Holt: Bredesen Wrong For Tennessee as Senator, Would Not Stand Up to Democrats

Marsha Blackburn, Andy Holt, Phil Bredesen

U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) is a better choice for the U.S. Senate than Democratic former Gov. Bredesen, one state representative said.

Blackburn and Bredesen are running for the seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Bob Corker.

State Rep. Andy Holt (R-76) wrote the comments about Bredesen and Blackburn in an op-ed in the Jackson Sun.

“Just look at his (Bredesen’s) failure to denounce Democrat Congressman Steve Cohen (District 9), who said he wished Marsha Blackburn would jump off a bridge, or Mark Brown, the spokesman for the Tennessee Democratic Party who called President Trump a “moron” and his supporters ‘idiots.’ I guess I am one of those idiots. If he won’t stand up to his Democrats buddies in Tennessee for using the violent and partisan language that he claims to despise, because it plagues our country, who’s to say he’ll be able to do it in Washington?

“Now that he’s running for office, he is telling you what he thinks you want to hear — that he’ll work across the aisle and won’t block the president at every turn. The reality is legislators — especially in the United States Senate — must pick a team, and he will be with the Democrats — you know, the team advocating for socialism, promoting abortion, impeaching our president and expanding government at every turn? Yeah, that team. Those Democrats want nothing more than to stop President Trump, plain and simple. …

“Marsha Blackburn has a proven record of commitment to Tennessee Values. She knows the importance of limited government and stood with thousands of grassroots activists to stop the Tennessee state income tax while she was in the state legislature. She is 100 percent pro-life and fought Planned Parenthood and their disgusting sale of baby body parts. She knows that Tennesseans expect Congress to work with President Trump to pass his agenda, and she supports his work to put America first.

“I stand with Blackburn today, and I will stand with her every day, because her only interest in the United States Senate is representing folks just like us.”







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One Thought to “Holt: Bredesen Wrong For Tennessee as Senator, Would Not Stand Up to Democrats”

  1. William R. Delzell

    You mean Bredesen won’t stand up to Republicans, because he’s one himself?
