Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder


Metro Nashville At-Large Council Member Sharon Hurt said Wednesday during a virtual meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that there should be stronger legislation for those not wearing masks and suggested they be charged with murder or attempted murder.

Hurt said that she works for an organization that, “If they pass the virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder.”

Hurt thinks the same standard should apply to the general public.

“This person who may very well pass this virus that’s out in the air because they’re not wearing a mask is basically doing the same thing to someone who contracts it and dies from it,” she said.

“Maybe there needs to be stronger legislation to say that if you do not wear a mask, and you subject exposure of this virus to someone else then there will be some stronger penalty as it is in other viruses that are exposed,” the council member added.

Hurt’s suggestion comes as the Nashville-Davidson County COVID-19 dashboard indicates a recent decline in new daily cases of COVID-19 and a fatality rate of 0.9 percent.

With regard to mask enforcement, Hurt was critical of the actions to date.

“It seems to me that we have been more reactive as opposed to proactive and a little too late, too little,” Hurt said.

Hurt had to be reminded by Metro Nashville’s Director of Legislative Affairs Mike Jameson, who also participated in the virtual meeting, whose jurisdiction it is to create a new code or class of criminal offenses.

“The Council does not have the opportunity on its own to create criminal legislation,” he said. “In terms of creating a new code or class of criminal offenses, that is a creature of state law.”

Hurt expressed her disappointment, “I was afraid that was going to be the answer.”

“I guess that’s the whole point of asking for something to be done as early as the Council was pushing,” she added.  “It seems it was not taken as seriously as it should have been and thus we are in the situation we are in right now.”

Hurt’s proposal came the same day that Mayor John Cooper issued a statement that the Metro Nashville Police Department was ordered to issue citations to persons not complying with the Health Department’s mask order.

The new initiative involves increasing police presence on Friday and Saturday nights with 24 officers conducting walking patrols on Broadway from 3:30 p.m. to midnight.  An additional six officers will be on ATVs to stop and cite any “transpotainment” vehicles operating in violation of the Health Department’s prohibition.

The additional 30 officers is an increase over the 19 school resource officers who have been on Broadway working on public mask compliance on prior Friday and Saturday nights since mid-July, the statement said.

Mayor Cooper once again enhanced his clampdown on Nashville’s main tourism attraction by prohibiting alcoholic beverage sale, possession or consumption except for on-premises or delivery through his Public Health Order 10 that went into effect Saturday.

The video of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee can be watched here with Metro Council Member-At-Large Sharon Hurt beginning at the 1:01:40 mark.

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Laura Baigert is a senior reporter at The Tennessee Star.
Photo “Sharon Hurt” by Sharon Hurt.








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148 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Member Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be Charged with Murder or Attempted Murder”

  1. William Bruce

    What an ignorant woman. Why is she serving in this capacity? Since people die from automobile accidents you could use the same logic to charge anyone who drives a car with murder.

  2. Monty Rackley

    This woman should be removed from office! Idiots who make idiotic statements like these are unfit for public office and are often responsible for fear-based and fear-driven types of decisions and the absolute worst kinds of laws. These morons are eroding our constitutional liberties and freedoms. They should send her to communist China where big government can make all her decisions and keep her cowardly butt safe.

  3. Gene Finn

    Where was this idiot trying this during the joke of “stay at home” mandates in April and May?

  4. jmstettner

    I wonder if Sharon W. Hurt would be so eager to vote for criminal charges for politicians who vote for initiatives that lead to demonstrable public harm or are found to have lied to the public in their role as public servant?

    My guess is that neither her bachelor’s degree from Tennessee State University nor her M.A. in nonprofit leadership from Belmont University included much in the area of science or medicine, so her understanding of virology and pathology are weak.

  5. cyndi carpenter

    Herd immunity would be better than masks. Unless you mandate a particular type a mask and glasses it does not matter. The virus is so small it is not stopping anything. A N95 mask is the best but only filters the inhale not the exhale. This is all insane.

  6. Gina

    Complete idiot! Just looking for attention! Trying to get herself noticed by the liberal media!!!! So sad. Go get a life! Or maybe talk to people who have real problems, which is what you were elected to do.

  7. This is what the Democrats breed. When their not aborting each other - which is actually a good thing. IMO

    What a frickin’ maroon!

  8. QuestionEverything

    Remove this ignorant and dangerous person from office, ASAP!

  9. Kerry redmond

    And when people start collapsing or dropping dead from the effects of wearing a mask 24/7, then the person, MAYOR, that forced it on them should be charged with murder or attempted murder! All is fair in love and war b*tch!

    1. Bill Williams

      Ask Norway and Sweden how their no mask policy worked out. As well as their no lockdown action?

    2. Uriel

      Face masks are a health hazard .. there is a regulation about them…we could take this woman and all these idiots to court for endangering OUR health

  10. No

    I declare her with control b*tch syndrome and give her medicine to help her mind her business.

  11. Lee Johnsonbaugh

    Would anyone tell her and her associates about “corpus delicti”!

  12. John

    Nobody ever accused her of being intelligent.

  13. Kellie

    Can we charge her with theft and/or aggravated burglary for the future 34-37% tax hike on Davidson County property owners.

  14. Clint

    Wow, as if Covid-19 is similar to AIDS back when there was no hope…. Unknowledgeable who think they know enough are too willing to reveal themselves.

  15. Daniel

