Morgan Ortagus Demonstrates Limited Knowledge of Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District She Seeks to Represent

Morgan Ortagus

Live from Music Row Monday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed former Trump administration Department of State Spokesperson Morgan Ortagus in studio to answer questions about Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District.

Leahy: It’s that time of day again, not for “News Potpourri.” We have a candidate for the 5th Congressional District in our studio, and we’re going to play a different game called “Taking the Fifth.”

All right. You’re a good sport here to play the game. Morgan Ortagus is here. We have candidates come in and we ask them their knowledge of the 5th Congressional District. Are you ready?

Ortagus: Yes.

Leahy: Here we go. What three interstate highways are located in the 5th Congressional District?

Ortagus: I’m a terrible driver. (Laughs) I don’t know that. I don’t drive anywhere that I go.

Leahy: Okay. It’s I-65, I-40, and I-24.

A country music superstar, a famous, multi-Grammy-Award-winning performer, has a popular winery in the center of the 5th district in Arrington, Tennessee.

Ortagus: I have been to that winery. It’s great – I love that winery. I bought some wine.

Leahy: Who owns it?

Ortagus: I don’t know who owns it, but I love it. We went there for the summer and had a picnic outside. It was beautiful.

Leahy: Kix Brooks. He’s a Tennessean.

Here’s one: Who was Brigadier General Robert Reese Neyland?

Ortagus: Fifth.

Leahy: Legendary Tennessee football coach. Neyland Stadium was named after him.

There are four previous Republican governors who are still living, and live in Tennessee. Can you name them?

Ortagus: Well, let’s see. All four of them. No. I know Lee and Haslam. I met with Haslam right after I moved here. What a nice guy. And then, of course, I’ve met Governor Lee.

Leahy: Dunn, Alexander, Sundquist.

One of the most famous NASCAR drivers living today lives in the 5th District and has a large auto dealership in Franklin. Who is that?

Ortagus: My husband is the car guy. He used to race. He knows all of the racing stuff.

Leahy: Darrell Waltrip.

This is a Tennessee one, okay?

Ortagus: I think they all are Tennessee ones.

Leahy: Crom, this might be interesting for you. Who was the only Tennessee governor who ever served time in prison for crimes committed while in office?

Ortagus: Ooh.

Carmichael: I know that one. (Leahy laughs)

Leahy: (Chuckles) Well, we’ll give you a hint. He’s a Democrat.

Ortagus: Yes, I was just going to say…

Leahy: You know the party, Ray Blanton.

A rather well-known Confederate general – one whose name and history have been a source of enormous controversy in Tennessee the last few years – was born and raised in the community of Chapel Hill, in the 5th district. Who was he?

Ortagus: I don’t know.

Leahy: Nathan Bedford Forrest.

What county is Chapel Hill in?

Ortagus: I don’t know.

Leahy: Marshall County. It’s in your district.

Listen to the segment:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Morgan Ortagus” by Morgan Ortagus.


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173 Thoughts to “Morgan Ortagus Demonstrates Limited Knowledge of Tennessee’s 5th Congressional District She Seeks to Represent”

  1. […] interview given by an American political figure today. If you want to cringe — hard — read this short but brutal exchange between the Tennessee Star and Trump-backed carpetbagger Morgan Ortagus, who was raised in Florida […]

  2. […] Patrick Leahy on Monday for his radio show on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. At one point, Leahy asked her to play a game called “Taking the Fifth” to test her knowledge about the […]

  3. […] Patrick Leahy on Monday for his radio show on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. At one point, Leahy asked her to play a game called “Taking the Fifth” to test her knowledge about the […]

  4. Terry

    Just another reason why I don’t trust Trump and all of his globalist Js that he endorses. More and more Trump appears to be controlled opposition.

  5. Publius

    Ex-reporter for a major Nashville paper here. I am a conservative Republican, and love Morgan.

    But come on. Read a daily briefing book on Nashville. Study one hour a day. This is terrible. She could be toast.

  6. Ron

    She is counting on Tennesseans being so stupid that they will vote for her just because she worked with Trump.

  7. BB

    That was a disaster.

    If I know the names of the interstates in Morgan Ortagus’ hometown of Washington, DC (I-95, I-295, I-395 and I-495), she can at least learn the name of one of our Interstates before running for Congress. She owns a home in DC, but not in the 5th District. Where do they get these people?

  8. lb

    Gosh this is embarrassing and humiliating–she knew NOTHING about the District/State she is running to represent. Anyone who votes for her is a fool and as uninformed as she is so both should sit this one out.

