Senator Lamar Alexander Won’t Say if He Told Trump Challenger Bill Weld He’d Vote to Convict President


Staff for Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee won’t say if he is one of six Republicans in the U.S. Senate who allegedly have plans to vote to remove President Donald Trump from office if the opportunity arises.

Members of Alexander’s communications team did not return The Tennessee Star’s request for comment on the matter Monday.

As reported in, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld said he knows most of the senior Republicans in the U.S. Senate, and he also said “they’re four to six votes for removal right now.”

A Google search for past news articles reveals Alexander is among four of 53 current U.S. Republican senators who are friends with or who have allied themselves politically with Weld.

But The Star could only find one news article in which Weld publicly identifies one of the current U.S. Republican senators as a friend, and Lamar Alexander is that person — going back more than 30 years.

According to, U.S. Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah said in 2016 that Weld would make a great president., meanwhile, reported that U.S. Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said something similar about Weld earlier this year.

In 2016, The Washington Times reported that Weld supported  U.S. Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s re-election bid in Alaska. Weld even traveled to that state that year to endorse Murkowski’s candidacy.

As The Star reported last week, Alexander said he will not take a position on Trump’s likely impeachment if the matter heads to the U.S. Senate for trial.

“If the House impeaches the president, the Senate would in effect be the jury. There would be many twists and turns between now and a Senate trial,” Alexander, a senior senator, said in an emailed statement Friday.

“Therefore, as a potential juror, I will have nothing more to say about impeachment until all the evidence is presented and all the arguments are made.”

As reported, U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn, who also represents Tennessee, has made her thoughts known on the impeachment matter.

What Alexander thinks, however, is of particular interest to at least one organization.

As The Star reported in October, Alexander wouldn’t say whether he would go along with investigating Trump’s alleged attempts to get a foreign country to discredit former Democratic vice president Joe Biden’s son.

Members of a 501c4 group known as Defending Democracy Together — who say they are “lifelong conservatives and Republicans” — called on Alexander to act in a video.


The ad then touts the website

According to the website, Republicans for the Rule of Law “is a coalition of Republicans who believe law enforcement investigations should be completed without political interference, the laws apply equally to everyone, and the Constitution needs to be followed.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].





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9 Thoughts to “Senator Lamar Alexander Won’t Say if He Told Trump Challenger Bill Weld He’d Vote to Convict President”

  1. CCW

    It will be nice when we can change back the US321 road signs “Lamar Alexander Parkway” to “New Walland Highway”. Or, based on recent news of new neighbors on Miller’s Cove Road, maybe “Bill Haslam Parkway”.

  2. Sim

    When are people going to pull their head out of their butts far enough to see that these people who have enough money to run for office, is not going to do anything to help the people who don’t have the money to run for office???

    If you want someone who would vote the same way you would, elect someone who lives the same way you do, you can’t drain the swamp restocking it ever election.

    My Suggestion, ‘”ARRON PETTIGREW” is running for Senator, but if history is any teacher,

    Most will vote for Dr Manny, and two weeks after he is sworn in be complaining about the way he is voting.

    Blackburn is already voting for more “Illegal Criminals” here is Tennessee, enough is enough.

  3. Jeff

    Alexander was not a good governor and has been a RINO senator. It will be a great day when he retires and fades away. He will not be missed by any true patriotic American.

  4. All of the Republicans named in the article are RHINOs. Alexander is not running for re-election, so he will not feel pressured to vote according to the preferences of his constituency.

    1. Ray F Holdaway

      If you vote against President Trump you will be back-stabbing hundreds of thousands of freedom-loving Tennessee citizens. Do you want this to be your political legacy? Do you really want to go down in history as the senior senator from Tennessee who chose to support corrupt Washington DC elites instead of the freedom-loving, middle-class Tennessee citizen? We’re watching you!

  5. rick

    Bill Weld is a political zero, always has been. A worthless slimey politician. Alexander you have rode the government gravy train all your life don’t go out by voting against the President, you have no reason to. Its about time to quit playing politics. President Trump is the second politician in my lifetime (Reagan being the first) that is really helping the country. Do something for Tennesseans before you end your political career, stand up and support the President.

    1. Martha Egan

      He knows he wouldn’t be re-elected if he ran again.

  6. Laura

    Well if he goes against the President I’m going to make it my mission to destroy him

    1. 83ragtop50

      He has long ago self destructed. We had the opportunity to get rid of him in 2014 but failed but not by very much.
