Mae Beavers Rejects Democrat and Republican Leadership’s ‘Amnesty First’ Demands

In light of Democrats – and some Republicans – push for “amnesty now, reforms later,” gubernatorial hopeful Mae Beavers issued a statement Tuesday reiterating her support of President Trump’s plans to secure the nation’s borders, as well as implement critical reforms to the immigration system including ending the practice of so-called “chain migration” and the Visa lottery, making mandatory the use of the federally run E-Verify by every employer in America.

“The cornerstone of President Trump’s campaign was to secure our border and stop the flood of illegal immigrants into our country,” Beavers pointed out. “Millions of Americans voted for him based on that campaign promise alone, and I have every confidence that President Trump intends to fulfill his promise,” adding:

I encourage the Tennessee Congressional delegation to stand solidly with President Trump in rejecting any and all attempts to water down his campaign promises with some sort of ‘we will get to border security later’ scheme. Congress has promised to secure our border AFTER we grant certain levels of amnesty before. We always get the amnesty…but never the increased border security and enforcement of our immigration laws.

I am calling on our entire Tennessee Senate and Congressional delegation to make it absolutely clear that they will NOT vote for ANY DACA plan that does not include an immediate end to chain migration, immediate enforcement of our existing immigration laws, immediate implementation of E-verify to insure that employers have no further excuse for hiring illegals ahead of Americans, and immediate plans and funding to ‘Build the Wall’ and secure our border.

Tennessee voters deserve to know EXACTLY where our Representatives stand and that they will fight for US rather than grant amnesty and taxpayer benefits to those who have entered our country illegally, worked here illegally, and used fraud and identity theft to hide their illegal activities. (emphasis added)

Beavers is not alone among Tennesseeans who support the president’s strong campaign promises on immigration control and border security.

The December 2017 Tennessee Star Poll showed that likely Republican primary voters oppose providing in-state-tuition for illegal immigrant students by an astounding 88-to-6 margin.

Similarly, they oppose granting amnesty to illegal aliens participating in the Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that provided 800,000 illegal aliens who arrived in the United States as children with work permits by a 54 percent to 25 percent margin.

More than 8,300 of the 800,000 illegal aliens who are currently participating in the DACA program were residents of Tennessee at the time their initial two year work permit was approved.


You can read the full statement below:

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MT. JULIET, TENN. (January 9, 2018) — While President Donald Trump continues to insist that any extension of DACA (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) must include provisions to end chain-migration, enactment of E-verify, ending the Visa lottery program and improving border security, which would be accomplished in part with construction of a border Wall, Democrats and some Republicans in Congress are pushing an “amnesty now, reforms later” scheme that would do nothing to enhance the security of America or protect American jobs, according to Tennessee conservative Republican candidate for Governor Mae Beavers.

“The cornerstone of President Trump’s campaign was to secure our border and stop the flood of illegal immigrants into our country,” Beavers pointed out. “Millions of Americans voted for him based on that campaign promise alone, and I have every confidence that President Trump intends to fulfill his promise. I encourage the Tennessee Congressional delegation to stand solidly with President Trump in rejecting any and all attempts to water down his campaign promises with some sort of “we will get to border security later” scheme. Congress has promised to secure our border AFTER we grant certain levels of amnesty before. We always get the amnesty…but never the increased border security and enforcement of our immigration laws.”

“I am calling on our entire Tennessee Senate and Congressional delegation to make it abso-lutely clear that they will NOT vote for ANY DACA plan that does not include an immediate end to chain migration, immediate enforcement of our existing immigration laws, immediate implementation of E-verify to insure that employers have no further excuse for hiring illegals ahead of Americans, and immediate plans and funding to “Build the Wall” and secure our border,” Beavers said. “Tennessee voters deserve to know EXACTLY where our Representatives stand and that they will fight for US rather than grant amnesty and taxpayer benefits to those who have entered our country illegally, worked here illegally, and used fraud and identity theft to hide their illegal activities.”


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One Thought to “Mae Beavers Rejects Democrat and Republican Leadership’s ‘Amnesty First’ Demands”

  1. Donna Locke

    If they were actually conservative, these Republicans wouldn’t vote for any amnesty at all. This is how the other amnesties were done, as so-called trades for immigration enforcement that have always left regular Americans holding the bills and losses.

    If they were actually compassionate and concerned about our natural environment and future quality of life, not to mention the survival of our nation, Democrats would not be voting for more amnesty, more immigration, more population increase.
