‘March for Our Lives’ Organizers Inflate Crowd Size by 400 Percent

The March for Our Lives was big, just not nearly as big as organizers said it was. Multiple media outlets reported that the Saturday gun-control rally in D.C. drew more than 850,000 protesters, citing march organizers, which would have surpassed the massive 2017 Women’s March by more than 300,000.

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2 Thoughts to “‘March for Our Lives’ Organizers Inflate Crowd Size by 400 Percent”

  1. Papa

    You have a select few of these ‘survivors’ to include Hogg and Gonzales, that are only pursuing this for personal gain. I’m sure the left has promised them some lucrative journalist job for their loyalty. As far as I’m concerned, Hogg turned my stomach the first time I heard him speak! These kids have been recruited, trained and coached by the left! “Never let a crisis go to waste”.

  2. Randall

    Next week they’ll all be at spring break. They’ll swap their protest signs for beer foamies.
