Former Sen. Corker Bashes Trump, Wants to Guide GOP Forward


A former Republican Senator from Tennessee who had a tumultuous relationship with President Donald J. Trump has resurfaced to bash the forty-fifth President in his final days in office, along with, by extension, those who support him.

“Look, there’s no one that feels more strongly about the fact that Republicans ought to celebrate some of the policy gains that have occurred, but never ever, ever allow someone like President Trump to serve again, certainly to become the Republican nominee or be president of the United States,” former Sen. Bob Corker (T-TN) told Knox News last week.

Corker, begrudgingly supported Trump during his 2016 presidential election campaign, though he refused to formally endorse the eventual winner of the race.

The pair had numerous public spats before Corker retired from his post in 2018.

Corker once referred to the White House as an “adult daycare center.”

In October of 2017, Corker told The New York Times that Trump was putting the United States “on the path to World War III.”

Like everyone else who made that claim, Corker was wrong. There were no new wars during the Trump presidency, as Vice President Mike Pence noted Sunday.

“I’m proud to report with just a few days left in our Administration, our Administration is the first in decades that did not get America into a new war. That’s Peace through Strength,” Pence said on Twitter.

But with Trump leaving office, Corker and many like him in the GOP Establishment that was roundly rejected by Republican voters in 2016, is looking to guide the GOP’s path forward.

“When asked about [potentially running for office again] Thursday, the former senator and former Chattanooga mayor said no one should take his statements to mean he is trying to push his way to the top of the party, a place he says he’s never felt inclined to go,” Knox News reported. Instead, he just wants a seat at the table when the party’s future is up for debate, he said.”

In an interview with Politico, Corker refused to rule out running for office in the future. He told Knox News that he’s on “sabbatical.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Bob Corker” by Bob Corker.






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36 Thoughts to “Former Sen. Corker Bashes Trump, Wants to Guide GOP Forward”

  1. Jay

    Well said by all. He just thumbed his nose at 74 million plus Americans. He was a good mayor though.

  2. Jack

    Where is Marsha Blackburn and Bill Hagerty? Why aren’t the defending the people in Tennessee that voted for Trump! The left wants to reprogram the Trump supporters! We see that. they will be part of the Washington swamp and not represent the people of Tennessee!


  3. Pandora

    Napoleon B. was exiled first to Elba and then for a second time he was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena. I suggest the same for Bob Corker, the Napoleon of Tennessee.

  4. Bubba N.

    I truly hate this puke. Republicans like him are pure garbage.

  5. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Corker may not be the LAST person we need to “guide the GOP’s path forward”, but this unrepentant RINO is definitely near the bottom of the list. He belongs right where he is now, on the trash heap of history. Marsha Blackburn is far from perfect, but she’s a huge improvement over Corker.

  6. MAGA Supporter

    He’s mad because Tennesseans / Trump supporters booed him on stage at a Trump rally.

    1. Pandora

      I witnessed that ! The booing was so loud even Trump was shocked.


    Hey Bob your mouth cork fell out put it back in and cork it. You had your chance and you blew it. RINOs not welcome in the Tennessee GOP.

  8. Ms Independent

    Rhinos Corker, Hagerty, Blackburn backed President Trump when it benefited them but now we know where they really stand! I thank President Trump for exposing the swamp!

  9. Ron Welch

    Corker was senator only because two good conservatives, Ed Bryant and Van Hilleary, split the vote in the 2006 Republican Primary. Hilleary had lost narrowly to Phil Bredesen in the gubernatorial election. He should have deferred to Congressman Ed Bryant, a constitutional conservative, who would’ve been a great Senator for Tennessee. I never voted for Corker and would never do so.

  10. krikit

    Corker wants to guide the GOP? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all week. That even beats the “Biden will unite the country”.

    1. Chattanooga Bill

      Excellent comment!

  11. Frank List

    corker was a collosal failure to Tennessee. He ran as a conservative, but it didn’t take long for this LEPER to change his spots.

    please allow me to suggest, mr corker, that you take the money you stole from us and just go away.

    no one wants to hear your whiny, elfin voice lying to us anymore…so please accept your irrelevance and, as my German friends would say, “macht nie fleige!”

    1. Frank List

      my mistake: its “fliege”… it means, more or less to “take a hike…”

  12. Philip Hopper

    Crawl back under your rock. You were in a position to help this country but you choose not to. Remember Iran and that little nuclear agreement? You screwed us all and Trump. Go join your freeing in the democrat party and lead them, traitor.

    1. Trevor

      Amen! Go back to Washington Corker! You were a fake conservative!!!

  13. Fraudsters gonna fraud.

    What’s the matter, Bob? Didn’t do enough damage the first go-round? Go back to managing your questionable real estate “interests.”

  14. midtngal

    What you and others don’t seem to understand Bob is that Donald Trump IS the Republican party! With what the “party” has done to him, there will be no more Republican party! The funds will dry up soon enough. Maybe then you all will get it!
