Left-Wing Washington Post Labels Tennessee Expulsions ‘Act of Retaliation’

A left-wing news outlet labeled the expulsion of two Tennessee state lawmakers as an act of partisanship.

“Breaking news: In a historic act of partisan retaliation, the Republican-led Tennessee House voted Thursday to expel two Democratic lawmakers who halted proceedings last week to join protesters demanding gun-control legislation after a mass killing,” said The Washington Post on Twitter, linking to a news story the outlet wrote on the subject.

According to The Post, former State Representatives Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) were expelled for rioting alongside students who were demanding gun control in the wake of a mass shooting at The Covenant School in Nashville.

As reported by The Tennessee Star and as established by House Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Cumberland County) during Thursday’s expulsion proceedings, Jones and Pearson were expelled for conspiring to lead a riot during a House session. Jones using a bullhorn to actively incite the rioters.

State Representative Gloria Johnson (D-Knoxville) narrowly escaped expulsion herself. Despite her House colleagues voting overwhelmingly to expel her (the vote was 65-30), a supermajority of 66 votes is required for expulsion.

State troopers stepped in to foil the riot, physically preventing rioters from entering the House chamber, home to the offices of Tennessee’s lawmakers.

The Post further villainized conservatives in its report.

“The unprecedented effort in response to remove them from office stunned many and marked an escalation in partisan rancor dominating some statehouses,” the report said. “In some cases, Republican-led legislatures have taken steps to marginalize Democrats, particularly over gun control and social issues.”

The expulsion came just days after left-wing, George Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg oversaw the first arrest of a former U.S. president in American history.

Former President Donald Trump was charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business documents. The case has been described as “flimsy,” even by critics of the 45th president.

The anti-gun protest-turned-riot in the Capitol building occurred just three days after the mass shooting The Covenant School.

As reported by The Star, three children and three adults were killed by 28-year-old former student Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who identified as transgender. Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) officers Rex Engelbert and Michael Collazo ended Hale’s rampage, killing her.

Hale reportedly left behind a manifesto that has not yet been released to the public, though officials confirmed that the shooting was planned months in advance.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Justin Jones and Justin Pearson” by Justin J. Pearson.


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5 Thoughts to “Left-Wing Washington Post Labels Tennessee Expulsions ‘Act of Retaliation’”

  1. Dr Ken

    This is in line with what one today expects from the Washington Post who long ago surrendered professional journalism and objective reporting.

  2. Joe Blow

    the Washington Post long ago became an extension of the leftwing Democrat party. I surprised that they were so restrained in their unfounded declarations. Jones has been a troublemaker for years. But it appears that his past is taboo to talk about.

  3. Jack Dodson

    Regardless of what the self-parodying WaPo thinks, hopefully GOP lawmakers will remember to throw out everyone possible next time. While the evidence did indicate two of the three were more egregious in their criminal disruption of the legislature, that should have been disregarded and Johnson should have been booted as well. Republicans, you are dealing with monsters and acting like the Democrats are normal human beings. They are not. I do applaud you for throwing out the other two, and ways to prevent their re-admission need to be explored, but perhaps you could expel Johnson retroactively? Just invent “newly found evidence,” which is what the Left routinely does.

  4. Steve Allen

    Retaliation is exactly what happened. Our local NAACP representative is complaining that racism is at hand because the white representative was not expelled. That’s because she didn’t behave in the same manner as the two black representatives. Also, it now comes out that Jones used a racial slur against another “person of color”, State Rep. Sabi ‘Doc’ Kumar.

    I guess these two idiots should be given another free ride without any consequences so they can continue to act unprofessionally. Just like all the liberal DAs in this country who just release violent offenders back out on the streets where they continue to assault and kill innocent people.

    It’s time to tell the race hustlers to go to hell!

  5. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    So is a traffic ticket.
