Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder


Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Sharon Hurt said Wednesday during a virtual meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that there should be stronger legislation for those not wearing masks and suggested they be charged with murder or attempted murder.

Hurt said that she works for an organization that, “If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder.”

Hurt thinks the same standard should apply to the general public.

“This person who may very well pass this virus that’s out in the air because they’re not wearing a mask is basically doing the same thing to someone who contracts it and dies from it,” she said.

“Maybe there needs to be stronger legislation to say that if you do not wear a mask, and you subject exposure of this virus to someone else then there will be some stronger penalty as it is in other viruses that are exposed,” the council member added.

Hurt’s suggestion comes as the Nashville-Davidson County COVID-19 dashboard indicates a recent decline in new daily cases of COVID-19 and a fatality rate of 0.9 percent.

With regard to mask enforcement, Hurt was critical of the actions to date.

“It seems to me that we have been more reactive as opposed to proactive and a little too late, too little,” Hurt said.

Hurt had to be reminded by Metro Nashville’s Director of Legislative Affairs Mike Jameson, who also participated in the virtual meeting, whose jurisdiction it is to create a new code or class of criminal offenses.

“The Council does not have the opportunity on its own to create criminal legislation,” he said. “In terms of creating a new code or class of criminal offenses, that is a creature of state law.”

Hurt expressed her disappointment, “I was afraid that was going to be the answer.”

“I guess that’s the whole point of asking for something to be done as early as the Council was pushing,” she added.  “It seems it was not taken as seriously as it should have been and thus we are in the situation we are in right now.”

Hurt’s proposal came the same day that Mayor John Cooper issued a statement that the Metro Nashville Police Department was ordered to issue citations to persons not complying with the Health Department’s mask order.

The new initiative involves increasing police presence on Friday and Saturday nights with 24 officers conducting walking patrols on Broadway from 3:30 p.m. to midnight.  An additional six officers will be on ATVs to stop and cite any “transpotainment” vehicles operating in violation of the Health Department’s prohibition.

The additional 30 officers is an increase over the 19 school resource officers who have been on Broadway working on public mask compliance on prior Friday and Saturday nights since mid-July, the statement said.

Mayor Cooper once again enhanced his clampdown on Nashville’s main tourism attraction by prohibiting alcoholic beverage sale, possession or consumption except for on-premises or delivery through his Public Health Order 10 that went into effect Saturday.

The video of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee can be watched here with Metro Council Member-At-Large Sharon Hurt beginning at the 1:01:40 mark.

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Laura Baigert is a senior reporter at The Tennessee Star.
Photo “Sharon Hurt” by Sharon Hurt.








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148 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder”

  1. LED

    She just murdered her own career in local government.

    1. Valiant

      Another covid Karen!

  2. Steve

    How exactly does she think she will prove someone got this transmitted and when exactly that occurred when it’s pretty common knowledge that not only are viruses not spread through the air the tests being administered have a 50% and upward false positive reading? This is what you get when you elect emotionally unstable black women to your city council and other positions where they are not functionally capable of handling it. Women should not be in leadership roles. Have we learned nothing from the dumpster fire that is Germany?

    1. Kellie

      What does being black or a woman have to do with it? Her statements are idiotic, but not because she has breasts. Much like I would assume your ignorant statements aren’t because you have a penis.

      1. MadMagyar

        = LOW IQ, willfully ignorant/uninformed and more emotionally unstable, for one.

    2. Gina

      Not so fast on the women bashing. Were not all so inept and unintelligent as this woman. Some of us are educated and get our information from science and history, not the tabloids!

  3. Hugh

    What an ignorant, moronic statement. This individual needs to be removed from office for even suggesting such a thing.

    1. Uriel

      Case in point — de Blasio, Newsom, Schiff, Schumer, and so on and so on..then there is Pelosi and a whole passel of females BASICALLY Gender Neutral as long as they are left of central thinking and card carrying communist Democrat

  4. Melanie D Bates

    150+ years of science proves her inadequate understanding of the subject. That’s why elected officials should stick to their jobs by protecting our Constitutional rights. I see no reason why I or anyone else should dumb down to accomodate such ignorance, and I do believe the threat of false imprisonment will result in the awakening of the silent majority.

