Former Governor Phil Bredesen Fears His Senate Campaign Has Been Hacked

Former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen fears his 2018 U.S. Senate campaign has been hacked, potentially marking the first known cyberattack targeting the November mid-terms merely eight months until Election Day. Campaign aides last month “received multiple emails that appeared to be from the campaign’s media buyer,” Robert E. Cooper Jr., an attorney for Mr. Bredesen’s Democratic campaign, wrote the FBI in a letter sent to the bureau’s Memphis division Thursday.

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2 Thoughts to “Former Governor Phil Bredesen Fears His Senate Campaign Has Been Hacked”

  1. 83ragtop50

    The only “hack” here is Bredesen.

  2. Kevin

    Accusations of”hacking”, are we seeing one of the new norms? Marsha is a woman so Bredesen can’t accuse her of sexual misconduct. He needs to pull some other stunt to give himself and the Dems cover for when he loses!

    This is all leading toward the Left’s goal, eliminate elections. Heck, why shouldn’t we let “government” pick our representatives? Seems like most people want them doing EVERYTHING else for them.

    We need more TN Stars bringing us the real story!
