Nashville Will ‘Fill Up’ with Illegal Aliens if President Joe Biden is Re-Elected: Experts

Executive director Mark Krikorian, senior national security fellow Todd Bensman, and director of policy studies Jessica Vaughan with the Center for Immigration Studies said Nashville will inevitably become overrun with illegal aliens if President Joe Biden is re-elected later this year and his administration’s refusal to enforce immigration laws continues for another four years.

Krikorian explained a second Biden term would force illegal migrants to Nashville as the capacity of current sanctuary cities including Chicago, Denver, and New York City would be full.

“Four more years of Biden and you will [have illegal migrants in Nashville] because eventually, there’s just nowhere else for them to go to – New York, Chicago, Denver…Nashville is an attractive place to go. I run a think tank – we don’t get involved in elections, but if there’s another Biden administration, you’re going to see it here, in Nashville, because at some point, other places just fill up and they’re going to look for the next place to go,” Krikorian explained on Thursday’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy.

Vaughan said that migrants will become “aware of where the jobs are, where the cost of living is reasonable, and where they’re giving free stuff,” leading Bensman to explain how word of that would make its way to migrants who are in the process of making the journey from South America to the U.S.

“I’ve never met a migrant that didn’t have an absolutely top of the line modern cell phone for their trip,” Bensman noted. “The immigrants that I would interview downstream would be like, “Well, we’re going to New York because we hear all of our friends are getting all the stuff.” They got their ears on for who’s giving what, where.”

In regards to a potential Trump presidency, Vaughan and Bensman said that a mass deportation effort would cause a “massive freak out” led by immigrant caucuses or advocacy groups and local governments instructing law enforcement to not cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

“It’s going to be ugly…you’re going to have a political backlash to whatever happens,” Bensman said.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Busses Depart the Southern Border with Illegal Aliens” by



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5 Thoughts to “Nashville Will ‘Fill Up’ with Illegal Aliens if President Joe Biden is Re-Elected: Experts”

  1. Tim Price

    The Democrats in Nashville think this would be great until Nashville become like New York and Chicago where tax payers are expected to foot the bill for illegals. Then they will send them to every small town around Nashville.

    They might well cause violence!

  2. Randall Davidson

    unacceptable. Brandon must be voted out…..

  3. Ron W

    People actually voted for this! Will they keep on when it directly impacts them?

    Otherwise it’s aiding and abetting an invasion of the States. According to Article III, Section 3 and Article IV, Section 4, it is “treason”!

  4. mike

    I’m 60 miles south of Nashville and it looks like Mexico. New gas station even has Spanish signs on bathroom doors. I’ve dealt with illegals since the early 70’s in South Houston, I’ve been done with it for decades.

  5. levelheadedconservative

    Yup, coming soon to a city near you. Chaos in one form or another brought to you by Joe Biden and the Democrats. Given the options, I’ll take the deportation chaos and hope that Americans will stand up for protecting ourselves from this invasion.
