Nashville Preparing to Become Most Liberal Sanctuary City in the U.S.

Tennessee Star

Two ordinances filed by Metro Councilmen Bob Mendes and Colby Sledge, drafted with the assistance of the TN Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC) and cheered on by Mayor Megan Barry, will make Davidson County and Metro Nashville the most liberal sanctuary city in the U.S.; in fact, even more liberal in its policies than New York City or San Francisco.

The Metro Council may hold the second of the three required readings of one or both bills during its regularly scheduled meeting tonight.

TIRRC, an affiliate of the National Council of La Raza and a recipient of funding from a George Soros front group, has been agitating for Nashville to formalize its informal sanctuary city practices since the election of President Trump. The two bills co-sponsored by Mendes and Sledge which will have their second reading tonight, will accomplish that goal.

Trying to pass off the ordinances as “in line with state and federal law” the other Mendes/Sledge  bill if passed will, by prohibiting Metro Nashville employees from inquiring into anyone’s immigration status, effectively enable illegal aliens to access public benefits they would otherwise be barred from using.

Using the ruse that it’s “bad policy and bad practice”for the Metro Council to continue a contractual arrangement with the U.S. Marshals Service that enables the Davidson County jail to detain illegal criminal aliens for ICE pick-up, the Mendes/Sledge bill would “require Metro to exercise its rights to terminate the contract, and negotiate new terms subject to Council approval.”

Mendes and Sledge object to cooperating with federal authorities working to deport criminal aliens and appear to have internalized Mayor Megan Barry’s mantra that Nashville is and should remain a “welcoming city” making the likely outcome that the Metro Council will decide not to renew any agreement that allows for complying with ICE detainers.

Even liberal New York City’s sanctuary policies include exceptions to the blanket rule of non-cooperation with federal immigration authorities. The NYC law includes 170 crimes that trigger cooperation with ICE detainers leading to deportation and more recently during budget hearings, Mayor De Blasio indicated he would be willing to add to that list of crimes:

But I would say anyone in good conscience who reads that list of 170 offenses, which is essentially any acts of violence, anything involving a weapon, anything involving terror, any major drug offenses — it’s quite comprehensive — understands the intent is to protect the safety of all New Yorkers.

After the murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal alien who had already been convicted of seven felonies and deported five times, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors “clarified” their sanctuary policy to allow the sheriff more discretion to cooperate with federal immigration authorities involving illegal aliens who commit certain felonies.

Mendes has downplayed the potentially devastating effect his bills will have on unsuspecting communities in Davidson County despite the fact that one of his bills will allow illegal aliens who commit all types of crimes, without exception, to be released back into the community instead of facing possible deportation by allowing cooperation with ICE.

Operation Community Shield” is an ICE Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) operation that targets violent gang members and their associates by partnering with local, state and other federal law enforcement agencies. The most recent report from May 2017, netted over 1,300 nationwide arrests of violent gang members. Investigations conducted by the units including the HSI Nashville, over time Operation Community Shield has “effected more than 4,300 criminal arrests and nearly 3,000 civil immigration arrests of MS-13 leaders, members and associates.”

It is not clear if Mendes or Sledge have considered whether creating the most liberal non-deportation zone in the U.S.  will magnetize Davidson County for criminal illegal aliens.

If a majority vote is reached on second reading, either one or both of the Mendes/Sledge bills will be scheduled for a third and final reading and a final vote.






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122 Thoughts to “Nashville Preparing to Become Most Liberal Sanctuary City in the U.S.”

  1. Tony

    Here is a good resource on federal dependency from the Tax Foondation of your interested in reading more on it.

  2. Tim and Sylvia tanner

    The people of Nashville needs to get Megan out!!!!

  3. D. Richardson

    I don’t live in Nashville but I certainly spend a lot of money there. That is, I used to spend a lot of money there! I will no longer spend a dime to benefit this mayor and her stupid policies!

    1. Robert

      That’s the core problem — the money that Nashville brings in comes mostly from those outside Davidson County who come for various entertainment events or to work. But that set of people don’t get to vote; the huge welfare crowd in Nashville drive the vote far to the left. Most of the productive working class live in neighboring counties; just look at the voting patterns — Nashville votes reliably liberal, while every surrounding county votes heavily conservative.

    2. Nash

      Thanks. The best thing you can do for our city now is to NOT support us with your $$. People such as Barry must get the message. Pray for Nashville.

