Lamar Alexander Will Not Say What He’ll Do with Likely Donald Trump Impeachment


U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee said he will not take a position on the likely impeachment of U.S. Republican President Donald Trump if the matter heads to the U.S. Senate for trial.

“If the House impeaches the president, the Senate would in effect be the jury. There would be many twists and turns between now and a Senate trial,” Alexander, a senior senator, said in an emailed statement to The Tennessee Star Friday.

“Therefore, as a potential juror, I will have nothing more to say about impeachment until all the evidence is presented and all the arguments are made.”

According to Friday’s, U.S. Republican presidential candidate Bill Weld said he knows most of the senior Republicans in the U.S. Senate, and that “they’re picking their words carefully when they talk to me.”

“I wouldn’t want to get quoted,” the website quoted Weld as saying.

“I don’t even like to ask someone to do something which is not in their political self-interest. But yeah, I would say they’re four to six votes for removal right now.”

According to an old article on, with an unspecified date, Weld referred to Alexander as a friend.

As reported, U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn, who also represents Tennessee, has made her thoughts known on the impeachment matter.

What Alexander thinks, however, is of particular interest to at least one organization.

As The Star reported in October, Alexander wouldn’t say whether he would go along with investigating Trump’s alleged attempts to get a foreign country to discredit former Democratic vice president Joe Biden’s son.

Members of a 501c4 group known as Defending Democracy Together — who say they are “lifelong conservatives and Republicans” — called on Alexander to act in a video.

The ad then touts the website

According to the website, Republicans for the Rule of Law “is a coalition of Republicans who believe law enforcement investigations should be completed without political interference, the laws apply equally to everyone, and the Constitution needs to be followed.”

Republicans for the Rule of Law is a project of Defending Democracy Together.

According to the website, group members say they believe in American exceptionalism.

According to the organization’s website, The Weekly Standard founder William Kristol directs the group, alongside author and former National Review writer Mona Charen.

Linda Chavez, and former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman, among others, are also involved.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Donald Trump” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.




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10 Thoughts to “Lamar Alexander Will Not Say What He’ll Do with Likely Donald Trump Impeachment”

  1. […] The Tennessee Star reported in December, U.S. Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee said he will not take a position on the […]

  2. […] The Star reported last week, Alexander said he will not take a position on Trump’s likely impeachment if the matter heads to […]

  3. Pissed Off Nashvillian

    Crawl out from under your desk Lamar and do your job !

  4. 83ragtop50

    And with have to put up with this idiot for another 13 months. He should try to save a little face and quit today.

  5. Steve in Greensboro

    “Defending Democracy Together” is a project with with Biil Kristol, Mona Charen, Linda Chavez and Christine Todd Whitman. What was it Obi Wan said in the first Star Wars? “A wretched hive of scum and villainy”?

    Go out to their website and you will see what these neo-con clowns stand for.


    –Open borders

    –Allowing the Chinese to continue to export American manufacturing jobs to China.

    –Trying to provoke a war with a weak, but nuclear-armed Russia.

    –Endless war in the Middle East.

    These folks are essentially against all the good things that Trump has done and is trying to do for America.

    And if Lamar Alexander does not explicitly, publicly reject these people, he is the enemy of Tennessee and the enemy of America.

  6. Ralph

    Oh, for goodness sake, recognize that the president asked that Ukraine investigate political corruption at the highest level and, for that, he is now subject to impeachment??!! What insanity!


  7. William R. Delzell

    At one time, Lamar Alexander used to be at least a half-way decent person. In the early 1980’s as governor, he was one of the few Republicans in the entire nation to help defeat a racist attempt by President Reagan to gut the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He was also joined by former G.O.P. Senator Howard Baker, Jr. in blocking Reagan’s racist pandering. Only one Tennessee Republican Congressperson supported Reagan’s gutting attempt. All of Tennessee’s office-holders of both parties in both U.S. chambers opposed Reagan. He also did not carry out any executions in Tennessee during his eight year stint in the Governor’s Mansion without hurting his political career. As a young honor student at Vanderbilt during the early 1960’s, he supported compliance with civil rights and desegregation.

    That was then; this is now. My beefs about Alexander are for the opposite reasons that many Tea Party types oppose him: his support for enforcing the blatantly anti-male (misandrist) Selective Sexist Service draft registration system that Carter reinstated in 1980; his failure during the mid-1970’s to speak out against Watergate; and his failure to take a stand against Cold War militarism (e.g.: Nancy and Ronald Reagan’s support of the drug-dealing Contras). Otherwise, Alexander was okay.

    I hope, however, that he has not completely capitulated to the Right.

  8. John Bumpus

    If Alexander does not vote for the President’s acquittal, he will be remembered in infamy by the people of Tennessee.

    1. Anita Paschall

      He needed to be taken out behind the wood shed long ago in Tennessee!!🥵

  9. robert

    this RINO never surprises me
