Kasich Squashes Rumors Of POTUS Bid But Promises To Restore Pre-Trump GOP

by Chris White

Ohio Gov. John Kasich dismissed rumors of a presidential bid Sunday shortly after suggesting he can bring the GOP “back” to where it presumably was before President Donald Trump was elected.

“We should care about people from top to bottom, not just those at the top,” he told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I can bring that party back. That’s what I’m going to do in one way or another.” Kasich did not specify how the party had been led astray, but he did suggest that the “Republican Party left me.”

Kasich did not directly address his opinion of Trump during the interview, but he has been critical of the president and the Republican party since his 2016 presidential campaign ended ignominiously.

He called Trump’s response to white supremacist violence in Charlottesville “pathetic,” pilloried Trump’s executive order on refugees and migrants, and sided with NFL players in an ongoing dispute over the appropriateness of staging protests during the observance of the national anthem.

Speculation ratcheted up in 2017 that Kasich was considering a bipartisan presidential bid in 2020 with Democratic Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper. The pair denied any such ambitions, and Kasich spent the bulk of his time Sunday pitching Tapper on his record as Ohio’s Republican governor.

“In my state we have balanced budgets, surplus, we’re up half a million jobs and then people say, ‘Well Kasich’s not a conservative.’ What does that mean? Does that mean I have to be anti-immigrant, anti-trade?” he said, referring to Trump’s support for trade tariffs and a wall on the Southern border.

Chris White is a reporter at the Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Chris on Facebook and Twitter.






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3 Thoughts to “Kasich Squashes Rumors Of POTUS Bid But Promises To Restore Pre-Trump GOP”

  1. Brian McMurphy

    As long as he is criticizing Trump, the anti-American media will gladly send out a news crew to report from whatever truck stop bathroom stall he plans on winning converts.

  2. Bill

    Is Kasick that stupid or has dementia started to sink it’s teeth into this Liblican presidential wanna be that’ll never be. Ohio, wake up and oust this self proclaimed icon idiot. Hasn’t he realized yet that it’s that mentality that made people elect our great leader President Trump? Wait, keep flapping your jaws Kasick, 7 more years of Trump is what we need. Keep having your little campfire kumbaya sing alongs with your Liblican swamp people and stop wasting the American people’s time.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Won’t this loser just go away? He is the poster boy for what was (and mostly still is) wrong with the GOP.
