Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder


Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Sharon Hurt said Wednesday during a virtual meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that there should be stronger legislation for those not wearing masks and suggested they be charged with murder or attempted murder.

Hurt said that she works for an organization that, “If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder.”

Hurt thinks the same standard should apply to the general public.

“This person who may very well pass this virus that’s out in the air because they’re not wearing a mask is basically doing the same thing to someone who contracts it and dies from it,” she said.

“Maybe there needs to be stronger legislation to say that if you do not wear a mask, and you subject exposure of this virus to someone else then there will be some stronger penalty as it is in other viruses that are exposed,” the council member added.

Hurt’s suggestion comes as the Nashville-Davidson County COVID-19 dashboard indicates a recent decline in new daily cases of COVID-19 and a fatality rate of 0.9 percent.

With regard to mask enforcement, Hurt was critical of the actions to date.

“It seems to me that we have been more reactive as opposed to proactive and a little too late, too little,” Hurt said.

Hurt had to be reminded by Metro Nashville’s Director of Legislative Affairs Mike Jameson, who also participated in the virtual meeting, whose jurisdiction it is to create a new code or class of criminal offenses.

“The Council does not have the opportunity on its own to create criminal legislation,” he said. “In terms of creating a new code or class of criminal offenses, that is a creature of state law.”

Hurt expressed her disappointment, “I was afraid that was going to be the answer.”

“I guess that’s the whole point of asking for something to be done as early as the Council was pushing,” she added.  “It seems it was not taken as seriously as it should have been and thus we are in the situation we are in right now.”

Hurt’s proposal came the same day that Mayor John Cooper issued a statement that the Metro Nashville Police Department was ordered to issue citations to persons not complying with the Health Department’s mask order.

The new initiative involves increasing police presence on Friday and Saturday nights with 24 officers conducting walking patrols on Broadway from 3:30 p.m. to midnight.  An additional six officers will be on ATVs to stop and cite any “transpotainment” vehicles operating in violation of the Health Department’s prohibition.

The additional 30 officers is an increase over the 19 school resource officers who have been on Broadway working on public mask compliance on prior Friday and Saturday nights since mid-July, the statement said.

Mayor Cooper once again enhanced his clampdown on Nashville’s main tourism attraction by prohibiting alcoholic beverage sale, possession or consumption except for on-premises or delivery through his Public Health Order 10 that went into effect Saturday.

The video of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee can be watched here with Metro Council Member-At-Large Sharon Hurt beginning at the 1:01:40 mark.

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Laura Baigert is a senior reporter at The Tennessee Star.
Photo “Sharon Hurt” by Sharon Hurt.








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148 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder”

  1. Jeff

    Murder charge for not wearing a mask, but she probably has no issue with abortion, doesn’t believe in school choice, and has no solution for single parent families, crime, or gang violence. But, she’s all for a murder charge for not wearing a mask.

  2. Nona

    I suspect ““If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder” refers to HIV.

    But this ugly woman is literally retarded. Covid-19 is not HIV.

    Most people dying of covid-19 also have diabetes, obesity, lung problems, high blood pressure, etc…maybe rather than charging innocent people with murder simply for being outdoors, Hurt should focus on promoting healthier lifestyles…

    ….but I guess that would mean getting her fat ass into action, and that’s harder than blaming strangers.

    1. Remove Hurt

      Hahahhahah 😂😂😂

  3. Jack Rail

    Well, Sharon Hurt, how you gonna prove that the person without the mask is the person who infected somebody? How do you know that person wasn’t infected by somebody else earlier that morning? A supposition of guilt isn’t evidence. Guilt by association isn’t evidence. This is just an excuse to bully someone for having a different opinion. Go back out on the corner where you came from.

  4. deimos

    I think it’s awesome that we have such smart people ruling us. It saves me the trouble of thinking for myself and lets me focus on the more important things in life like what the Kardashians are doing or what some overpaid thug playing some game thinks.

  5. Russell Johnson

    Your resignation should be on the mayor’s desk this morning.

  6. nearboston

    She be Cray-Cray

  7. RLABruce

    Dems: You can’t live with ’em and you can’t legally remove them from this world. So far . . .

  8. Jasonn

    Y’all didn’t have to put her photo up there as I could already figure out what that moron looked like.

  9. DeeJay

    We certainly should consider those charges against all those censoring the cure. HCQ+Zinc +/- Azithromycin = cure…but the media outlets censor and multitudes die as a result. But those not wearing a mask? the mask is just a psychological pretense, even Fauci admitted that, before he was told to sing a different tune.

    1. Mary

      Amen! I completely agree DeeJay.

  10. Geneine Mischler

    Have you lost your damn mind???

  11. terry zelk

    There’s a ton of scientific evidence that masks are a friggin joke, that’s it.
    Infra red cams have shown that 90% of the air you breath when wearing a mask goes AROUND the mask, not through it.
    Two recent studies in covid wards have PROVED BEYOND A DOUBT that masks do nothing. There was no difference in the viral loads between the wards wearing masks and the wards where no masks were worn.
    Why isn’t anyone listening to the facts.
    Also, yearly there are around 250,000 deaths from the flu and just random respiratory illnesses. With covid that number should be around 400,000, it’s not. We haven’t even reached the normal yearly death toll. How does that work? Something’s very fishy here.

    1. Matt

      Terry, the average annual death rate from the flu in the U.S. is between 12,000 and 61,00 per year. While I agree with your premise, please get your facts straight:

      1. Joe

        Matt, WHile you are indeed correct on the number of ESTIMATED flu cases per year by the CDC, what is not taken into consideration of the OMG! 150 THOUSAND is the number of those that are 1) Gunshots, Car Accidents, Falls, Motorcycle Accidents, etc being counted as “by Covid” deaths. and 2) The “way out of standard deviation” number of deaths in LTHF (nursing homes, etc), particularily in those states where the Governors of those states MANDATED the LTHF’s take Covid Positive cases back into their populations. Te esteemed Dr Birx has even stated that the numbers are inflated. As far as the death rate…it has burned out….it peaked in APRIL (IAW Farr’s Law on epidemics….exactly as predicted by SCIENCE!).

  12. Americanius

    Yes people are really that ignorant and incompetent and somehow they get elected to local governments so they can screw with other people’s lives.
    Covid size 70-90 nanometers. Smallest particles an N95 mask can block, 300 nanometers. Someone smack this idiot in the forehead with that fact of science.

    1. Geneine Mischler

      Exactly right!!

    2. Pelatiah Adams

      And don’t forget, many of us has already had it, some of us as long as 6-7 months ago. We aren’t passing it and we shouldn’t have to wear a feedbag.

      This same politician has never been concerned about the diseases illegal aliens bring to her state, but she’s all about punishing Americans, isn’t she?

    3. FreeThinker

      If this virus is so dangerous, where are all the hazardous waste bins to contain the “contaminated masks?” Maybe mask wearers who litter or touch their masks and then touch other surfaces should be charged with murder?

    4. Bill

      Yes, she is ignorant, incompetent and shouldn’t be in charge of anything, but an N-95 will most likely stop the virus because it is always attached to something like water droplets, never alone.

  13. Dave Huff

    I wonder what her opinion on abortion is?

  14. Redskin2020

    beyond stupid!
