Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder


Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Sharon Hurt said Wednesday during a virtual meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that there should be stronger legislation for those not wearing masks and suggested they be charged with murder or attempted murder.

Hurt said that she works for an organization that, “If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder.”

Hurt thinks the same standard should apply to the general public.

“This person who may very well pass this virus that’s out in the air because they’re not wearing a mask is basically doing the same thing to someone who contracts it and dies from it,” she said.

“Maybe there needs to be stronger legislation to say that if you do not wear a mask, and you subject exposure of this virus to someone else then there will be some stronger penalty as it is in other viruses that are exposed,” the council member added.

Hurt’s suggestion comes as the Nashville-Davidson County COVID-19 dashboard indicates a recent decline in new daily cases of COVID-19 and a fatality rate of 0.9 percent.

With regard to mask enforcement, Hurt was critical of the actions to date.

“It seems to me that we have been more reactive as opposed to proactive and a little too late, too little,” Hurt said.

Hurt had to be reminded by Metro Nashville’s Director of Legislative Affairs Mike Jameson, who also participated in the virtual meeting, whose jurisdiction it is to create a new code or class of criminal offenses.

“The Council does not have the opportunity on its own to create criminal legislation,” he said. “In terms of creating a new code or class of criminal offenses, that is a creature of state law.”

Hurt expressed her disappointment, “I was afraid that was going to be the answer.”

“I guess that’s the whole point of asking for something to be done as early as the Council was pushing,” she added.  “It seems it was not taken as seriously as it should have been and thus we are in the situation we are in right now.”

Hurt’s proposal came the same day that Mayor John Cooper issued a statement that the Metro Nashville Police Department was ordered to issue citations to persons not complying with the Health Department’s mask order.

The new initiative involves increasing police presence on Friday and Saturday nights with 24 officers conducting walking patrols on Broadway from 3:30 p.m. to midnight.  An additional six officers will be on ATVs to stop and cite any “transpotainment” vehicles operating in violation of the Health Department’s prohibition.

The additional 30 officers is an increase over the 19 school resource officers who have been on Broadway working on public mask compliance on prior Friday and Saturday nights since mid-July, the statement said.

Mayor Cooper once again enhanced his clampdown on Nashville’s main tourism attraction by prohibiting alcoholic beverage sale, possession or consumption except for on-premises or delivery through his Public Health Order 10 that went into effect Saturday.

The video of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee can be watched here with Metro Council Member-At-Large Sharon Hurt beginning at the 1:01:40 mark.

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Laura Baigert is a senior reporter at The Tennessee Star.
Photo “Sharon Hurt” by Sharon Hurt.








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148 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder”

  1. bill

    wow Nashville you got some very special kind of stupid in city government. how did a great city like Nashville sink so low into the pit of idiot?

    1. Treas

      My thoughts exactly. Where did this thing crawl out of.

    2. trea

      I would like to know what idiot company she works for that thinks they can charge employees with attempted murder if they find out you have the flu and don’t tell them.

    3. Mike Loftis

      To answer your question the metro Nashville area is infested with liberal demorats! The surrounding counties are red counties loaded with conservative Republicans that’s how Nashville has turned into a shit hole

  2. Soho

    Cancer patients cant (or should not) wear mask cancer loves low oxygen environments. Its called Hypoxia

  3. Mark M Kozina

    Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Metro Mashville Council. No one has ever accused them of being smart.

    1. Alex

      C’mon, are you guys really surprised that a “Queen” wouldn’t take her self-proclaimed title seriously?

      1. tres

        that thing is No Queen. That is a CLOWN

  4. gwbnyc

    hyperbolic dolt.

  5. j

    There’s a greater chance of killing someone just driving your car. Does this idiot also propose charging people with attempted murder for driving? Or how about the millions of babies killed every year by Planned Parenthood? Let’s not outlaw abortion, just charge the doctor with murder.

  6. David Birdsong

    THIS is why I left Nashville. Go to aitch eee double tooth picks you stoopid ID10T.

  7. If you want to destroy a moral, free and peaceful country with a declining debt just praise immorality, close churches, outlaw everything, punish hard work with taxes and regulations, start costly and pointless wars, import illegal immigrants and refugees, offshore jobs, and make everyone dependent on welfare.

  8. duffdad

    What pathetic morons!!! Why aren’t they charging the communist china government with murder – they did this you das make me sick!!!

  9. Paul

    A very disturbed woman.

  10. Thunderfact

    If the virus particles are smaller than the filter, virus particles flow thru….

  11. Phenry

    Time to throw this COMMIE TRASH out of our government…

    what the HELL country you think you live in, honey?
    i mean, who the HELL are these people? they conspire against the American people and our constitutional republic… time to remove these enemies from within.

  12. Big Dog

    The people who elected her should lose their voting privileges.

    1. letmepicyou

      The people who elected her should punch themselves in the face until they pass out.

    2. Geri

      Right you are!!

  13. mm

    What organization does she work for that, if they pass the virus, they are tried for murder or attempted murder?

    1. KSM

      I was wondering this as well since the law she wants does not exist how is this organization she speaks of prosecuting someone?

      The bigger question is why did no one call her on this obvious fabrication?

    2. Forest

      Thats what I want to know. Who does she work for?

  14. Nobody of Import

    18 USC 242… Tell the Councilwoman that it’s QUITE not worth being put in a Fed Pen or executed by the Fed Gov’t over. And it would end there.

  15. How will one prove the non-masker is the injuring party….? If the non-masker is negative of Covid!?!?

    Oh She didnt think of that,… Thus Violating anyone that does not Adhere to what is public policy! NOT ORGANIC LAW!.
    DO REMEMBER THAT WE ARE BORN INDIVIDUALLY SOVEREIGN and you will not go about VIOLATING Humanity because of a public policy! And that is WHY WE ARE THE GREAT NATION, CALLED THEhe UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! This Great Nation and all who know their rights will not just stand aside. Think about the factors and principles of civicd and civility before uttering such derelict stupidty you were probably paid to say! GodBless America and it’s People of GoodHeartfullness.
