‘More American Tax Dollars’: Jim Jordan Calls Out Biden Admin for Prioritizing Ukraine Aid

by Harold Hutchison


Republican Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio blasted the Biden administration for what he viewed as prioritizing aid to Ukraine during a Monday appearance on Fox Business Network.

“I’m all for helping Ukraine, I just don’t think it should be the American taxpayer continuing to give and give and give,” Jordan said. “So you know, again, let’s hope he moves in the right direction as it seems to be doing and we want Ukraine to prevail in this — in this war, but let’s be supportive but I don’t know that we need to be sending a bunch of more American tax dollars there.”


“You can talk to the folks I get the privilege of representing across the 4th District, folks I see all over the country, they want to focus on the concerns we have right here in the United States,” Jordan continued.

Congress and the Biden administration approved a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine in May after Russian forces invaded on Feb. 24. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced $2 billion in military aid for Ukraine Thursday following a drawdown from American military stockpiles.

“I’m not for this — spending this additional $13, $14 billion whatever he’s proposing now,” Jordan said about the latest request from Biden. “I mean, I opposed the last — I think it was $40 or $50 billion that the Biden Administration wanted. So — but yeah, we should always be talking — see if there’s a way we can work this out.”

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Harold Hutchison is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.



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One Thought to “‘More American Tax Dollars’: Jim Jordan Calls Out Biden Admin for Prioritizing Ukraine Aid”

  1. william delzell

    I agree that the U.S. should not shoulder the tax burden in aiding Ukraine. Nor should we try to perpetuate this war by forcing both parties to fight to exhaustion and mass extermination.

    We should use those taxes for useful DOMESTIC purposes like ugrading our transport (rail, street, sidewalk, bike-way) infrastructure, raising teacher and clerical salaries to levels enabling one to afford a home for their family and a good public school for their children to promote more upward mobility, etc. Quit wasting U.S. tax-payer money on military adventures and military spending. Quit subsidizing Israel and other parasitical countries!
