Nashville Criminals Steal Guns, Take Advantage of Drivers Who Won’t Lock Doors


Thieves throughout Nashville are stealing firearms from other people’s vehicles and even stealing the vehicles themselves because the owners aren’t locking the doors to their respective vehicles.

“This, according to a press release that members of the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) published this week.

”A review of stolen gun reports in Nashville from Sunday, May 16, through Saturday, May 22, shows that 10 guns were stolen from cars and trucks, eight from unlocked vehicles. These guns are routinely taken from autos in parking garages and those parked outside night clubs, private residences, hotels, and short term rental properties,” according to the press release.

“Those involved in these thefts are often young people who later use these weapons in violent criminal acts, including homicide. So far this year, 320 guns have been stolen from vehicles.”

MNPD officials said vehicle burglaries go hand-in-hand with vehicle theft.

“A review of stolen vehicle reports in Nashville during this same reporting period shows that 61 percent of the automobiles taken (38 of 62) were easy targets because the keys were left inside or made available to thieves,” the press release said.

“Four of the 62 vehicles stolen were left running without the driver present. Just like guns taken from vehicles, these stolen autos are also routinely involved in additional criminal activities, including car jackings and robberies. The MNPD strongly encourages Nashvillians to lock their automobile doors, secure any valuables — especially guns, and REMOVE THE KEYS. These simple actions will go a long way in preventing crime and could very well save a life.”

As The Tennessee Star has reported several times, thieves and convicted felons throughout the state frequently bypass traditional and legal methods to obtain firearms — even though they are not supposed to have them.

One example, as reported in March, occurred in the western part of the state where officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western District of Tennessee sentenced an already convicted felon to 88 months in prison for possessing a firearm.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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6 Thoughts to “Nashville Criminals Steal Guns, Take Advantage of Drivers Who Won’t Lock Doors”

  1. […] Tennessee Star reported earlier this year, that from May, when the number of guns stolen was only 320, that many of the […]

  2. Nashville Deplorable

    It’s not illegal to leave your car unlocked. It is illegal to burglarize a car. So stop blaming victims.

  3. Chris

    I have a better idea for the MNPD.

    Instead of haranguing us with stories about lackadaisical gun owners who don’t lock their cars, why not simply post race-based crime statistics for this type of crime in Nashville.

    We all know that people who don’t lock their cars (unless their convertibles), are not very smart.

    But let us see who is actually committing the underlying crimes.

  4. 83ragtop50

    Does anyone else remember the days when one could leave their cars and homes unlocked without fear of them being stolen or invaded?

    So much for the supposed advancement of the American society. It seems that the only advancement is in the ways and means for criminals to commit crimes and not be punished.

  5. Ron W

    Starting July 1, there will be no reason to leave but in your vehicle. Anyone with a gun, CARRY IT ON YOUR PERSON. Never leave it in your vehicle!

  6. Some Dude

    The “do-nothing but raise and SPEND taxes to achieve nothing “Democrat Party leadership is destroying Nashville.

    Nashville’s population, along with Chattanooga’s and Memphis’ will drag all of Tennessee down into the Democrat Party control.

    Joe Biden, and the Democrat Party, “won” the presidency by ONLY winning 17% of all 3,141 USA’s counties. They only needed to win a few large cities, to win each state, to grab The USA. The same thing is happening to Tennessee.

    And all our Rights will suffer, in time.


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