Mark Green Files Legislation to Allow Taxpayers to Designate Funds on IRS Form to a Border Wall Trust Fund to Build a Wall


U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced he introduced legislation Thursday that would replace the Presidential Election Campaign Fund checkbox on the IRS 1040 with a Border Wall Trust Fund checkbox to allow taxpayers to designate their tax money toward building a southern border wall.

“Taxpayer dollars should never be used to advance political campaigns,” Green said in a press release. “But, keeping Americans safe must be our #1 priority. My bill will give every American the opportunity to directly help President Trump build the wall.”

Green tweeted, “Americans spoke loud and clear in 2016 that we want a wall to secure our southern border. Congress has clearly been unable to get the job done. My new bill will give every American the opportunity to directly help @realDonaldTrump #BuildTheWall.”

The current IRS 1040 form allows taxpayers to check a box to direct $3 (or $6 for married filing jointly) of their taxes to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, a rarely utilized account that helps pay for presidential candidates’ attack ads, robocalls, and other campaign expenses, Green said in the press release.

In 2013, only six percent of taxpayers participated in the program, Green said, citing a story by National Public Radio.

The Dollars for the Wall Act would eliminate this checkoff box and replace it with a Border Wall Trust Fund checkoff box, Green said. This would divert $3 (or $6) of a filer’s existing receipts toward building the wall.

The NPR story said the Presidential Election Campaign Fund checkbox is offered because of the Watergate scandal and large secret donations. Congress created this checkbox option in 1972 to steer presidential candidates away from such donors.

A privately funded border wall has been under construction in New Mexico despite repeated attempts to stop it by local and federal officials.

Green has been a frequent supporter of President Donald Trump’s policies, including border security.

On Thursday, Green also tweeted an interview he gave Fox News. He tweeted, “Trump’s policies clearly helped reduce border crossings in June. Thank God for @realDonaldTrump who is holding the line on this fight and taking our border crisis seriously.”

In the interview, Green said Trump’s tariffs caused the Mexican government to place troops on their southern border.

In June, Green, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, called for a “permanent solution to the border crisis,” The Tennessee Star reported.

Green made his statement in regards to both the Senate and House, which were working on bills simultaneously to bring humanitarian relief to the ongoing border crisis. Green referenced a report from The Hill, which said President Donald Trump’s $4.5 billion border spending request is facing obstacles in differences between the Senate and House versions.

Also in June, Green spoke with Eric Shawn of Fox News about Trump’s U.S.-Mexico border deal and the border crisis, The Star reported. Green said that while immigrants are suffering, the border crisis is affecting Americans in terms of money and that 300 Americans die every week from drug overdoses.

Green, the president of the Republican Freshman Class in the House, announced Thursday he would not run for the seat being vacated by retiring U.S. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), despite many people reportedly asking him to consider a campaign, The Star said.

Green said:

Over the next two years, the most important fight for the future of our country is helping our President win re-election. The second most important fight will be winning back Republican control of the U.S. House of Representatives. I will be doing everything I can to help win these fights, and look forward to serving in a new Republican majority in 2021 with President Trump in his second term.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.




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One Thought to “Mark Green Files Legislation to Allow Taxpayers to Designate Funds on IRS Form to a Border Wall Trust Fund to Build a Wall”

  1. 83ragtop50

    The only problem I see with this idea is that I figure any money contributed would somehow find its way into the general fund – like what happened with all the money I “contributed” (unwillingly) to the social security trust fund.