  9. Bob Marsh

    I wish her well but can’t support her.

  10. Aries9899

    I listened to part of that interview. I burst out laughing to myself when I heard Morgan pronounce Maury County. She said it like someone who isn’t familiar with M AU ry county. Instead of saying it like Murry County she said it with the A sounding. I’m originally from the North and have lived here for 17 yrs and I learned real quick that it was like Murry not M AU ry. She lost that test too. The rest of what I heard was a lot of deflecting on questions because she had no clue about the district she is saying she wants to represent.

    She went into a local interview totally unprepared and that talks volumes to me. She needs to live here and get involved for a few years and then take a shot at her political aspiration for TN office. Until then, she needs to move on.

  11. Steve Allen

    Given the donks history of underhanded election behavior I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if she represents the next phase of democratic cheating.

    As it’s obvious the democrats have been undermining our election process for decades, there is no reason to not believe that their next step, that they have been planning all this time, is to get their undercover “Manchurian Candidates” elected under the guise of being republican/conservative and then once in office vote leftist.

    1. Kyle

      Blah blah blah, it’s always some grand conspiracy with you people. Can’t even take responsibility for your own terrible candidates. Pathetic.

      1. Steve Allen

        On the subject of pathetic candidates… about the current president of the United States and his sidekick cackles. They are the worst people to hold these offices in my life time, and that includes living through the Carter administration.

        1. Extreme nationalism is humanity's downfall

          Exactly how many decades have the Democrats been undermining our elections? One decade? Three decades? Six decades? You mentioned the Carter administration, perhaps that’s your initial reference point (I too will admit it was rocky) but was it a leftist plot to elect Reagan? Maybe Reagan was too tough on autocracy for your taste. How about George H.W. or George W? Their bellicose foreign policy decisions may have ultimately been misguided, but I assume you agreed with them at the time. What about Trump, that wasn’t even a decade ago, was his election a liberal conspiracy? I’m terrified to ask, but is Trump considered too mild for you? Maybe you finally figured out that Trump is just a narcissist who doesn’t really care about helping his political base. It is a daunting prospect that radicalized conservatives are starting to believe that Trump is part of a globalist plot. That is way beyond farcical, especially given Trump’s isolationist policies and extreme nationalism. Do you not understand the danger within the bellicose statements you made below? Do you have any understanding of history? Do you not understand that the very thing you are rooting for would cost you your freedom too? How can you call yourself a conservative when you clearly have no love for “conserving” democracy and freedom. How can you support methods that clearly violate our constitution? Why do you feel so much hate towards others when we all belong to the same species? I just don’t understand. Personally, it disappoints me that there is still so much ignorance and refusal to acknowledge history. As a fellow southerner, it also disappoints me that this stubborn refusal to evolve is so prevalent in our region and will continue to proliferate the stereotype that all southerners are bigoted and uneducated. So Steve, I suppose I am just as frustrated with the world as you are, but I am praying for a more peaceful and balanced outcome.

          1. Steve Allen

            Extreme Nationalism is Humanities Downfall:

            Let me respond to a few of your comments below.

            As to Reagan; for a president with incite, cleaning up the mess the Democrats made of America under the Carter administration was easy. Unfortunately Reagan was acting like all politicians, running deals behind America’s back. The Bush dynasty; while I, like so many other Americas, believed what he said was true, in retrospect G.W. was a globalist disguised as a Republican, and did more harm than good for working class Americans by encouraging the outsourcing of American jobs to the Far East.

            As to the Trump election(s); the 2016 was a shock to the Democrats because they thought for sure that Clinton was going to win as they were still high from eight years of the community organizer. The 2020 election will go down in history as one of the most dishonest elections in America. If you still believe that election was fair and honest you need to broaden your scope. If the Republicans gain control of congress in 2022, this crime will finally get the attention it needs. Yes Donald Trump is a bit bombastic, but he is a successful business man and our Nation needs to be run like a business and not only as global charity program. This is one of the core differences between the Left (globalist view) and the Right (nationalist view). I don’t care if President Trump hates my guts, its results that matter to me. When my family’s economic prosperity is comfortable I am happy. America was more economically stable and successful under Trump than any other president in the last fifty years. Most likely, during the 2024 presidential primary election, Donald Trump will not be my choice for the Republican nominee. If he becomes the Republican candidate I will vote for him.

