Marine Vet Lloyd Muldrow on Maryland Arrest: “I’d Rather Be a POW than a Prisoner in My Own Country for Saving Lives’

Live from Music Row, Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed Marine veteran Lloyd Muldrow to the newsmaker line to explain the events that took place in August in Baltimore, Maryland, when he defended his wounded friend and was arrested on concealed carry violations.

Leahy: We welcome to our newsmaker line a Marine veteran, Mr. Lloyd Muldrow. Good morning, Lloyd. How are you?

Muldrow: Good morning, sir. Thanks for having me.

Leahy: We’re delighted to have you on the program. This is one of these stories – you just can’t make it up. It’s too crazy to be true, and yet it is true. So you are a Marine. When did you serve in the Marines?

Muldrow: From 1982 to 1997.

Leahy: That’s a long time. What was your job there in the Marines?

Muldrow: I was infantry, recruiter, HR. I did a little bit of everything.

Leahy: That’s a long time to be a Marine. You live in Virginia now, is that right?

Muldrow: Yes, sir.

Leahy: And are you employed as a security officer? What’s your current gig?

Muldrow: Right, I do armed security.

Leahy: Okay. So, you have a friend who lives in Baltimore, Maryland. His name is Marshal Collins. On the 4th of July, I guess it was, you went up to visit him. Tell us what happened.

Muldrow: Well, I went up to visit him, and once I got into the establishment, I noticed Marshal bleeding profusely from the head. And it appeared to me that he had a gunshot wound on the middle of his head.

And I saw Mr. Wesley Henderson assaulting him with the pistol, beating him up side the head. And Mr. Marshal was trying to grab the gun.

I grabbed his hand and struck him and took him down to the ground. And once we got down to the ground, I held him down until police got there, which was probably about a 10-second period.

Leahy: And so what happened then? So this guy is pistol-whipping your friend, and your friend is bleeding from the head. You jump in – and the alleged perpetrator is a guy named Wesley Henderson – you control him, and you wait for the police to come. What happens then?

Muldrow: Once the police came, while engaging with the police officers, I had to tell them that I had my gun, with Virginia’s concealed carry permit, and I had it on my hip. And at that time they took the gun away from me.

And once the lieutenant arrived on the scene, the lieutenant, his immediate reaction was, okay, he has a Virginia concealed carry permit, he does not have a Maryland one. Lock him up.

Leahy: You’re kidding me?

Muldrow: Absolutely not.

Leahy: And you must be thinking, “Are you guys nuts? I just stopped the guy from possibly murdering my friend …

Muldrow: Correct.

Leahy: … and you’re arresting me.”

Muldrow: Correct. The reaction from the police officer … was they were thankful that I did it, until the lieutenant came and he made a split decision to just lock me up.

Leahy: What was the law you allegedly violated?

Muldrow: I violated carrying a concealed weapon within 100 feet of a dwelling.

Leahy: Is that a Maryland state law?

Muldrow: Actually, it’s a law that is considered, well, when you’re around alcohol, or wherever they serve alcoholic beverages. So it’s just not Maryland. It’s mostly every state.

Leahy: But you could do that in Virginia with a concealed carry permit, is that right?

Muldrow: I’m not totally sure. I don’t think you could. One thing about gun laws is they don’t want you around establishments that sell alcoholic beverages.

Leahy: Interesting. Did they put you in jail?

Muldrow: Yes, sir. For a period of 18 miserable hours.

Leahy: So, hold it – you’re a Marine veteran. You legally have a concealed carry permit in Virginia. You save the life of your friend who is being pistol-whipped by a bad guy. Did they arrest the bad guy?

Muldrow: Yes, they did. They arrested him immediately, and he was out on house arrest for a period of a couple of days before he went back to jail for assault again. This guy has a long history of being violent.

Leahy: Did they keep you in jail longer than they kept him in jail at the beginning?

Muldrow: No, sir. I think he stayed in jail for probably a couple of weeks.

Leahy: Here you are, you got stuff to do back in Virginia. You’re just going up to visit a friend. You save him from being pistol-whipped and you probably save his life.

They put you in jail because you’ve got a concealed carry permit in Virginia, but not in Maryland. What was that 18 hours like? You got booked, the whole deal. What was that like?

Muldrow: Mr. Michael, I’ll tell you honestly, I’d rather be a POW in another country than a prisoner in my own country for saving lives. It was not only Mr. Marshal Collins’ life that I probably saved, it was hundreds of people in the club. It was also Mr. Wesley Henderson [who] could have gotten shot.

The police showed up, and he had that gun, and who knows what would have happened? So not only Marshal Collins, Wesley Henderson – they got to look at it on both sides.

Leahy: So are you facing a misdemeanor charge or a felony charge in Maryland now?

Muldrow: Yes, sir. It’s a misdemeanor that carries a year of imprisonment and a $1,000 fine. Also, I can lose my concealed carry permit, which means I’ll be out of work.

Leahy: And now, how has your employer reacted to all this?

Muldrow: I’ve been off and on, so right now it’s, okay, let’s just see what’s happening and see the outcome. But we’re looking for this to be obviously dropped.

Leahy: So you have an attorney?

Muldrow: Correct.

Leahy: And there’s a fundraising page for people who want to help you.

And let me just recommend for those who are listening, just go to and type in “good Samaritan,” you’ll come to our story “Attorneys Say Good Samaritan Virginia Resident Charged for Gun Possession After Breaking Up a Fight in Baltimore.” That story was published on August 31st.

But if you go down to the very bottom of the page, you can see a link to the fundraising page. And we obviously think that would be a very worthy cause. What’s the disposition of your legal case, Mr. Muldrow? Where does it stand right now?

Muldrow: Right now we turned down a pre-trial and decided to go to a jury trial. And we’re looking at at least 12 people. Out of those 12, someone has got to say, hold on, let’s stop this. So right now, we’re, October 31st we’re looking at a jury trial.

Leahy: You’re set for trial.

Muldrow: Correct.

Leahy: The prosecuting attorney has not dropped the charges?

Muldrow: No, sir. When we went to the preliminary hearing, he didn’t even know I had an attorney at the time. And so he didn’t have all his information together. So he said he was advised that okay, let’s just move on to the next step here.

Leahy: Is your attorney having any discussions with a prosecuting attorney in Baltimore to say, hey, this is stupid. Why don’t you drop the charges?

Muldrow: Right. And that’s the avenue – Michael Starks, my attorney, is approaching that avenue. And right now they’re still under investigation. So they’re not releasing too much information at this time.

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.


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