Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s Pension Restored in DOJ Settlement

by Eric Lendrum


Andrew McCabe, the disgraced former Deputy Director of the FBI, has reached a legal settlement with the Justice Department that allows him to receive his pension, as well as reimbursement for hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, CNN reports.

McCabe was one of the leading figures in the anti-Trump efforts from within the federal government, which ultimately led to the infamous “Russian collusion” hoax and subsequent federal investigation by Robert Mueller. Despite no evidence whatsoever of any such plot, McCabe continued to defend these efforts during his time as Deputy Director. In March of 2018, he was fired by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, on orders from President Trump, just two days before McCabe’s retirement date; this ultimately prevented him from being eligible for his pension and other retirement benefits.

The following year, McCabe sued the Justice Department over the circumstances of his firing, claiming that it was motivated by politics. On Thursday, the legal settlement with the Justice Department, now controlled by Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland, was made public; as per the agreement, the record of McCabe’s firing has been erased, and his service record now claims that he did, in fact, serve until his formal retirement date and retired normally. Internal FBI records will subsequently be rewritten to reflect this falsehood, in an alarming example of revisionist history by the Biden Administration.

As a result of the settlement, McCabe will be allowed to receive the compensation he has missed out on since 2018, which he believes to be worth over $200,000. He will also be spared from having to pay the legal fees for his lawyers himself, saving him approximately $540,000. Among other, more superficial benefits, McCabe will see his FBI badge formally mounted and will receive his ceremonial senior executive cufflinks.

McCabe, now a CNN contributor, claimed that he “didn’t file this suit to get rich off the Department of Justice,” adding that he had “been through a really terrible experience over the last couple of years.” But even then, he expressed fear at the influence of former President Trump, who he believes will continue bringing attention to McCabe’s wrongdoings at the FBI.

“I don’t kid myself to think that [Trump] is going to put aside his horrific judgment,” McCabe claimed in an interview with his CNN colleague Anderson Cooper on Thursday, “his constant lying and his tormenting of me and my family. I’m sure this will just add another log to the fire. He’ll probably be saying all kinds of things about it tomorrow.” McCabe provided no evidence that President Trump has targeted his family in any way, nor did he back up his assertions that Trump was lying about his conduct.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.




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One Thought to “Ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s Pension Restored in DOJ Settlement”

  1. 83ragtop50

    McCabe, the liar being rewarded by the current batch of Washington liars.
