have their bank account examined in great detail, but should also be audited. And the basis for that is to say they voted for it, they should live with it.

Leahy: Well, yes. Asterisk. Rules for thee, not for me.

Carmicheal: But that’s the point I’m trying to make.

Leahy: You made it well.

Carmichael: Republicans should say these are the rules you want for the rest of us so for the next four years, they’re going to be imposed on you, and we’ll let the chips fall where they may.

And the President should say, I hate doing this. This is terrible. This is a very un-American thing. I’m going to propose a statute to do away with it.

And then in that statute, we’re going to have very harsh penalties, both civil and criminal, on any federal bureaucrat who abuses the law.

Leahy: I have some breaking news. The source is Newsbreak, which is the app. So I don’t have the original source. I just got it texted. Are you ready for this?

Carmichael: I don’t know. (Chuckles)

Leahy: White House details Plans to vaccinate 28 million children age five to 11 pending Pfizer authorization.

Carmichael: The guy is stupid. Stupid is as stupid does. Is that what Forrest Gump so wisely said.

Leahy: Forest Gump would be much better.

Carmichael: Forest Gump was prescient.

Leahy: Prescient. Ding!

Carmichael: I thought I would use that word again. I was struggling to get it.

Leahy: Prescient. Foretelling of the future. Now is that foretelling of the future? Are we going to see forced vaccinations of children five to eleven? And by the way, there’s a local angle to this here, which I don’t think you and I have talked about it.

Last week, the Williamson County Board commissioners appointed to fill out the unserved, uncompleted term of Brad Fiscus, the lefty who left town after his wife was fired, basically from the Tennessee Department of Health.

They took a fella name of Josh Brown, who’s been around for some time. He was an aid to Don Sundquist who, of course, was the guy who wanted to introduce an income tax here in Tennessee in the early 2000s and failed, thankfully.

Well, they named this guy who is the Vice President of lobbying for Pfizer. They appointed this guy to serve on the Williamson County school board.

Carmichael: We discussed that.

Leahy: This seems to me now he’s got an opportunity to recuse himself on this issue because you know what’s happening next. School boards are going to be now brought up and unless if they don’t do this, the Department of Justice is going to stick the FBI on them.

Carmichael: I think the special session of the Tennessee legislature may address that.

Leahy: That’s a very good point.

Carmichael: Might very well address this type of issue now that the Biden administration has come out and said they’re going to forcibly vaccinate children between five and eleven.

Leahy: And that is a new breaking piece of information. Let’s go back to our lead story at The Tennessee Star to follow up on that when Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally and House Speaker Cameron Sexton have called for a special session.

Here is a little bit of what they said specifically about that. When outlining the scope of the session, McNally and Sexton detailed that legislation may target the broad federal mandates, here’s another one coming, vaccinate kids five to 11 with Pfizer issued by the Biden administration that requires certain companies to mandate vaccination or weekly testing and restriction on monoclonal antibodies.

Here’s what Speaker Sexton said. For several weeks, we’ve heard Tennesseeans that have significant concerns over the unconstitutional and burdensome mandates being imposed on them as an elected body.

It is our responsibility to let the distinctive voices of our communities be heard on these issues. So I think they’re going to take it on.

Carmichael: I hope they do because that would be a terrible overreach by the government.

Leahy: I got one other piece of information. The special session on COVID pushback will officially begin on October 27th at 4:00 p.m. That is what, one week from today. So it’ll be very interesting to follow that.

Carmichael: Yes.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.














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One Thought to “Crom Carmichael on the Gaslighting of the Consumer Class, Pfizer, and COVID Special Session”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Don’t expect the legislators to actually do anything to stop the craziness that has been going on for 18 months. Every time a bill comes up with teeth in it, the RINO’s in charge water it down to the pint of being worthless or they send it to summer study. I have zero faith in my rep and senator.