    1. Timothy Walters

      Do you think this will wake anyone up? I thought the passage of the PATRIOT Act, with its creation of the DHS, the TSA, and the evisceration of the Constitution at large and the 4th Amendment in particular would have done that 20 years ago, but people cheered it all in the name of security and fighting “th’ tarrists”. I thought maybe the state forcing businesses to close at gunpoint for weeks and months, and then imposing “social distancing” rules and mask requirements would have done it over the past few months, but the majority of people simply comply and some seem to welcome it.

      This woman, as terrible as she is, is just the face of America today. Sheeple begging to be ruled.

  5. Thomas C Albrecht

    This woman is not fit to be in government, she is Not mentally sound!!!

    1. Bud Savoie

      Why isn’t she wearing a mask in the picture?

  6. RC

    Another fine example of the Marxist insanity of the democrats. Their every waking thought is how to destroy every aspect of American liberty.
    To re-make America into another Venezuela, or even worse China.

    1. ikomrad

      This is the truth. Her name is Sharon but I think of her as a Karen.

      Masks don’t even work, and the 2 week lock down to slow the spread of the virus had gone on for months.

      “Fool me once..” comes to mind.

    2. Sreid

      Another low-IQ authoritarian imposing their stampeding ignorance on the public. Of course, it takes an even lower IQ public to vote these cretins into office.

      1. RTC

        & they can vote them cretins back out

  7. Man In The Wilderness

    What do they expect? They voted for these libtards and now people wonder why the losers think this way. Get with it Nashville, your voting SUCKS. Keep electing these libtards and you will be just like NYC. In debt, without hope and without anyone believing it is worth coming to Nashville for anything. Heck Branson, Mo is not that far away!!!

    1. Cheryl Sheppard

      No this is ridiculous our rights are restricted more and more everyday but this is going Beyond the realm of Common Sense I think people need to have their head examined who in the world would think of this

      1. Cheryl Sheppard

        By the way if mask was the answer then why did so many prisoners get released why didn’t they just give them a mask now we have dangerous people running amok and they don’t even wear masks either

    1. Jody Khrestinin

      Yep, and socialist…don’t forget that one…

  8. Tom Thumb

    Just after they wanted themselves to be exempt from wearing them (politicians).

    KMA, ugly lady.

  9. Perry Davis


  10. Jack

    Many of us have breathing disorders. Forcing us into a mask is attempted murder.

  11. T.o.m.

    Nashville soon to be as dead as NYC. Never another tourist. The governor needs to clamp down in these tyrants and open the state as is North Dakota.

    1. RC

      This is what the democrats want for all of America.

  12. Deserttrek

    The woman is certifiable and needs to be heavily medicated and locked away for her safety and the good of society
    Kung Flu insanity will be in the books years from now

    1. Valiant

      And to think I had wondered how satan would gain control of freedom loving Americans! She has sold out lock, stock, and barrel!


    Get this dumb ass out of here. People have lost their god damn minds.

  14. John

    I don’t know if the following link will be allowed, but according to the CDC almost nobody is dying from Covid:

    (replace the DOT, obviously)

    1. Mary

      The causal death rate is less than a half a percent across the US. This frenzy over COVID-19 is all politically and monetarily driven. It’s ridiculous and what’s worse is people just blindly believe what they are told. They should do some research on their own.

      1. RC

        Indeed so. Most people are blind followers–they refuse to even fact check.

      2. Hillary

        You can give them a ton of evidence and they still believe the gubmin because they are so brainwashed and cant think for themselves.

    2. Mary

      You are absolutely right, John! If you take the number of deaths on the CDC web site (which are likely over-reported anyway) and divide it by our US population, the causal death rate is less than 1/2 a percent. What’s the frenzy about???? I say it’s politically and monetarily driven. The far left wants to keep us home and the bureaucrats want big pharma to collect on their new vaccine and remdesivir. Heaven forbid we use cheaper long proven drugs that work like HCQ, azithromyacin, and zinc.

    3. raven.pendragon

      Wow, yeah. Thanks for posting!
