Governor Lee Will Send Tennessee National Guard Troops to Texas Border


Governor Bill Lee announced Tuesday that in early 2022, he will send approximately 50 additional members of the Tennessee National Guard troops to the Texas border to help with the growing drug crisis.

“An open border has far-reaching consequences that are fueling a drug crisis impacting both our national security and the safety of our state,” Governor Lee said.  “I have authorized additional Tennessee Guard support at our Southern border as we look to address drug trafficking at the source.”

Customs and Border Patrol reports that over five tons – 10,520 pounds – of the deadly drug fentanyl has been confiscated at the southern border this fiscal year. The agency notes that a lethal dose for most people is 2-3 milligrams, meaning that the amount of fentanyl intercepted from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021 alone is enough to kill every man, woman, and child in the United States more than four times over.

In July of last year, Lee visited the more than 300 Tennesseans stationed at the border.

During that time, Lee noted that the drug crisis had escalated as a threat to public safety, to a threat to United States’ sovereignty.

“What I saw at the border is unsustainable for our country and should be number one priority for national security, Tennessee will always step up and serve, but we need immediate reinforcements, like a finished border wall, to ensure our men and women in uniform have the tools they need to do their job,” he said.

The Tennessee Star reported earlier this week on an update of drugs being brought into the United States from Mexico. In Yuma, Arizona, a Lawfully Admitted Permanent Resident (LAPR) was found to have $10,000 dollars and four different types of illegal drugs in her car.

Earlier this year, The Star reported that Drug Enforcement in Texas said cartels had been doing anything to move drugs into the United States.

While there were 92,183 overdose deaths in the U.S. in 2020, Houston Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Special Agent in Charge Daniel Comeaux said that the cartels “don’t care about what’s going on in America, all they care about is the dollar bill and figuring out how to get their drugs across the border. And that’s the unfortunate thing. We battle everyday to stop that for America.”

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Morgan Nicole Veysey is a reporter for The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow her on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Bill Lee” by Gov. Bill Lee. Background Photo “Tennessee National Guard” by The National Guard. CC BY 2.0.





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7 Thoughts to “Governor Lee Will Send Tennessee National Guard Troops to Texas Border”

  1. […] Tennessee Star previously reported that Lee authorized additional Tennessee National Guard support to be sent to the U.S. southern […]

  2. […] Tennessee Star reported Governor Bill Lee will relocate 50 additional members of the Tennessee National Guard troops to the Texas […]

  3. Kevin

    I guess I should be applauding this effort, but I can’t. To me it seems like nothing but a token political gesture! More of the same old, just enough “get me reelected” politics as we see every election cycle!

    No disrespect but with a border that is almost 2,000 miles long and a Federal government that is h*ll bent on letting as many illegal aliens and as much illegal drugs into the country as possible, 50 additional Tennessee National guardsmen is like a f*rt in a windstorm!

    And if you want to really protect Tennessee and America, how about you have the Drug Enforcement Task Forces stop the flow drugs and human traffic as they flow through and into the State, don’t just try to catch the money flowing out!

  4. Dr Ken

    While I commend the State of Tennessee for acting, the reality is that immigration mess is a Federal problem exacerbated under the Biden administration. Sending the guard is a temporary action that does not address the real problem. Biden, and this congress has to act and sending the incompetent Kamala Harris to the border was laughable at best. President Trump and his team made inroads cleaning up the mess left by Obama. I believe we’ll see real progress following the mid-term elections next fall as the House and Senate representation/leadership will change to Republican.

  5. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Tennessee is second only to West Virginia for narcotics abuse an overdose. It’s kind of an HCA business model. Repeat business. Lortab is Tennessee Tylenol. Swallow it down with Tennessee’s own Jack Daniels. Marijuana? There has never been a documented case of Marijuana overdose. That’s why it is illegal.

    If our politicians were smart, they would legalize marijuana and tax it. Unfortunately the politicians are not smart. They are generally just bought off. If you haven’t noticed we have the best democracy that money can buy.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Why do you push for marijuana so hard? Have you never been around those so high on it they can barely function? And legalizing the stuff does not stop the illegal sales. Is more tax money that important?

    2. John

      The thing about weed is that long time use of the drug destroys your cognitive ability to the point where you could easily be a Joe Biden imitator. My older brother is living proof of that. Went from being a Rhodes Scholar to a slow thinking, tinfoil hat, paranoid, nut job.

      Recreational use of drugs, legal or illegal, is just stupid.

