Far-Left Activists Plan to Further Harass Kyrsten Sinema at Boston Marathon

Kyrsten Sinema
by Eric Lendrum


Radical far-left activists publicly announced their plans to continue harassing Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) over her opposition to the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, this time with plans to follow her around at the Boston Marathon, Fox News reports.

The Green New Deal Network, an alliance of 15 far-left groups, issued a press release declaring their intent to follow and harass Sinema at the annual event on Monday, in an act known in politics as “bird-dogging.” The pressure from radical activists stems from Sinema’s refusal to support the “Build Back Better Bill,” an effort to shove through many far-left agenda items through the legislative process known as reconciliation; reconciliation, which is often reserved exclusively for budgetary matters, cannot be filibustered and thus only requires a narrow majority of 51 votes in order to pass.

Sinema, along with Senator Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), has repeatedly refused to support a bill that costs as much as $3.5 trillion, instead advocating for a reduction in the overall cost.

Over the last week, Sinema has been harassed on multiple locations by far-left activists, who would follow her, shout at her, and film her as they demand that she support the reconciliation bill. While Sinema was at Arizona State University last week, several activists, including a self-admitted illegal alien, followed her into a restroom and filmed the outside of her stall, and then continued to follow her as she washed her hands and left. Later, she was accosted on an airplane as she was preparing for the flight between Washington D.C. and Arizona, and was again hounded by activists at Ronald Reagan National Airport after disembarking from her plane.

Moderate Democrats in Congress like Sinema have first demanded that the House of Representatives pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that was already passed by the Senate before they will consider passing the reconciliation bill. But progressives in the House have demanded that the larger bill be passed first, in its entirety, before they vote on the infrastructure bill. The congressional standoff has led to a stalemate that threatens to torpedo Joe Biden’s entire domestic legislative agenda.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Kyrsten Sinema” by Kyrsten Sinema.









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2 Thoughts to “Far-Left Activists Plan to Further Harass Kyrsten Sinema at Boston Marathon”

  1. william delzell

    Sinema is a disgusting turn-coat Republican who merely masquerades as a Democrat. Let’s run her out of town on a rail!

  2. Russ Crouch

    Are these people really stupid enough to think that they have more say vs. the voters in her district?
