Marsha Blackburn: Joe Biden’s Border Policies Endangering Tennesseans


U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) this week said “Tennesseans are facing a stark new reality: when our border isn’t secure, every town becomes a border town and every state a border state.”

Blackburn said this in an emailed statement that her staff distributed to the media.

“Perhaps no one understands that better than Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Director David Rausch, who describes the crisis as ‘out of control.’

“Last week, I had a virtual conversation with Rausch, who leads statewide investigations into human and drug trafficking. Our discussion made it abundantly clear that communities throughout Tennessee are already feeling the effects of cartel control at the southern border. Rausch explained, ‘The way the border is being handled right now is causing all of us to be border states, [and] we’re seeing that in Tennessee,’” Blackburn wrote.

“Border patrol agents and sheriffs began warning officials in Washington about the pernicious influence of cartels and traffickers well before the most recent wave of migrants made their way north. According to Rausch, human smuggling is occurring ‘in unprecedented numbers’ in Tennessee; Rausch also pointed to the unprecedented availability of drugs such as fentanyl and methamphetamines as evidence that the border crisis has evolved into a universal threat. ‘It is coming across so freely and so readily,’ he cautioned. ‘It is a major concern.’ The knowledge that cartels are abusing Biden’s border crisis to profit at the expense of American lives makes the increasing rate of overdoses attributed to the pandemic that much more heartbreaking.”

Blackburn said that people who encourage more illegal immigration do not demonstrate empathy.

“Despite the insistence of open borders advocates, encouraging more illegal immigration isn’t an empathetic policy. Instead, it directly puts the fate of women, children, and families in the hands of cartels and traffickers. While some in the current administration refuse to condemn or even witness the atrocities, Republicans in Washington are leading the charge towards tangible solutions,” Blackburn wrote.

“I am currently working with my colleagues in the Senate to introduce the Make the Migrant Protection Protocols Mandatory Act of 2021, which will reinstate the Trump administration’s Remain in Mexico policy. By taking official action to restore mandated migrant protection protocols, limit asylum abuse, and eliminate ineffective catch and release policies, we will enable immigration officials to regain control over the border and stem the flow of illegal entry.”

Blackburn visited the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona in March.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].












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2 Thoughts to “Marsha Blackburn: Joe Biden’s Border Policies Endangering Tennesseans”

  1. Danger in America is increasing! The Democrats have released over a hundred thousand Felons from prison…to make America a hell hole to help the Marxist cause, and in Democrat A Hells (cities and states) they have stopped prosecuting most criminals…for the same purpose…and for their and their families’ votes fro Democrat despots., and their goal of overthrowing the Republic!!
    Marsha Blackburn’ s name does not show up in supporting or sponsoring National Reciprocity, of bearing arms. Why? The Legislation would keep Honorable Citizens/Patriots from being turned in to felons, for exercising their Lawful/Constitutional Rights, as protected by our 2A of bearing arms to save our lives and property, in the Democrat Hells like New York and New Jersey and elsewhere where the Constitution, the Bill of Rights exist only as empty words.
    Enabling Criminals? criminals are not stopped by Laws! Laws only affect the Law Abiding Citizens! Not supporting National Reciprocity only serves to aid the Democrat Marxist in their drive to disarm Honorable Citizens/Patriots. turning them into assured Victims, and Sheep unable to resist the Tyranny and their criminals evolving, growing in this Country!

  2. Mark Knofler

    Oh Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, still trying so hard to be relevant. You’re the Maxine Waters of the Right, all talk no action. You need to go the way of Liz Cheney, primaried and sent out to pasture. Or like Little Bobby Corker, don’t run. #VotetheBumsOut
