Michigan High School Fires Teacher After Pro-Trump Tweet


A Michigan high school is receiving backlash after it fired a teacher shortly after he tweeted “Trump is our president.”

Varsity baseball coach and social studies teacher Justin Kucera said that Walled Lake school district gave him the option of being fired or resigning after he had tweeted his support of President Trump and for reopening schools, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

“I was required to meet with [human resources], the superintendent, and my principal [on July 10],’ Kucera told the outlet. “They initially took my statement on why I tweeted those tweets and they told me they would have a decision about my future employment in the upcoming days. When they completed the meeting, I was told I had the option to either be fired or resign.”


Kucera had tweeted support of Trump on July 6, as well as retweeted a message from the president saying “schools must open in the fall.” He said his intent was to unify, not divide.

“I know a lot of people are just rooting for Trump to fail, and I don’t think that anybody should do that,” Kucera told the Free Beacon. “Agree with him or not, you should want the president to do well. I apologized that [my tweet] brought so much negative attention, but I’m not sorry for what I said.”

Multiple sources also told the outlet that Kucera refrained from bringing politics into the classroom.

The school district said it does not comment on personnel issues “as a matter of policy and practice,” according to The Blaze, but said that “these are difficult times in our community and across our country.”

“When issues arise there’s a temptation to view items through the lens of our fractured political discourse. Walled Lake encourages students and staff members to engage each other with mutual respect and civility,” the district told The Blaze. “We believe in the power of education and critical thinking. We believe vigorous community discussion, done with civility and mutual respect, leads to productive and innovative outcomes. In the Walled Lake Schools’ educational setting, we encourage positive discourse and working together to make decisions that benefit our community.”

The Free Beacon also reported that several other teachers have made political remarks both inside and outside the classroom, but still kept their jobs. Paulette Loe, a now-retired Walled Lake Western teacher, encouraged students to read an article from the Atlantic about how to beat Trump. Nicole Estes, who is still employed at Keith Elementary School, called Trump a “sociopath” and a “narcissist” on Facebook in 2016.

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Jordyn Pair is a reporter with The Michigan Star. Follow her on Twitter at @JordynPair. Email her at [email protected].
Photo “Justin Kucera” by Justin Kucera. 






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19 Thoughts to “Michigan High School Fires Teacher After Pro-Trump Tweet”

  1. John MINNELLA

    This action by the school administration appears to be totally illegal. I hope he sues the hell out of them and wins big time!

    1. Mary Ruschkewicz

      Such a bright man this lad is. He should be reinstated and head for the principal’s job. He could put a winning spin on this school. He knows what’s happening in America so he is stating a fact that regardless who our President is, we, according to the Bible, must support our Presidents. AMEN?

  2. Jeffrey Good

    I would support a go fund me page for this guy to sue the school…..who’s with me?

    1. Kari

      Yes, I think that’s a great idea. He is entitled to his opinion. Whether I agree or disagree with him. Is this still America? Where is our free speech?

    2. Jerry shortsleeves

      and I would for sure make a donation

  3. Judy Jett

    I would get a good lawyer and sue the district!!!!

  4. Randall Bissonette

    We should be ashamed,we are all guilty of not uniting Americans,all colors and creed,it’s time to wake up America 🇺🇸🙏

  5. Jerry Parr

    walled lake board of education should be fired for allowing the firing of this guy……..really?????

  6. Carolyn Stephens

    I would think he could sue the school which should be his course of action Free speech is for all not just if you or the school is in agreement .

  7. Bart Moran

    And then the calendar reached the year 2020. Things were going incredibly well until it was learned that a bat bit a snake in Wuhan China and caused the transmission of a virus. Someone then ate the snake and this set off a chain reaction like none in modern times.
    The government then declared a pandemic and told us all we could die from the virus. There were mandated lock downs, businesses were deemed essential or non-essential, schools closed, colleges closed, all mass gatherings including church and funeral services were declared illegal. Sporting events were cancel. Individuals who did not comply were arrested and jailed. The jails had plenty of room because inmates had been released to avoid infection. Face masks were mandated under penalty of laws which had never been actually passed.
    As it came to pass, several large protest events irrupted as a result of some non-compliant individuals of racial minority dying while in the course and scope of being arrested. Riots, civil unrest, burning of government buildings, tearing down of statues, and demands for the de-funding of police departments were wide spread. Divisiveness was the call of the day and anyone who spoke in favor of the President of the United States was duly punished.

  8. Debra Johnson

    Really…this is what this world is coming to that you can’t even speak your mind out on social media! This has nothing to do with his job! Walled Lake schools you are totally wrong to let this happen!

    1. Ann Whitman

      I agree! Schools should not have any say about what political party your affiliated with! Just goes to prove that our education system is biased!

  9. Deplorable Bay Stater

    Does anyone still wonder why Michigan is going to Hell in a hand-basket? They apparently have a lot of morons in positions of authority. Thank God I live in a Blue state with a RINO governor. At least here in Massachusetts, nobody makes any pretense of being even-handed…it’s just a given that if you’re not a Marxist, you’re considered worthless.

  10. Judy

    We live close to Walled Lake and had grandsons who attended this school district for several years. Wow! Where is the union! I am a retired teacher and have personally seen/heard teachers “coach” their students of the evils of Republicans running for office. At one meeting our director of the school spit across her shoulder as she mentioned a Republican president’s name. Hopefully, Justin can stand against the political wind. Be strong!

  11. Richard Hazeltine

    No teacher union?

  12. More Than 20 Countries Are Reopening Schools. The U.S. Should Take Note.
    As Science magazine reports, over 20 countries reopened schools in June, and some, like Taiwan, Nicaragua, and Sweden, never closed them to begin with. Day cares remained open for essential workers in many countries, and although there are exceptions, outbreaks have generally been rare.

    1. Paul Sebesta

      That is beyond ridiculous and no wonder Michigan is in chaos. Not to mention ignoring free speech, especially on his own social media.

  13. Alex

    Good job not backing down. This type of activity is unacceptable and the school district should face repercussion. You have my support!

  14. James Mausner

    I sure hope the teacher that the Walled lake school district sued the crap out of them. Good luck coach. Looks like a slam dunk for you.
