New Tennessee Star Poll: President Trump’s Favorability Rating Remains Sky High Among Tennessee Republicans

President Trump rally

President Trump’s favorability rating remains sky high among Tennessee Republicans, according to a new poll released by The Tennessee Star on Wednesday.

A stunning 84 percent of Tennessee Republicans who are likely primary voters have a favorable view of President Trump, as opposed to just ten percent who have an unfavorable view according to the poll, which was conducted for The Tennessee Star by Triton Research.

The poll of 1,028 Tennessee Republican likely primary voters was conducted between December 12 and December 18 using IVR technology (automated phone response), and has a 3.1 percent margin of error.

The latest poll results measuring support for President Trump among Tennessee Republicans are virtually unchanged from the results of the June 2017 Tennessee Star Poll, which showed that President Trump had an 86 percent job approval rating with voters in his own party.

“Donald Trump is popular with Tennessee Republicans because he promised a conservative agenda and is delivering on it. There is a message here to the Republican Party. Conservatism is not a punch line for a speech. It is what we expect from our leaders,” Judson Phillips, a Tennessee attorney and founder of Tea Party Nation, tells The Tennessee Star.

“Sky-high approval numbers for Trump in Tennessee do not translate to similar numbers nationally, but they do show his resiliency among his base, particularly in red states like Tennessee,” Steve Gill, conservative Republican political strategist and media consultant, tells The Star, adding:

However, that support is not transferable, as we have seen in his endorsements of Luther Strange in the GOP primary in Alabama and for Roy Moore in the Alabama general election a week ago. Trump’s challenge is to turn policy wins, like passing his promised tax cuts, into a broader base of support for him, his remaining policy agenda items, and his Party in 2018. It won’t be easy, but if he wants to end up with larger majorities in the House and Senate the tax cuts will have to produce the promised jobs and economic growth that is being promised, and quickly.

“Trump’s approval ratings in Tennessee underscore why Corker’s have plummeted — Tennessee Republicans have made their choice regarding which of the two they support: the dependable conservative who is actually delivering on the promises he has made, from seeking to Build the Wall, Repeal and Replace Obamacare, Cut taxes and regulations in order to energize the economy and create jobs, and appoint Conservative Justices to the Supreme Court like Neil Gorsuch,” Andy Ogles, former State Director of Americans for Prosperity, tells The Star.

“Tennessee Republican primary candidates should learn a lesson from these poll numbers — you can’t be an anti-Trumper and expect to get much support, and mere lip service support for the President’s agenda isn’t likely to fool anybody,” Ogles adds.

In contrast to President Trump’s sky high approval rating of 84 percent among Tennessee Republicans, the approval rating for one of his loudest critics in either party, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), has plummeted to 22 percent among Tennessee Republicans.

UP NEXT: Tennessee Star Poll Reveals Movement in Tennessee Republican Primary for Governor (to be published tomorrow, Thursday)

Senate GOP Primary Poll Results (to be published Friday)

You can read page 1 of the poll results here:

Tennessee Star Poll of Likely Voters in Tennessee Republican Primary, December 2017


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One Thought to “New Tennessee Star Poll: President Trump’s Favorability Rating Remains Sky High Among Tennessee Republicans”

  1. Bob

    We love our President but hate our mayor that’s for sure!
