EXCLUSIVE: Spirit of America Rally in Nashville on March 4 to Show Support for Trump and Call for Impeachment of ‘Out-of-Control’ Judges

The Spirit of America Rally will be held at the Legislative Plaza in Nashville on Saturday March 4, beginning at 11 a.m. and continuing to 1 p.m., America First Tennessee, in partnership with liberty-minded grassroots groups across Tennessee, announced on Monday in a statement first released exclusively to The Tennessee Star.

In addition to Mark Skoda, speakers at the event will include Tennessee radio heavyweight Ralph Bristol, host of Nashville’s Morning News on 99.7 FM WWTN,  Ohio Tea Party leader Tom Zawistowski, Tennessee gubernatorial candidate State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville), State Senator Mae Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet), and co-sponsor of the event, Tennessee House Majority Leader State Rep. Glen Casada (R-Franklin).

“People I talk with want President Trump to know that we stand with him; and that we, too, see that the Judiciary is coming off the rails. Furthermore, we are ready to do something about it,” rally organizer and Memphis Tea Party founder Mark Skoda said.

“We will urge our Representatives [in the United States House of Representatives] to impeach, and for the Senate to try, convict, and remove [Federal District] Judge James Robart in Washington and [Federal District] Judge Leonie Brinkema in Virginia,” Skoda said.

“They expose an allegiance not to the Constitution to which they swore an oath to uphold, but instead to a Leftist ideology that is, in fact, anti-Constitutional,” Skoda said of Judge Robart and Judge Brinkema.

Under the Constitution, the House of Representatives has the authority to impeach federal officers, including the President, the Vice-President, and all federal judges. Upon impeachment by the House, federal officers are brought to trial in the Senate. If convicted, they are removed from office.

Since the ratification of the Constitution in 1789, fifteen federal judges have been impeached. Eight have been convicted, three have resigned prior to trial, and four have been acquitted.

Judge Robart made headlines earlier this month when he granted a temporary restraining order halting President Trump’s executive order temporarily banning refugees from all countries and temporarily blocking the issuance of visas to residents of seven Middle Eastern countries previously designated as “state sponsors of terrorism” or “countries of concern” by the Obama administration.

Judge Brinkema issued a similar, though less widely reported, ruling.

“I receive calls every day from activists, organizers, and concerned citizens. Just about all of them come down to two things: the Media’s gross mischaracterization of the huge support President Trump has in Tennessee, and deep misgivings about the nonsensical decisions we see coming from the Courts,” Skoda tells The Star.

“The Spirit of America Rally is a celebration of what makes America great: our people, our traditions, our roots in self-governance, and a commitment to the intellectual underpinnings of the Constitution,” he said.

“Eight years ago today, I was on a conference call with people just like me from across the country, working to organize locations for the first Tea Party Rallies to voice our outrage at our completely out-of-control government,” Skoda said. “We knew the American people were with us, even if the media and their Democrat allies were not.

“We were right. The Tea Party events in Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, and Knoxville were tremendous successes.”

“Back then, we were looking at a large Democrat majority in the House, the Senate, and a White House Administration that seemed to know no bounds – Constitutionally, fiscally, or otherwise.

“We rolled up our sleeves and got to work – starting with the Legislative branch. In 2010, our grassroots, people-powered Tea Party Movement shocked House Democrats by picking up a record 63 seats in a single election. In 2014, we stymied Senate Democrats by picking up a full 9 seats.

“In 2016, we turned our attention to the Executive branch, and worked to nominate and then elect President Donald Trump. And we did so with a diverse electorate to include Republicans, conservatives, independents, and Democrats from around the country.”

Skoda said, “Now in 2017, we are turning our attention of the third, often overlooked, part of government: the Judicial branch. The time has come for Americans to finally confront our out-of-control judiciary.

“We will urge our Representatives to impeach, and for the Senate to try, convict, and remove individuals like Judge James Robart in Washington and Judge Leonie Brinkema in Virginia. Their decisions are a stain on the Court. They expose an allegiance not to the Constitution to which they swore an oath to uphold, but instead to a Leftist ideology that is, in fact, anti-Constitutional,” he concluded.

All nine members of the Tennessee delegation to the U.S. House of Representatives have the authority to introduce articles of impeachment, which would first be considered by the House Judiciary Committee, chaired by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA).

Two members of the Tennessee delegation, Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN), from Memphis (9th Congressional District), and Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN), from Nashville (5th Congressional District), are Democrats and would never introduce such articles of impeachment for these two federal judges.

Seven members of the Tennessee delegation, however, are Republicans, and will be asked by their constituents who attend The Spirit of America Rally in Nashville on March 4 to file articles of impeachment in the House against Judge Robart and Judge Brinkema.

Those seven Republican members of the U.S. House of Representatives from Tennessee are:

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (7th Congressional District)

Rep. Scott DesJarlais (4th Congressional District)

Rep. Diane Black (6th Congressional District)

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (3rd Congressional District)

Rep. Phil Roe (1st Congressional District)

Rep. Jimmy Duncan (2nd Congressional District)

Rep. David Kustoff (8th Congressional District)

“To find out more, or to join the Spirit of American Rally as a group or sponsor, go to mainstreetpatriots.us and the TN Facebook page at www.facebook.com/AmericaFirstTN. All donations collected will be used exclusively for the costs associated to the Rally,” America First Tennessee says in its press release.

The Spirit of America Rally represents another organizational innovation in the conservative movement’s decentralized approach to political engagement.

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8 Thoughts to “EXCLUSIVE: Spirit of America Rally in Nashville on March 4 to Show Support for Trump and Call for Impeachment of ‘Out-of-Control’ Judges”

  1. […] America First Tennessee, a grassroots organization which I founded here in Tennessee, called for the impeachment of Robart soon thereafter. […]

  2. […] Nashville, Tennessee for example, our friends at the TennesseeStar.com report that The Spirit of America Rally will be held at the Legislative Plaza in Nashville on […]

  3. […] Spirit of America Rally organizers announced exclusively to The Tennessee Star that grassroots superstar Jim Hoft will […]

  4. […] Debbie Dooley, a national co-founder of the Tea Party movement and a key organizer of the Spirit of America rallies, https://twitter.com/Crimsontider?ref…Ctwgr%5Eauthor Sporting a photo of some rally before Feb 20th! HAHA! What a teagaggering lair. See this image come from here. Really before the 20th rally somewhere. EXCLUSIVE: Spirit of America Rally in Nashville on March 4 to Show Support for Trump and Call for Im… […]

  5. george boyd

    the photo is what date and what rally?

  6. […] Plans for many of the rallies are still shaping up. But organizers in Tennessee have announced a program and agenda for their Nashville rally March 4, including an appearance by an Ohio Tea Party leader, Tom Zawistowski of Portage County, according to the Tennessee Star." […]

  7. Michael O'Rourke

    relax people, our president has this under control. New EO on Wednesday.
