Multiple Cases of Omicron Variant Detected in Tennessee

Person with mask on holding COVID vaccine


Officials in multiple jurisdictions throughout Tennessee have detected cases of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

Shelby County reported the first case of the new variant. New cases were discovered on Thursday by both the Metro Nashville Public Health Department and the Hamilton County Health Department.

According to a release from Metro officials, the case was detected in an individual who recently traveled to South Africa—the location where the Omicron variant first became widespread. Furthermore, the person had received both rounds of the coronavirus vaccine series and a booster shot. Experiencing mild symptoms, the infected individual did not require hospitalization.

In order to prevent spread of the variant, the department recommended the return to indoor masking where positive cases of COVID-19 are in high numbers.

The day Nashville officials discovered the variant in the area was the anniversary of the first vaccine that was administered in the fight against the virus.

While celebrating the medical accomplishment, Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey urged residents of the state to get vaccinated.

“From the first days when vaccine was in high demand with limited supply, to today where it is widely available to everyone, public health and health care frontline workers have been the steady force,” said Piercey. “The COVID-19 vaccine is the best defense we have against the continued spread of the virus. As we continue to see new variants, we must understand we now live in a world where COVID-19 is present. The vaccine drastically reduces serious outcomes and protects you and those in your closest circles.”

After peaking in late summer, cases in Tennessee continued to decline until last month. The rise of the variant has caused some to worry about the return of economic shutdowns that crippled the country’s economy last year.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for The Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].




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11 Thoughts to “Multiple Cases of Omicron Variant Detected in Tennessee”

  1. tina henschen

    The comments here are why I hate Tn so much. Pure ignorance. Covid will never end, because idiocy and ignorance will never end. The Trumpublican party alive and well in s*hole state of Tennessee

    1. Steve Allen

      Tina, if you hate TN so much why don’t you move to VT, NY, or one of the other states that are controlled by the left that so many people are fleeing?

      The virus house of cards is beginning to fall apart and the clowns in Washington know it. Their next step is to amp up the fear mongering for the omicron variant even though it is proving to be far less deadly. They know they are going to get the mother of all shellackings in the 2022 election, and their intent is to cheat using mail in ballots because of the new variant..

      But the real question is; why does everyone on the face of the earth need to be vaccinated from a virus that is no more deadly than the seasonal flu?

  2. 83ragtop50

    The liars are not going to run my life. I feel sorry that so many Americans are so stupid that they believe the lies being told by the bureaucrats and politicians who are paid by us.

  3. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    Run for the hills! We are all going to die!

  4. Karen

    So, can someone please explain how they know it’s the “omicron” variant? When “delta” “came out” it was stated that there is no test to tell the difference between the variants. So, please, someone enlighten me on this new scam!

    Once you see the marionette strings, you can’t “unsee” them! Will they wait until the whole world can see them before they admit this has been a plandemic?

    1. Cannoneer2

      PCR (Polymerase Chain reaction) is used to detect positives, and genetic screening is then used to determine the variant.

  5. Steve Allen

    And how many people have actually died due to it??? As viruses mutate they become more communicable but less deadly. But that fact isn’t going to stand in the way of the Biden administration and the globalists as they continue to force vaccinations on every single person in the world. As the media continues to lie that the unvaccinated are those in the hospitals, just the opposite is the case. Nationally and internationally all you have to do is look at the states and countries with the highest vaccination rates and you will see that they also have very high infection rates. And remember just because someone tests positive and therefore becomes a “case” that doesn’t mean they are even ill.

  6. John

    “….and protects you and those in your closest circles.”

    A blatant and outright lie!


  7. rick

    Sick of hearing this never ending scamdemic, the commiecrats will never let this go! Even Africa has stopped tabulating the number of cases on this strain because it so mild. The three “s” hole cities have reported the virus and one more to go , Knoxville. A story on this is equal to a story on Commie Cooper or Steve Cohen, both being a POS!

  8. Tony

    Run for your lives….the seasonal flu is back! Rush out and listen to your favorite tyrant, ” Take your poison and boost boost boost” be good little slaves marching to an early demise.