  4. Carolyn

    This makes me want to leave Nashville. How much longer do we have to put up with this woman and all those council members? Maybe she should invite all those illegals to camp around her house and she can feed and house them.

  5. Bruce

    So what do illegals do all day? They watch your house while you go to work. They figure out your schedule and habits so they know when they can break into your house and cars. They sit around and scheme, with the help of lawyers how to claim welfare benefits. I see so many foreigners around Nashville that have 6 or 8 kids claiming benefits. Imagine how many more will show up once they hear about this. Your tax dollars at work. Mayor Beery is also going to push for state income tax to pay for this sort of welfare.

  6. Becca

    When tourism drops, they may reconsider.

    1. Nash

      As a native Nashvillian – help us by boycotting Nashville. Would rather live in poverty and truth, than lies and prosperity.

  7. […] out of thirty-nine members present at Tuesday’s Metro Council meeting voted to pass the Mendes/Sledge ordinance forward to a third reading and final vote at the next regularly scheduled Council […]

  8. Tommy

    Wow shocking that rape and pedophilia is now legal in Nashville since illegal aliens will not be prosecuted for the crimes.

  9. […] The Tennessee Star reported on Tuesday, the Nashville Metro Council is currently considering two ordinances that would, in […]

  10. Dan

    You have a vote Nashville. Vote them out.

  11. BL

    Does anyone have the statistics on how much the homicide rate in Nashville/Davidson County has gone up in the past 2 years? What about the crime rate in general? Just looking at the past two years – by how much has the population of illegal residents in Metro increased? I recognize illegal is not a PC term – however, you are either here legally or illegally regardless of whether it is a misdemeanor, a civil offense or a criminal offense or improper entry or unlawful presence. Protection of our government is supposed to be a privilege of citizenship, not a privilege of illegal or unlawful presence.
    The following is copied from an article in the “Duke Law Journal” by a professor of law. Note that it refers to CITIZENS of the US:
    ” Hence, it was a violation of the Due Process
    Clause for any state “to deny protection to any free citizen of the
    United States within their limits in the rights of life, liberty, and property.
    ‘ 337 This positive understanding of the Due Process Clause was also
    expressed by other members.
    This identification of the Due Process Clause with the right to protection
    of the law was not, as is often thought, peculiar to Republican
    or antislavery ideology. Instead, it was central to the classical understanding
    of “due process of law” or “the law of the land” in both England
    and America.” — “A central purpose of the Fourteenth Amendment and Reconstruction
    legislation was to establish the right to protection as a part of the
    federal Constitution and laws, and thus to require the states to protect
    the fundamental rights of all persons, black as well as white. In establishing
    a federal right to protection, the Fourteenth Amendment was not
    creating a new right, but rather incorporating into the Constitution the
    concept of protection as understood in the classical tradition. The debates
    in the Thirty-Ninth Congress over the Fourteenth Amendment and
    the Civil Rights Act of 1866 confirm that the constitutional right to
    protection was understood to include protection against private violence.”

  12. Chris W.

    It’s time for Barry to go! No sane person would want this for their City and Megan Barry, who is not even from Tennessee, much less Nashville, seems dead set on destroying our way of life here! Definitely past time for her to go! BTW…. What happen to common sense? How is this even up for a vote with all that’s happened and still going on in the world? Just crazy!

  13. Bill Hobbs

    Better line of attack on the proposed ordinance is this: The Nashville city council does not have the authority under the state constitution to tell the Davidson County sheriff how to run his jail. He is an elected constitutional officer. He does not work for the mayor or the city council. He works for the people who elected him, under the authority of the state constitution. And the good news is, Sheriff Daron Hall knows this.

    1. Bobby F

      Sheriff Hall stand your grounds. The people that voted for you has your back.

  14. Focusforfun

    Nashville’s charter is granted by the State of Tennessee and is contingent on following state law.

    Representatives of the state legislature have not been shy about what will happen to Nashville’s housing, transportation, and other subsidies.

    Mendes and Sledge appear to be shills for TIRRC, with the Mayor running interference.

    When Davidson County house and condo owners see their property values drop and crime rates go up, they’ll be singing a different tune, and someone’s going to be sacrificed–deservedly so.

  15. Raymond Heim

    You are out of your mind these people who refuse to assimilate with the American culture will Destroy Nashville an our Greatest Country Music Heritage. Poor Dolly Wood it will be destroyed
