Lt. Governor McNally Reiterates Call for Embattled State Senator Katrina Robinson to Step Down from Position


Lieutenant Governor Randy McNally (R-Oak Ridge) on Thursday called on State Senator Katrina Robinson (D-Memphis) to step down from her position, following an investigation by the Tennessee Senate Ethics Committee.

The Memphis lawmaker was found guilty on two counts of wire fraud, stemming from an investigation into the improper use of federal grant money awarded to the health care school she operates. Originally, she was found guilty on four counts of the offense, but a judge dismissed two of the charges.

Throughout the process, Robinson has maintained that she is innocent.

The statement from McNally follows the investigation, where lawmakers voted 4 to 1 that the Democrat should be expelled from her seat.

“The Senate Ethics Committee conducted a fair and deliberative hearing on the complaints against Senator Robinson. They considered not only her explicit legal status but also the ethical and moral failings indicative in the charges against her. The committee found the charges against her violate the Code of Ethics of the Senate and require expulsion. The removal of a Senator under these circumstances is a very serious and historically unprecedented step. This is not something we consider lightly. I continue to hope Senator Robinson will reflect on the findings of the committee and choose to step down voluntarily in the best interest of the Senate,” McNally said in an emailed statement.

Previously, Robinson and members of the Tennessee Black Caucus of State Legislators urged the committee to pause the hearings until a “final ruling” was handed down by the court.

“A hasty decision made by this Committee prior to the courts final ruling will also have negative effects on the citizens of the 33rd Tennessee Senatorial District and Shelby County, TN as a whole,” the group wrote in a letter.

The full Tennessee Senate will now consider the recommendation from the panel.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Sen. Katrina Robinson” by Senator Katrina Robinson.





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7 Thoughts to “Lt. Governor McNally Reiterates Call for Embattled State Senator Katrina Robinson to Step Down from Position”

  1. Pandora

    Show the lady the door.

  2. Chiron Venezelos

    The incident involving Senator Katrina Robinson is but one of innumerable instances where people in powerful positions are allowed to flagrantly violate the law without fear of meaningful punishment. After decades of seeing this same situation repeatedly play out it is no wonder that the other unethical people in our society mimic the rich and powerful in their own versions of ignoring our laws. This is why we have witnessed the devolution from de facto anarchy to full-blown anarchy. It is precisely the reason why our daily news reports are filled with tragic stories of crimes gone unpunished. There is one – and only one – pathway back to reestablishing a civil and law-abiding society and that is through swift and sure punishment for ALL persons who violate our laws – starting at the top and working our way down.

  3. Truthy McTruthFace

    she’ll probably get a democrat leadership post

  4. 83ragtop50

    Kick the criminal out. Resignation is a favor that she does not deserve.

  5. John

    Resignation is not enough. The woman needs to be indicted and upon conviction, banned from running for public office ever again.. We the people are tired of politicians not being held accountable.

  6. Kevin

    Any bets on how long before the cries of racism and misogyny start getting thrown around? And Robinson wants them to try and throw her out, it allows her to stake out the moral high ground and claim victimhood!

    Maybe McNally ought to offer to leave with her, the State would be a better place!

  7. Dr Ken

    I am not a lawyer, but wouldn’t it be better if she was expelled rather than resigns? If expelled, presumably with criminal charges, she would be ineligible to run again. If she resigns, and if a democrat prosecutor such as in the cases of Mario Cuomo or Hunter Biden drops all charges, wouldn’t she be eligible to again hold office and possibly seek restitution for character defamation? I don’t know but I do know prosecutors in woke infected areas are not doing their job and the people in their jurisdictions are suffering as a consequence.