            As to “preserving democracy and freedom”; that is now the standard cry from the Left (calling everyone who disagrees with liberalism a racist comes a close second). This line is used most often in response to Republican sponsored legislation to require voters to present an ID when they vote. Something like 75% of Americans want voter ID laws. The liberal/socialists do not want voter ID laws because it will make it harder to cheat during elections. How is it possible that requiring a person to prove they are an American citizen is in violation of the Constitution? People who are not U.S. citizens have no business voting in our elections.

            To accuse me of hating others is disingenuous. How do you possibly know my beliefs? Just because I hold conservative values does not mean I hate anyone. This is such liberal clap trap. It seems these days that anyone who liberals find offensive are racists and full of hate. How can having a desire to protect my Constitutional freedom be a threat democracy and freedom? People on the Left seem to think that in America democracy and freedom are for everyone, especially those in this country illegally. Again, it’s not that I hate anyone, I am just highly suspicious of those who history has shown are intent on doing me harm.

            Having lived in Vermont for thirty years, and now living in Tennessee I take acceptation to this statement; “As a fellow southerner, it also disappoints me that this stubborn refusal to evolve is so prevalent in our region and will continue to proliferate the stereotype that all southerners are bigoted and uneducated.” The bigotry towards conservative Southerners is only in the eyes of liberals, especially those from “the North”. As a conservative the only people I take issue with (and I don’t care what their political identity is) are those who continue to attempt to take away my existing rights as numerated in the Bill of Rights. And over the last twenty years that appears to be mostly those of a liberal/socialist mindset.

            While these exchanges have migrated away from the original topic of the article, I believe we have shared what is truly driving the rift in America, which is the globalist view (driven by entities outside of our Nation) and the nationalist view. It is truly unfortunate that this rift is only going to grow wider as conservative Americans are not going to let the globalists deny us our Constructional freedoms.

    2. Colin

      Just to clarify, your theory here is that this person who worked for Fox News, the Trump administration, and has been endorsed by Trump is actually a democrat? And they are going on the radio acting like a moron to get republicans to vote for her…so she can flip after the election and become a democrat?

      1. Steve Allen


        First of all, just because President Trump endorsed her doesn’t anointed her as a Conservative.

        Second, Alison Camarada and Chris Wallace both worked for Fox News and are not what I even mildly consider conservatives. Working for Fox News does not automatically make you a conservative.

        Your statement that she went on the radio and acted like a moron cements my belief that she is a democrat. The current democratic party is controlled by lying, cheating, and totally immoral people who deserve no quarter and in the coming years will suffer the consequences of their treasonous behavior.

        1. Franky

          Lol you might actually be retarded

        2. Franky

          So, again just to be clear, you believe that Trump is so uninformed that he has supported and continued to support someone who is actively working against him?

      2. JM

        Ruth Bader Ginsburg was her neighbor in DC and presided over her wedding. This carpetbagger will not get my vote.

    3. Ayem Yose

      She came from Fox News …served as one of tump’s State Department spokespersons.

    4. Chris Chamberlain

      Dude, you REALLY need to stop drinking the Trump Kool-Aide!

    5. Reita

      She has is backed by Trump. And he choses the best people!

  12. True Dat

    Good heavens! I heard this interview and, if anyone in the 5th district was listening, she immediately lost their vote. She will probably not be on the ballot anyway considering she doesn’t legally qualify.

  13. I was looking forward to this interview with Morgan Ortagus but missed it today, I hope you replay it in full later in the week.

    1. BB

      Why? She an opportunist air head.

    2. Captain Obvious

      Gil, what are you? Some kind of f-ing idiot? The transcript is printed and there is even the audio below it.

  14. TJ

    I would vote for a homeless person from Antioch before this fool! She is a joke!

  15. Stuart I. Anderson

    Sorry folks, the fact that Madam No plops herself down here and arrogantly decides only she should be our Congressman is on an emotional basis more than a little off-putting, but on an intellectual basis, which after all is how adults should make decisions, that’s not the major reason why she and all the other candidates except Harwell and Ogles should not even be considered. Members of the No Record Candidate platoon should not be considered because they have made no record for themselves in elected office to give us any idea how they will behave in congress. U. S. Congressman is too high an office and this country has deteriorated too far for conservatives to risk sending anyone to congress without having any idea of what they stand for other than their telling us what they believe we want to hear during an election campaign.

    1. Cryan

      Never-Trump RINO Harwell supporters are only promoting Ogles to protect RINO Bill Lee. Ogles must run against Bill Lee or we are doomed for generations. Harwell is a RINO. Vote Starbuck.
