Metro Nashville Public Schools Considering Paying Up to $500,000 for Additional Diversity Consultant


Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) may award up to $500,000 in a contract for a new diversity consultant. MNPS Board of Education is considering an addition for the school district’s Diversity Business Enterprise (DBE) Program.

The MNPS diversity consultant, if approved, would be Gwendolyn Sims. She runs the Sims Strategic Diversity Consultants, which specializes in DBEs as well as diversity programs and management for contractors and companies. She’s identified as “Gwendolyn Davis” on her website.

The contract would last from July of this year to June 2026. Additionally, Davis would be paid $100 per hour. The MNPS board noted that the rate for their diversity consultant would be subject to an annual escalation adjustment.

According to the board agenda, the grading scale for the new MNPS diversity consultant would entail the amount and quality of diverse businesses the consultant manages to pull.

“EVALUATION: Based on effective implementation of the scope, schedule and processes; effectiveness of participation of minority, women-owned, and small businesses in MNPS procurement solicitations; quality of the outreach and technical training of minority, women-owned, and small businesses; and quality of the program compliance, monitoring, and reporting,” stated the agenda.

The MNPS DBE Program is a program aimed at expanding the amount of contracts awarded to businesses that are ethnic, women-owned, small, or service-disabled veteran-owned. According to the MNPS Policies and Procedures regarding the DBE Program, the DBE classification of small businesses refers to those businesses who are owned by 51 percent or more of the following: minorities, women, or service-disabled veterans.

Minorities are classified as African Americans, Native Americans, Latino Americans, and/or Asian Americans.

MNPS cited the Tennessee Code provision that permits school districts to set aside procurements for up to 10 percent of work – which may be used for DBE initiatives.

The next MNPS Board of Education meeting is scheduled for Tuesday at 5 p.m. CST.

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Corinne Murdock is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Gwendolyn Sims” by Gwendolyn Sims and “Nashville at Night” is by Sims Strategic Diversity Consultants.






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7 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Public Schools Considering Paying Up to $500,000 for Additional Diversity Consultant”

  1. If Nashvillians continue to put up with this left coast assault on normalcy, decency, morality and, let their racist Marxist agenda get stronger, Nashville will be another Portland or a San Francisco. That is their goal and many of these people came from there or other Democrat Hells Won’t be safe to walk the streets, taxes much higher, Law and order will be gone and Nashville will be further down the road to being another democrat Hell! Send them back to California, and Chicago, and Baltimore, and NYC! They come to Tennessee we expect them to b Tennesseans/Patriots not Marxists!

  2. Dal ANDREW

    Stop Biden’s forced feeding of CRT down our Children’s’ schools. Comment now. May 20th will be to late.
    We have only until May 19 to submit comments on Biden’s proposed rule: PROPOSED PRIORITIES; AMERICAN HISTORY AND CIVICS EDUCATION. Comments are easily submitted at: That site provides text of the rule, instructions and space for individual comments as well as opportunity to attach/insert reference material/documents.

    Do not be swayed by the meritorious sounding title. When seeking to understand what Critical Race Theory (CRT) is look to the expert for his definition:

    As CRT’s most recognized proponent, Ibram X. Kendi, puts it:

    The defining question is whether the discrimination is creating equity or inequity.
    If discrimination is creating equity, then it is antiracist.
    If discrimination is creating inequity, then it is racist. . . .

    The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination.
    The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.
    The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.

  3. Fireguy

    Hire me. I will do it for half of what she is charging and give you better honest and unbiased results.

  4. What a scam. The Metro school system is already a certified failure. Now waste another half-a-million dollars to cement its legacy. Great! Time for school vouchers. Diversity training/evaluation is the new scam. Much of it is fueled by white guilt, unfortunately. As is always the case with the left: “No answers? Throw cash.” It will make zero improvement, but they’ll feel better.

  5. LM

    I’m SO glad my grandchildren do not attend school here. I hope if they start this crap where they do attend that my children home school them. I have never been an advocate of home schooling until the past 6 months. This country is based on principles that people have fought and died for , and whoever doesn’t like it , call it racist , or white extremism , or whatever, they need to get out of the country and stay out. Maybe the Patriots of this country will eventually get sick enough of it to stand together and run them out.

  6. Gordon Shumway

    waste. of. money.

  7. Ms Independent

    Total BS. Get your children out of this school district!


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