Metro Nashville Public Schools Partner with Vanderbilt University to Address ‘Educational Inequities’


Metro Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College are partnering to address ‘educational inequities’ in the Nashville area.

According to the two groups, the project will have the goal of “producing actionable, innovative and scalable research to address racial and social inequities in pre-K-12 schools.”

Specifically, Vanderbilt University will offer the public school system resources and research opportunities with the goal of improving outcomes for students.

“The roots of educational inequities in our city are complex and multi-faceted. Enduring challenges have only been compounded by COVID-19 and our city’s recent growth. These are issues that defy easy answers. But together, we can start to address them through rigorous research and collaboration. Drawing on data and history, we can find new ways to improve access and belonging and to reduce disparities in educational outcomes. And we can create new pathways and opportunities for the students of today, who are also Nashville’s future citizens and leaders,” Vanderbilt Chancellor Daniel Diermeier said.

However, the precise actions of the new, broad partnership, entitled Nashville Partnership for Educational Equity Research, will be developed as the partnership continues, as the groups will work together to determine the best approach.

While it is unclear what specific actions the partnership will produce, the agenda of the partnership will be determined by a “steering committee,” composed of Vanderbilt and MNPS officials.

“We are all aware of the issues faced by public schools in Nashville and throughout the country relating to disproportionality and inequities for academic and social-emotional learning outcomes,” MNPS Director of Schools Adrienne Battle said. “Identifying the most effective solutions to eliminate those inequities represents the most difficult challenge we face—but also the biggest reward if we’re successful.”

This is not the first time the two organizations have worked closely. In the past, Vanderbilt students have offered tutoring services to students in MNPS.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Peabody College Students” by Vanderbilt Peabody College.







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7 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Public Schools Partner with Vanderbilt University to Address ‘Educational Inequities’”

  1. Mark Knofler

    I can save you some money….stop hiring DUMB teachers!! There fixed it for you…you’re welcome.

  2. JRin

    It’s the result of generations of feral “adults” having feral children

  3. Wolf Woman

    If they want to identify “effective solutions to eliminate those inequities” then they should start by examining the ghetto belief structure that holds that going to school, studying and hard work are being like “whitey.” They should look at the lyrics of rap music that denigrate women and make fun of law and order and the celebration of the materialistic/bling/drugged out lifestyle of the black artists They should look at the acceptance of baby mama and baby daddy and the welfare culture. And give a hard look at the politics that want to keep the Blacks enslaved to this culture for their votes.

    I don’t think the Peabody/Vanderbilt elitists are up for this job. And the MNPS, with its stellar socialist record, will be no help. And good luck to offering tutoring services to these kids. We tried that in the 1960’s. It’s like putting a bandaid on their life-threatening knife wound.

  4. RobertG

    All the issues Metro school students have start at the home. Quell the illegitimacy rate and divorce rate, keep the family unit as a whole, and the other issues disappear.

  5. Dr Ken

    So we have one liberal entity joining another liberal entity to address educational inequities. So two like minded groups with a narrowed view of the world strive to shift the K-12 school system to their thoughts? This passes no “stink test” and is more babble in the CRT or creating racial tension mindset. It is divisive and non productive. How about shifting institutional focus with the goal of improving student STEMM performance?

  6. Ms Independent

    Advice to parents- get your children out of metro schools!

  7. Let me understand this, the elitist, privileged Vanderbilt University, will lecture K-12 how to fix social and racial inequities? The poster child for whiteness? Will they be setting an example by offering minorities two free years of college? I love how they think they are the arbiters of all things equal. Oh, and their last-word expertise that is everything Covid.
