Dr. Ben Carson Talks 2024 Presidential Elections with Beacon Center of Tennessee

Former U.S. Secretary for Housing and Urban Development under President Trump and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson joined the Beacon Center of Tennessee’s podcast, Over-Caffeinated, where he discussed a variety of issues, including his thoughts on those prospects most likely to get the Republican and Democrat nominations for the 2024 presidential election.

The podcast was released on Monday.

Carson was asked in one exchange whether he thought former President Trump or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis would emerge victorious from a hypothetical 2024 GOP primary matchup.

“I think that’s a very difficult question. When you look at the kinds of crowds Trump is getting and the enthusiasm of those crowds, it’s hard to dismiss that. I think if he moderated his tone, which he might well do since he can’t run again after that – I think he could probably get the nomination,” he said.

“I think DeSantis is probably smart enough to realize that he’s in a very good position – let those four years go by and he’s in a very good position to get an eight-year term,” Carson added.

Carson was asked who he thought would get the Democrat nomination in 2024, and names like Elizabeth Warren were suggested to him.

“Remember in the 1992 conversation, at this time, nobody knew who Bill Clinton was. I don’t think that any of the names you’ve mentioned are going to be it. I think the Democrats sometimes demonstrate tremendous intellectual ability but I think they know they’ve got to come up with something better than they’ve been tossing out there,” he said.

Carson additionally discussed how, in his opinion, the United States could fail as a country and how the American people should really view each other.

“The only way that our nation, which is incredibly strong, can be brought down – is from the inside. A house divided cannot stand. Russia’s not going to do it. China’s not going to do it. North Korea’s not going to do it. Iran’s not going to do it,” he said.

“But, if it is going to be done, it’s going to be done by us and we have to prevent that from happening by helping the American people realize that we’re not each other’s enemies. The real enemies are those who are driving wedges based upon race, based on gender, income, age, political affiliation, religious affiliation, whatever – trying to divide us and make us hate each other,” added Dr. Carson.

Beacon Center President Justin Owen and Vice President of Strategy and Communications Mark Cunningham host the Over-Caffeinated podcast.

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Aaron Gulbransen is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]. Follow Aaron on GETTR, Twitter, Truth Social, and Parler.
Photo “Ben Carson” by United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. Background Photo “Election Day” by Phil Roeder. CC BY 2.0.


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2 Thoughts to “Dr. Ben Carson Talks 2024 Presidential Elections with Beacon Center of Tennessee”

  1. Abbe Faria

    IF these are the highlights of Carson’s remarks, then the interview was a waste of time.

    Whenever Trump announces, he has the nomination, hands down. That’s not the issue.

    DeSantis will not challenge him. Nikki Haley, Pompeo, Pence, and Noem might all get swamp funding in order to slow down the Trump train, but that is all they would do.

    The first issue is will Trump’s negatives hurt him in the general election. The second issue is will Trump be able to quickly behead the swamp monsters when he takes office.

    If Carson wants to stand up for truth, honor, and the American Way, he should should be repeatedly calling out the horrible corruption and thievery that so thoroughly permeates every part of our tyrannical, criminal federal government.


  2. JakkiK

    I fully agree, this way we have Trump for 4 years, and DeSantis for 8 years. 12 years is a LONG time to turn this country back into what it was originally meant to be, the Freedom Hub of the World. The country everyone wants to come live in.

    The haters can all go move to Russia, China, North Korea or Iraq.
